{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration import Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (options) import Distribution.Package import Distribution.Compiler import Distribution.System import Distribution.Version import Distribution.Text import Text.PrettyPrint import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import System.Process import System.Exit import System.Directory import System.FilePath import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as UTF8 import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List platformPackages = map PackageName ["array" ,"base", "bytestring" ,"containers", "cgi" ,"deepseq","directory" ,"extensible-extensions" ,"fgl","filepath" ,"GLUT" ,"haskell-src","haskell2010","haskell98","hpc","html","HUnit" ,"mtl" ,"network" ,"old-locale","old-time","OpenGL" ,"parallel","parsec","pretty","primitive","process" ,"QuickCheck" ,"random","regex-base","regex-compat","regex-posix" ,"split","stm","syb" ,"template-haskell","text","time","transformers" ,"unix" ,"vector" ,"xhtml" ,"zlib" ] -- FIXME use cabal's Version type. type Ver = String newtype AvailablePackages = AvailablePackages (M.Map PackageName [(String,L.ByteString)]) unPackageName :: PackageName -> String unPackageName (PackageName n) = n finPkgDesc :: GenericPackageDescription -> Either [Dependency] (PackageDescription, FlagAssignment) finPkgDesc = finalizePackageDescription [] (const True) buildPlatform (CompilerId buildCompilerFlavor (Version []{-[7, 6, 2]-} [])) [] packageDescOfBS bs = case parsePackageDescription $ UTF8.toString bs of ParseFailed _ -> Nothing ParseOk _ a -> Just a getAllPackageName :: AvailablePackages -> [PackageName] getAllPackageName (AvailablePackages apkgs) = M.keys apkgs getPackageVersions :: AvailablePackages -> PackageName -> Maybe [Ver] getPackageVersions (AvailablePackages apkgs) pn = sort . map fst <$> M.lookup pn apkgs getPackageDescription :: AvailablePackages -> PackageName -> Maybe Ver -> Maybe GenericPackageDescription getPackageDescription (AvailablePackages apkgs) pn mver = M.lookup pn apkgs >>= resolveVer mver >>= packageDescOfBS where resolveVer Nothing pdescs = lookup (maximum $ map fst pdescs) pdescs resolveVer (Just v) pdescs = lookup v pdescs foldallLatest :: Monad m => AvailablePackages -> a -> (a -> PackageName -> PackageDescription -> m a) -> m a foldallLatest apkgs acc f = foldM process acc (getAllPackageName apkgs) where process a pn = case finPkgDesc <$> getPackageDescription apkgs pn Nothing of Just (Right (pd, _)) -> f a pn pd _ -> return a loadAvailablePackages :: IO AvailablePackages loadAvailablePackages = do cabalAppDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal" let tarFile = cabalAppDir "packages" "hackage.haskell.org" "00-index.tar" foldl' mkMap (AvailablePackages M.empty) . listTar . Tar.read <$> L.readFile tarFile where listTar :: Show e => Tar.Entries e -> [([FilePath],L.ByteString)] listTar (Tar.Next ent nents) = case Tar.entryContent ent of Tar.NormalFile bs _ -> (splitPath $ Tar.entryPath ent, bs) : listTar nents _ -> listTar nents listTar Tar.Done = [] listTar (Tar.Fail err) = error ("failed: " ++ show err) mkMap :: AvailablePackages -> ([FilePath], L.ByteString) -> AvailablePackages mkMap (AvailablePackages acc) ([(dropTrailingPathSeparator -> packagename),packageVer,_],entBS) | packagename == "." = AvailablePackages acc | otherwise = AvailablePackages $ tweak (PackageName packagename) (dropTrailingPathSeparator packageVer) entBS acc where tweak !pname !pver !cfile !m = M.alter alterF pname m where alterF Nothing = Just [(pver,cfile)] alterF (Just z) = Just ((pver,cfile) : z) mkMap nacc _ = nacc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- data St = St { nextIndex :: !Int , indexTable :: M.Map PackageName Int , depsTable :: M.Map Int [Int] } deriving (Show,Eq) resolve pn = get >>= addOrGet where addOrGet st = maybe (add st) return $ M.lookup pn (indexTable st) add st = put (st { nextIndex = ni+1, indexTable = M.insert pn ni (indexTable st) }) >> return ni where ni = nextIndex st isProcessed pn = M.member pn <$> gets depsTable modifyDepsTable k f = modify (\st -> st { depsTable = M.alter f k (depsTable st) }) insertDep i j = modifyDepsTable i f where f Nothing = Just [j] f (Just z) = Just (j:z) generateDotM boxToColor f = do st <- execStateT f (St 1 M.empty M.empty) putStrLn "digraph projects {" forM_ (M.toList $ indexTable st) $ \((PackageName pn), i) -> do let extra = case boxToColor (PackageName pn) of Nothing -> "" Just c -> ", style=filled, fillcolor=" ++ c putStrLn (show i ++ " [label=\"" ++ pn ++ "\"" ++ extra ++ "];") forM_ (M.toList $ depsTable st) $ \(src,dsts) -> mapM_ (\dst -> putStrLn (show src ++ " -> " ++ show dst ++ ";")) dsts putStrLn "}" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- run apkgs hidePlatform hiddenPackages specifiedPackages = generateDotM colorize $ mapM_ loop specifiedPackages where colorize pn | pn `elem` specifiedPackages = Just "red" | pn `elem` platformPackages = Just "green" | otherwise = Nothing loop :: PackageName -> StateT St IO () loop pn = do pni <- resolve pn processed <- isProcessed pni unless processed $ do let desc = finPkgDesc <$> getPackageDescription apkgs pn Nothing case desc of Just (Right (d,_)) -> do let depNames = (if hidePlatform then filter (not . flip elem platformPackages) else id) $ filter (not . flip elem hiddenPackages) $ map (\(Dependency n _) -> n) $ buildDepends d mapM_ loop depNames mapM_ (resolve >=> insertDep pni) depNames _ -> return () ----------------------------------------------------------------------- data GraphFlag = Hide String | HidePlatform deriving (Show,Eq) graphOptions = [ Option ['h'] ["hide"] (ReqArg Hide "hide package") "package to hide" , Option [] ["hide-platform"] (NoArg HidePlatform) "hide all packages from the platform" ] doGraph args = case getOpt Permute graphOptions args of (o,n,[]) -> do availablePackages <- loadAvailablePackages let hidden = foldl' (\acc f -> case f of Hide p -> PackageName p : acc _ -> acc) [] o let hidePlatform = HidePlatform `elem` o run availablePackages hidePlatform hidden (map PackageName n) (_,_,errs) -> putStrLn "error parsing arguments:" >> mapM_ putStrLn errs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- diffOptions = [ ] doDiff args = case getOpt Permute diffOptions args of (_,n,[]) -> case n of [pname,v1,v2] -> runDiff (PackageName pname) v1 v2 _ -> error " diff " (_,_,errs) -> putStrLn "error parsing arguments:" >> mapM_ putStrLn errs where runDiff pname v1 v2 = do availablePackages <- loadAvailablePackages let mvers = getPackageVersions availablePackages pname case mvers of Nothing -> error ("no such package : " ++ show pname) Just vers -> do when (not $ elem v1 vers) $ error ("package doesn't have version " ++ show v1) when (not $ elem v2 vers) $ error ("package doesn't have version " ++ show v2) cabalUnpack pname v1 cabalUnpack pname v2 diff pname v1 v2 cleanup pname v1 v2 cabalUnpack (PackageName pn) v = do ec <- rawSystem "cabal" ["unpack", pn ++ "-" ++ v] case ec of ExitSuccess -> return () ExitFailure i -> error ("cabal unpack failed with error code: " ++ show i) diff (PackageName pn) v1 v2 = do let dir1 = pn ++ "-" ++ v1 let dir2 = pn ++ "-" ++ v2 _ <- rawSystem "diff" ["-Naur", dir1, dir2] return () cleanup (PackageName pn) v1 v2 = do mapM_ removeDirectoryRecursive [pn ++ "-" ++ v1, pn ++ "-" ++ v2] showVerconstr c = render $ Distribution.Text.disp c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- doRevDeps (map PackageName -> args) | null args = exitSuccess | otherwise = do availablePackages <- loadAvailablePackages founds <- foldallLatest availablePackages [] $ \a pkgname pkgDesc -> do let found = any (\(Dependency n _) -> n `elem` args) (buildDepends pkgDesc) if found then return ((pkgname, pkgDesc):a) else return a forM_ founds $ \(pkgname,pdesc) -> do let deps = filter (\(Dependency n _) -> n `elem` args) $ buildDepends pdesc putStrLn (unPackageName pkgname ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " (map showDep deps)) where showDep (Dependency p v) = unPackageName p ++ " (" ++ showVerconstr v ++ ")" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- doInfo (map PackageName -> args) = do availablePackages <- loadAvailablePackages forM_ args $ \arg -> do let vers = maybe (error ("no package " ++ show arg)) id $ getPackageVersions availablePackages arg let pdesc = finPkgDesc <$> getPackageDescription availablePackages arg Nothing case pdesc of Just (Right (d,_)) -> do putStrLn (show arg) putStrLn (" synopsis: " ++ synopsis d) putStrLn (" versions: " ++ intercalate ", " vers) putStrLn (" dependencies:") mapM_ (\(Dependency p v) -> putStrLn (" " ++ unPackageName p ++ " (" ++ showVerconstr v ++ ")")) (buildDepends d) _ -> error "cannot resolve package" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- doSearchBy accessor args = do availablePackages <- loadAvailablePackages founds <- foldallLatest availablePackages [] $ \a pkgname pkgDesc -> do let found = any (\arg -> contains arg (accessor pkgDesc)) args if found then return ((pkgname, pkgDesc):a) else return a mapM_ (putStrLn . unPackageName . fst) founds where contains searching searched = maybe False (const True) $ find (isPrefixOf searching) $ tails searched ----------------------------------------------------------------------- commands = [ ("graph", doGraph) , ("diff", doDiff) , ("revdeps", doRevDeps) , ("info", doInfo) , ("search-author", doSearchBy author) , ("search-maintainer", doSearchBy maintainer) ] usage = do mapM_ putStrLn (["usage: cabal-db [args..]" ,"" ,"known commands:" ] ++ map ((" " ++) . fst ) commands) exitFailure main = do args <- getArgs case args of [] -> usage cmd:args' -> case lookup cmd commands of Nothing -> usage Just f -> f args'