# cabal-cache [![master](https://circleci.com/gh/haskell-works/cabal-cache/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/haskell-works/cabal-cache/tree/master) Tool for caching built cabal new-build packages. The tool is useful in development when you want to share your build haskell package dependencies of of a particular project with another developer and also in CI where caching is useful for reducing build times. `cabal-cache` supports syncing to an archive directory or to an S3 bucket. ## Installation Several installation methods are available. ### From source ```bash cabal new-install cabal-cache ``` ### Ubuntu binaries Dowload Ubuntu binaries from https://github.com/haskell-works/cabal-cache/releases ### Using Homebrew on Mac OS X ```bash brew tap haskell-works/homebrew-haskell-works git@github.com:haskell-works/homebrew-haskell-works.git brew update brew install cabal-cache ``` ## Example usage Syncing built packages with S3 requires you have an S3 bucket with AWS credentials stored in the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` environent variables. You should also know the AWS region the bucket was created in. ### Sync to archive Change into your project directory. Build the project with `cabal v2-build`. This will ensure your dependencies are built and will produce a `plan.json` file that is required for the `cabal-cache` tool to know which built packages to sync up. Run the following command to sync to S3. ```bash cabal-cache sync-to-archive --threads 16 --archive-uri s3://my-cabal-cache-bucket/archive --region Sydney ``` Run the following command to sync to archive directory. ```bash cabal-cache sync-to-archive --threads 16 --archive-uri archive --region Sydney ``` ### Sync from S3 Change into your project directory. Build the project with `cabal v2-configure`. This will product a `plan.json` file that is required for the `cabal-cache` tool to know which built packages to sync down. Run the following command to sync from S3. ```bash cabal-cache sync-from-archive --threads 16 --archive-uri s3://my-cabal-cache-bucket/archive --region Sydney ``` Run the following command to sync from archive directory. ```bash cabal-cache sync-from-archive --threads 16 --archive-uri archive --region Sydney ``` ### Multicloud To run against a different service, use something like: ```bash cabal-cache sync-to-archive --threads 16 --archive-uri s3://my-cabal-cache-bucket/archive --host-name-override=s3.us-west.some-service.com --host-port-override=443 --host-ssl-override=True ``` ## The archive ### Archive tarball format Built packages are stored in tarballs which contain the following files: ```bash x ${compiler_id}/${package_id}/_CC_METADATA/store-path x ${compiler_id}/lib/libHS${package_id}-*.dylib x ${compiler_id}/${package_id} x ${compiler_id}/package.db/${package_id}.conf ``` Aside from the files in the `_CC_METADATA` directory, everything else is copied verbatim from cabal store from the corresponding location. This includes the `conf` file which may contain absolute paths that would cause the built package to be non-relocatable. As a work-around, the tarball also inclues the `_CC_METADATA/store-path` file which stores the cabal store path from which the cached package was derived. Upon unpacking, `cabal-cache` will rewrite the `conf` file to contain the new store path using the information store in the `_CC_METADATA/store-path` file. `_CC_METADATA` directory and its contents will be additionally unpacked making it easy to recognise packages that have been restored using `cabal-cache`. ### Archive directory structure The archive contains files in the following locations: ```bash /Users/jky/moo-archive/${archive_version}/${compiler_id}/${package_id}.tar.gz /Users/jky/moo-archive/${archive_version}/${store_hash}/${compiler_id}/${package_id}.tar.gz ``` Both tarballs are identical. If they both exist then the first may be a symlink to the second when store on the filesystem. The direct subdirectories of the archive is the `${archive_verson}`, for example `v2`. This is the version of the archive format. This corresponds to the major version of the `cabal-cache` package. The next directory may be the `${store_hash}` or the `${compiler_id}`. If it is the `${store_hash}` then the `${compiler_id}` will be a subdirectory of that. The `${store_hash}` is the hash of the store path from which the cached package originally came. `cabal-cache` will preferentially restore using this version if it is available and the `${store_hash}` matches the cabal store path that is being restore to. If the package matching the `${store_hash}` cannot be found, `cabal-cache` will fallback to the version without the `${store_hash}`. A version without a `${store-hash}` may not exist. See [Caveats](#caveats) for more information. ## Caveats ### Packages that use absolute paths to the cabal store Packages sometimes do things that cause their built artefacts to contain absolute paths to the cabal store. This unfortunately makes such built packages non-relocatable. It is recommended that you use a fixed cabal store path rather than the default `$HOME/.cabal/store` to avoid any potential issues. See https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/4097 for more information. Following are examples of how this might happen: #### Paths_$pkgname `Paths_$pkgname` modules have embedded within them the absolute path to the package in the cabal store which means that packages that use some features of this module are not relocatable depending on what they do. Packages may query this module to get access to the package's cabal store `share` directory which contains data files that the package can read at runtime. Using `cabal-cache` for such packages could mean that the package will be unable to find such data files. To protect against this, `cabal-cache` will by default not sync packages down from the archive if the package's cabal store `share` directory contain unusual files or directories _unless_ the `${store_hash}` matches. Currently it only considers the `doc` subdirectory to be usual. More exceptions may be added later.