bytestring-lexing ================= This is a relatively simple package and should be easy to install. It requires Alex for generating the Double lexers. Once that is installed, you should be able to use one of the following standard methods to install it. -- With cabal-install and without the source: $> cabal install bytestring-lexing -- With cabal-install and with the source already: $> cd bytestring-lexing $> cabal install -- Without cabal-install, but with the source already: $> cd bytestring-lexing $> runhaskell Setup.hs configure --user $> runhaskell Setup.hs build $> runhaskell Setup.hs test $> runhaskell Setup.hs haddock --hyperlink-source $> runhaskell Setup.hs install The test step is optional and currently does nothing. Portability =========== An attempt has been made to keep this library portable. However, it relies on some language extensions which have been accepted into the Haskell standard following the Haskell98 report. All the required language extensions are: FFI ----------------------------------------------------------- fin.