module Data.ByteString.From
( FromByteString (..)
, runParser
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (signed, decimal, hexadecimal, double)
import Data.Bits (Bits)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, elem)
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
import Data.Word
import Prelude hiding (elem)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
class FromByteString a where
parser :: Parser a
fromByteString :: ByteString -> Maybe a
fromByteString = either (const Nothing) Just . runParser parser
runParser :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Either String a
runParser p b = case feed (parse p b) "" of
Done "" r -> Right r
Done _ _ -> Left "Trailing input"
Fail _ _ m -> Left m
Partial _ -> Left "Unexpected result: Partial"
instance FromByteString ByteString where
parser = takeByteString
instance FromByteString Lazy.ByteString where
parser = takeLazyByteString
instance FromByteString a => FromByteString [a] where
parser = parseList
instance FromByteString Text where
parser = takeByteString >>= text
instance FromByteString Bool where
parser =
satisfy (`elem` "tT") *> string "rue" *> pure True <|>
satisfy (`elem` "fF") *> string "alse" *> pure False <|>
fail "Invalid Bool"
instance FromByteString Double where
parser = signed double <|> fail "Invalid Double"
instance FromByteString Int where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Int"
instance FromByteString Int8 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Int8"
instance FromByteString Int16 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Int16"
instance FromByteString Int32 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Int32"
instance FromByteString Int64 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Int64"
instance FromByteString Word where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Word"
instance FromByteString Word8 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Word8"
instance FromByteString Word16 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Word16"
instance FromByteString Word32 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Word32"
instance FromByteString Word64 where
parser = hexLiteral <|> fail "Invalid Word64"
parseList :: FromByteString a => Parser [a]
parseList = atEnd >>= \e ->
if e then return []
else reverse <$> go []
go acc = do
x <- takeTill (== 0x2C)
v <- case runParser parser x of
Left s -> fail s
Right a -> return a
c <- optional (word8 0x2C)
e <- atEnd
case (e, isJust c) of
(True, True) -> fail "trailing comma"
(True, False) -> return (v:acc)
(False, True) -> go (v:acc)
(False, False) -> fail "missing comma"
text :: ByteString -> Parser Text
text = either (fail . ("Invalid UTF-8: " ++) . show) return . decodeUtf8'
hexLiteral :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Parser a
hexLiteral = signed (try hex <|> decimal)
hex = word8 0x30 *> satisfy (`elem` "xX") *> hexadecimal