{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances   #-}

-- | Examples
-- > data Test0 = A | B | C deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq)
-- > instance ToBSON Test0
-- > instance FromBSON Test0
-- >
-- > (fromBSON $ toBSON A) :: Maybe Test0
-- > data Test1 = Test1 String String deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq)
-- > instance ToBSON Test1
-- > instance FromBSON Test1
-- >
-- > (fromBSON $ toBSON $ Test1 "aa" "bb") :: Maybe Test1
-- > data Test2 = Test2 { test20 :: String, test21 :: String } deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq)
-- > instance ToBSON Test2
-- > instance FromBSON Test2
-- >
-- > (fromBSON $ toBSON $ Test2 "aa" "bb") :: Maybe Test2
-- > data Test3 = Test3 { test30 :: Test2, test31 :: String } deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq)
-- > instance ToBSON Test3
-- > instance FromBSON Test3
-- >
-- > (fromBSON $ toBSON $ Test3 (Test2 "aa" "bb") "cc") :: Maybe Test3
-- > data Test4 = Test4 { test4Key :: ObjectKey, test4 :: String } deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq)
-- > instance ToBSON Test4
-- > instance FromBSON Test4
-- >
-- > (fromBSON $ toBSON $ Test4 (ObjectKey . Just $ unsafePerformIO genObjectId) "something") :: Maybe Test4
-- > (fromBSON $ toBSON $ Test4 (ObjectKey Nothing) "something") :: Maybe Test4
-- > data Comment = Comment { author :: String, comments :: [Comment] } deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq)
-- > instance ToBSON Comment
-- > instance FromBSON Comment
-- >
-- > (fromBSON $ toBSON $ Comment "Joe1" [Comment "Joe2" [], Comment "Joe3" [Comment "Joe4" [], Comment "Joe5" []]]) :: Maybe Comment
-- Representation
-- > toBSON $ Test2 "aa" "bb"
-- >
-- > [ test20: "aa", test21: "bb" ]
-- > toBSON $ Test3 (Test2 "aa" "bb") "cc"
-- >
-- > [ test30: [ test20: "aa", test21: "bb"], test31: "cc" ]
-- > toBSON $ Test4 (ObjectKey . Just $ unsafePerformIO genObjectId) "something"
-- >
-- > [ _id: 4f226c27900faa06ab000001, test4: "something" ]
-- > toBSON $ Test4 (ObjectKey Nothing) "something"
-- >
-- > [ test4: "something" ]
-- > toBSON $ Comment "Joe1" [ Comment "Joe2" []
-- >                         , Comment "Joe3" [ Comment "Joe4" []
-- >                                          , Comment "Joe5" []
-- >                                          ]
-- >                         ]
-- >
-- > [ author: "Joe1", comments: [ [ author: "Joe2", comments: []]
-- >                             , [ author: "Joe3", comments: [ [ author: "Joe4", comments: []]
-- >                                                           , [ author: "Joe5", comments: []]
-- >                                                           ]]
-- >                             ]]

module Data.Bson.Generic
( ToBSON(..)
, FromBSON(..)
, ObjectKey(..)
, genericToBSON
, genericFromBSON
, keyLabel
, constructorLabel
) where

import           GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.Bson as BSON (lookup)
import           Data.Bson
import           Data.UString (u)
import           Data.Typeable
import           Control.Monad

keyLabel :: Label
keyLabel = u "_id"

constructorLabel :: Label
constructorLabel = u "_co"


newtype ObjectKey = ObjectKey { unObjectKey :: Maybe ObjectId } deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show, Eq)
instance FromBSON ObjectKey
instance ToBSON ObjectKey


instance (FromBSON a, ToBSON a, Typeable a, Show a, Eq a) => Val a where
    val         x = Doc $ toBSON x
    cast' (Doc x) = fromBSON x
    cast' _       = Nothing


class ToBSON a where
    toBSON :: a -> Document

    default toBSON :: (Generic a, GConstructorCount (Rep a), GToBSON (Rep a)) => a -> Document
    toBSON val = genericToBSON (const Nothing) val

class FromBSON a where
    fromBSON :: Document -> Maybe a

    default fromBSON :: (Generic a, GConstructorCount (Rep a), GFromBSON (Rep a)) => Document -> Maybe a
    fromBSON doc = genericFromBSON (const Nothing) doc


genericToBSON :: (Generic a, GConstructorCount (Rep a), GToBSON (Rep a))
              => (String -> Maybe String) -- ^ Function that takes a string (selector name) and returns Just transformed name or Nothing.
              -> a                        -- ^ The value you want to conver to BSON Document.
              -> Document                 -- ^ The resulting document.
genericToBSON tr val = gtoBSON tr (constructorCount val) (from val)

genericFromBSON :: forall a . (Generic a, GConstructorCount (Rep a), GFromBSON (Rep a))
                => (String -> Maybe String) -- ^ Function that takes a string (selector name) and returns Just transformed name or Nothing.
                -> Document                 -- ^ Document.
                -> Maybe a                  -- ^ Just the value or Nothing.
genericFromBSON tr doc = maybe Nothing (Just . to) (gfromBSON tr (constructorCount (undefined :: a)) doc)


class GToBSON f where
    gtoBSON :: (String -> Maybe String) -> Int -> f a -> Document

-- | Unit type -> Empty document
instance GToBSON U1 where
    gtoBSON _ _ U1 = []

-- | Sum of types
instance (GToBSON a, GToBSON b) => GToBSON (a :*: b) where
    gtoBSON tr n (x :*: y) = gtoBSON tr n x ++ gtoBSON tr n y

-- | Product of types
instance (GToBSON a, GToBSON b) => GToBSON (a :+: b) where
    gtoBSON tr n (L1 x) = gtoBSON tr n x
    gtoBSON tr n (R1 x) = gtoBSON tr n x

-- | Datatype information tag
instance (GToBSON a) => GToBSON (D1 c a) where
    gtoBSON tr n (M1 x) = gtoBSON tr n x

-- | Constructor tag
instance (GToBSON a, Constructor c) => GToBSON (C1 c a) where
    gtoBSON tr 0 (M1 x) = gtoBSON tr 0 x
    gtoBSON tr 1 (M1 x) = gtoBSON tr 1 x
    gtoBSON tr n c@(M1 x) = gtoBSON tr n x ++ [ constructorLabel =: conName c ]

-- | Selector tag
instance (Val a, Selector s) => GToBSON (S1 s (K1 i a)) where
    gtoBSON tr _ s@(M1 (K1 x)) = [sname =: x]
        where sname = u $ maybe (selName s) id (tr $ selName s)

-- | ObjectKey special treatment
instance (Selector s) => GToBSON (S1 s (K1 i ObjectKey)) where
    gtoBSON _ _ (M1 (K1 (ObjectKey (Just key)))) = [ keyLabel =: key ]
    gtoBSON                                _ _ _ = []

-- | Constants
instance (ToBSON a) => GToBSON (K1 i a) where
    gtoBSON _ _ (K1 x) = toBSON x



class GFromBSON f where
    gfromBSON :: (String -> Maybe String) -> Int -> Document -> Maybe (f a)

instance GFromBSON U1 where
    gfromBSON _ _ doc = Just U1

instance (GFromBSON a, GFromBSON b) => GFromBSON (a :*: b) where
    gfromBSON tr n doc = do
        x <- (gfromBSON tr n doc)
        y <- (gfromBSON tr n doc)
        return (x :*: y)

instance (GFromBSON a, GFromBSON b) => GFromBSON (a :+: b) where
    gfromBSON tr n doc = left `mplus` right
        where left  = maybe Nothing (Just . L1) (gfromBSON tr n doc)
              right = maybe Nothing (Just . R1) (gfromBSON tr n doc)

instance (GFromBSON a, Constructor c) => GFromBSON (C1 c a) where
    gfromBSON tr 0 doc = maybe Nothing (Just . M1) (gfromBSON tr 0 doc)
    gfromBSON tr 1 doc = maybe Nothing (Just . M1) (gfromBSON tr 0 doc)
    gfromBSON tr n doc = do
        cname <- BSON.lookup constructorLabel doc
        if (cname == (conName (undefined :: M1 C c a r)))
           then maybe Nothing (Just . M1) (gfromBSON tr n doc)
           else Nothing

instance (GFromBSON a) => GFromBSON (M1 D c a) where
    gfromBSON tr n doc = gfromBSON tr n doc >>= return . M1

instance (Val a, Selector s) => GFromBSON (S1 s (K1 i a)) where
    gfromBSON tr n doc = (BSON.lookup sname doc) >>= return . M1 . K1
        where sname = u . maybe orig id $ tr orig
              orig  = (selName $ (undefined :: S1 s (K1 i a) r))

-- | ObjectKey special treatment
instance (Selector s) => GFromBSON (S1 s (K1 i ObjectKey)) where
    gfromBSON _ n doc = Just . M1 . K1 $ ObjectKey (BSON.lookup keyLabel doc)


-- | Class for getting the number of constructors of type.
class GConstructorCount f where
    gconstructorCount :: f a -> Int

instance GConstructorCount V1 where
    gconstructorCount _ = 0

instance (GConstructorCount a) => GConstructorCount (D1 d a) where
    gconstructorCount (M1 x) = gconstructorCount x

instance (Constructor c) => GConstructorCount (C1 c a) where
    gconstructorCount c = 1

instance (GConstructorCount a, GConstructorCount b) => GConstructorCount (a :+: b) where
    gconstructorCount (_ :: (a :+: b) r) = gconstructorCount (undefined :: a r) +
                                           gconstructorCount (undefined :: b r)

constructorCount :: (Generic a, GConstructorCount (Rep a)) => a -> Int
constructorCount x = gconstructorCount $ from x