{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types

#include "prelude.inc"

import Data.Yaml
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import GHC.Generics

import Data.Data ( Data )

import Data.Coerce ( Coercible, coerce )

import Data.Semigroup.Generic
import Data.Semigroup ( Last, Option )

import Data.CZipWith

confUnpack :: Coercible a b => Identity a -> b
confUnpack (Identity x) = coerce x

data CDebugConfig f = DebugConfig
  { _dconf_dump_config                :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_annotations           :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_ast_unknown           :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_ast_full              :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_bridoc_raw            :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_alt      :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_floating :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_par      :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_columns  :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_indent   :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_dump_bridoc_final          :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _dconf_roundtrip_exactprint_only  :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  deriving (Generic)

data CLayoutConfig f = LayoutConfig
  { _lconfig_cols         :: f (Last Int) -- the thing that has default 80.
  , _lconfig_indentPolicy :: f (Last IndentPolicy)
  , _lconfig_indentAmount :: f (Last Int)
  , _lconfig_indentWhereSpecial :: f (Last Bool) -- indent where only 1 sometimes (TODO).
  , _lconfig_indentListSpecial  :: f (Last Bool) -- use some special indentation for ","
                                                 -- when creating zero-indentation
                                                 -- multi-line list literals.
  , _lconfig_importColumn :: f (Last Int)
  , _lconfig_altChooser      :: f (Last AltChooser)
  , _lconfig_columnAlignMode :: f (Last ColumnAlignMode)
  , _lconfig_alignmentLimit  :: f (Last Int)
    -- roughly speaking, this sets an upper bound to the number of spaces
    -- inserted to create horizontal alignment.
    -- More specifically, if 'xs' are the widths of the columns in some
    -- alignment-block, then the block will be aligned with the width
    -- maximum [ x | x <- xs, x < minimum xs + alignmentLimit ].
  , _lconfig_alignmentBreakOnMultiline :: f (Last Bool)
    -- stops alignment between items that are not layouted as a single line.
    -- e.g. for single-line alignment, things remain unchanged:
    --   do
    --     short       <- stuff
    --     loooooooong <- stuff
    -- but not in cases such as:
    --   do
    --     short <- some more stuff
    --       that requires two lines
    --     loooooooong <- stuff
  deriving (Generic)

data CForwardOptions f = ForwardOptions
  { _options_ghc :: f [String]
  deriving (Generic)

data CErrorHandlingConfig f = ErrorHandlingConfig
  { _econf_produceOutputOnErrors   :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _econf_Werror                  :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  , _econf_ExactPrintFallback      :: f (Semigroup.Last ExactPrintFallbackMode)
    -- ^ Determines when to fall back on the exactprint'ed output when
    -- syntactical constructs are encountered which are not yet handled by
    -- brittany.
    -- Note that the "risky" setting is risky because even with the check of
    -- the syntactic validity of the brittany output, at least in theory there
    -- may be cases where the output is syntactically/semantically valid but
    -- has different semantics than the code pre-transformation.
  , _econf_omit_output_valid_check :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  deriving (Generic)

data CPreProcessorConfig f = PreProcessorConfig
  { _ppconf_CPPMode :: f (Semigroup.Last CPPMode)
  , _ppconf_hackAroundIncludes :: f (Semigroup.Last Bool)
  deriving (Generic)

data CConfig f = Config
  { _conf_version       :: f (Semigroup.Last Int)
  , _conf_debug         :: CDebugConfig f
  , _conf_layout        :: CLayoutConfig f
  , _conf_errorHandling :: CErrorHandlingConfig f
  , _conf_forward       :: CForwardOptions f
  , _conf_preprocessor  :: CPreProcessorConfig f
  deriving (Generic)

type DebugConfig = CDebugConfig Identity
type LayoutConfig = CLayoutConfig Identity
type ForwardOptions = CForwardOptions Identity
type ErrorHandlingConfig = CErrorHandlingConfig Identity
type Config = CConfig Identity

-- i wonder if any Show1 stuff could be leveraged.
deriving instance Show (CDebugConfig Identity)
deriving instance Show (CLayoutConfig Identity)
deriving instance Show (CErrorHandlingConfig Identity)
deriving instance Show (CForwardOptions Identity)
deriving instance Show (CPreProcessorConfig Identity)
deriving instance Show (CConfig Identity)

deriving instance Show (CDebugConfig Option)
deriving instance Show (CLayoutConfig Option)
deriving instance Show (CErrorHandlingConfig Option)
deriving instance Show (CForwardOptions Option)
deriving instance Show (CPreProcessorConfig Option)
deriving instance Show (CConfig Option)

deriving instance Data (CDebugConfig Identity)
deriving instance Data (CLayoutConfig Identity)
deriving instance Data (CErrorHandlingConfig Identity)
deriving instance Data (CForwardOptions Identity)
deriving instance Data (CPreProcessorConfig Identity)
deriving instance Data (CConfig Identity)

instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CDebugConfig Option) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CLayoutConfig Option) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CErrorHandlingConfig Option) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CForwardOptions Option) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CPreProcessorConfig Option) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CConfig Option) where
  (<>) = gmappend

instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CDebugConfig Identity) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CLayoutConfig Identity) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CErrorHandlingConfig Identity) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CForwardOptions Identity) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CPreProcessorConfig Identity) where
  (<>) = gmappend
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (CConfig Identity) where
  (<>) = gmappend

instance Monoid (CDebugConfig Option) where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = gmappend
instance Monoid (CLayoutConfig Option) where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = gmappend
instance Monoid (CErrorHandlingConfig Option) where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = gmappend
instance Monoid (CForwardOptions Option) where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = gmappend
instance Monoid (CPreProcessorConfig Option) where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = gmappend
instance Monoid (CConfig Option) where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = gmappend

data IndentPolicy = IndentPolicyLeft -- never create a new indentation at more
                                     -- than old indentation + amount
                  | IndentPolicyFree -- can create new indentations whereever
                  | IndentPolicyMultiple -- can create indentations only
                                         -- at any n * amount.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data)

data AltChooser = AltChooserSimpleQuick -- always choose last alternative.
                                        -- leads to tons of sparsely filled
                                        -- lines.
                | AltChooserShallowBest -- choose the first matching alternative
                                        -- using the simplest spacing
                                        -- information for the children.
                | AltChooserBoundedSearch Int
                                        -- choose the first matching alternative
                                        -- using a bounded list of recursive
                                        -- options having sufficient space.
  deriving (Show, Generic, Data)

data ColumnAlignMode
  = ColumnAlignModeDisabled
    -- ^ Make no column alignments whatsoever
  | ColumnAlignModeUnanimously
    -- ^ Make column alignments only if it does not cause overflow for any of
    -- the affected lines.
  | ColumnAlignModeMajority Float
    -- ^ If at least (ratio::Float) of the aligned elements have sufficient
    -- space for the alignment, act like ColumnAlignModeAnimously; otherwise
    -- act like ColumnAlignModeDisabled.
  | ColumnAlignModeAnimouslyScale Int
    -- ^ Scale back columns to some degree if their sum leads to overflow.
    -- This is done in a linear fashion.
    -- The Int specifies additional columns to be added to column maximum for
    -- scaling calculation purposes.
  | ColumnAlignModeAnimously
    -- ^ Decide on a case-by-case basis if alignment would cause overflow.
    -- If it does, cancel all alignments for this (nested) column description.
  -- ColumnAlignModeAnimouslySome -- potentially to implement
  | ColumnAlignModeAlways
    -- ^ Always respect column alignments, even if it makes stuff overflow.
  deriving (Show, Generic, Data)

data CPPMode = CPPModeAbort  -- abort program on seeing -XCPP
             | CPPModeWarn   -- warn about CPP and non-roundtripping in its
                             -- presence.
             | CPPModeNowarn -- silently allow CPP, if possible (i.e. input is
                             -- file.)
  deriving (Show, Generic, Data)

data ExactPrintFallbackMode
  = ExactPrintFallbackModeNever  -- never fall back on exactprinting
  | ExactPrintFallbackModeInline -- fall back only if there are no newlines in
                                 -- the exactprint'ed output.
  | ExactPrintFallbackModeRisky  -- fall back even in the presence of newlines.
                                 -- THIS MAY THEORETICALLY CHANGE SEMANTICS OF
                                 -- A PROGRAM BY TRANSFORMING IT.
  deriving (Show, Generic, Data)

cMap :: CZipWith k => (forall a . f a -> g a) -> k f -> k g
cMap f c = cZipWith (\_ -> f) c c

deriveCZipWith ''CDebugConfig
deriveCZipWith ''CLayoutConfig
deriveCZipWith ''CErrorHandlingConfig
deriveCZipWith ''CForwardOptions
deriveCZipWith ''CPreProcessorConfig
deriveCZipWith ''CConfig