{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Lens.Micro ((^.)) import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses) import Lens.Micro.Mtl ((<~), (.=), (%=), use) import Control.Monad (void, forM_, when) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif import qualified Graphics.Vty as V import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import qualified Brick.Types as T import Brick.Types (Widget) import qualified Brick.Keybindings as K import Brick.AttrMap import Brick.Util (fg) import qualified Brick.Main as M import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C import Brick.Widgets.Core -- | The abstract key events for the application. data KeyEvent = QuitEvent | IncrementEvent | DecrementEvent deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) -- | The mapping of key events to their configuration field names. allKeyEvents :: K.KeyEvents KeyEvent allKeyEvents = K.keyEvents [ ("quit", QuitEvent) , ("increment", IncrementEvent) , ("decrement", DecrementEvent) ] -- | Default key bindings for each abstract key event. defaultBindings :: [(KeyEvent, [K.Binding])] defaultBindings = [ (QuitEvent, [K.ctrl 'q', K.bind V.KEsc]) , (IncrementEvent, [K.bind '+']) , (DecrementEvent, [K.bind '-']) ] data St = St { _keyConfig :: K.KeyConfig KeyEvent -- ^ The key config to use. , _lastKey :: Maybe (V.Key, [V.Modifier]) -- ^ The last key that was pressed. , _lastKeyHandled :: Bool -- ^ Whether the last key was handled by a handler. , _counter :: Int -- ^ The counter value to manipulate in the handlers. , _customBindingsPath :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Set if the application found custom keybindings in the -- specified file. , _dispatcher :: K.KeyDispatcher KeyEvent (T.EventM () St) -- ^ The key dispatcher we'll use to dispatch input events. } makeLenses ''St -- | Key event handlers for our application. handlers :: [K.KeyEventHandler KeyEvent (T.EventM () St)] handlers = -- The first three handlers are triggered by keys mapped to abstract -- events, thus decoupling the configured key bindings from these -- handlers. [ K.onEvent QuitEvent "Quit the program" M.halt , K.onEvent IncrementEvent "Increment the counter" $ counter %= succ , K.onEvent DecrementEvent "Decrement the counter" $ counter %= subtract 1 -- These handlers are always triggered by specific keys and thus -- cannot be rebound. , K.onKey (K.bind '\t') "Increment the counter by 10" $ counter %= (+ 10) , K.onKey (K.bind V.KBackTab) "Decrement the counter by 10" $ counter %= subtract 10 ] appEvent :: T.BrickEvent () e -> T.EventM () St () appEvent (T.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k mods)) = do -- Dispatch the key to the event handler to which the key is mapped, -- if any. Also record in lastKeyHandled whether the dispatcher -- found a matching handler. d <- use dispatcher lastKey .= Just (k, mods) lastKeyHandled <~ K.handleKey d k mods appEvent _ = return () drawUi :: St -> [Widget ()] drawUi st = [body] where binding = uncurry K.binding <$> st^.lastKey -- Generate key binding help using the library so we can embed -- it in the UI. keybindingHelp = B.borderWithLabel (txt "Active Keybindings") $ K.keybindingHelpWidget (st^.keyConfig) handlers lastKeyDisplay = withDefAttr lastKeyAttr $ txt $ maybe "(none)" K.ppBinding binding -- Show the status of the last pressed key, whether we handled -- it, and other bits of the application state. status = B.borderWithLabel (txt "Status") $ hLimit 40 $ padRight Max $ vBox [ txt "Last key: " <+> lastKeyDisplay , str $ "Last key handled: " <> show (st^.lastKeyHandled) , str $ "Counter: " <> show (st^.counter) ] -- Show info about whether the application is currently using -- custom bindings loaded from an INI file. customBindingInfo = B.borderWithLabel (txt "Custom Bindings") $ case st^.customBindingsPath of Nothing -> hLimit 40 $ txtWrap $ "No custom bindings loaded. Create an INI file with a " <> (Text.pack $ show sectionName) <> " section or use 'programs/custom_keys.ini'. " <> "Pass its path to this program on the command line." Just f -> str "Loaded custom bindings from:" <=> str (show f) body = C.center $ (padRight (Pad 2) $ status <=> customBindingInfo) <+> keybindingHelp lastKeyAttr :: AttrName lastKeyAttr = attrName "lastKey" app :: M.App St e () app = M.App { M.appDraw = drawUi , M.appStartEvent = return () , M.appHandleEvent = appEvent , M.appAttrMap = const $ attrMap V.defAttr [ (K.eventNameAttr, fg V.magenta) , (K.eventDescriptionAttr, fg V.cyan) , (K.keybindingAttr, fg V.yellow) , (lastKeyAttr, fg V.white `V.withStyle` V.bold) ] , M.appChooseCursor = M.showFirstCursor } sectionName :: Text.Text sectionName = "keybindings" main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs -- If the command line specified the path to an INI file with custom -- bindings, attempt to load it. (customBindings, customFile) <- case args of [iniFilePath] -> do result <- K.keybindingsFromFile allKeyEvents sectionName iniFilePath case result of -- A section was found and had zero more bindings. Right (Just bindings) -> return (bindings, Just iniFilePath) -- No section was found at all. Right Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Error: found no section " <> show sectionName <> " in " <> show iniFilePath exitFailure -- There was some problem parsing the file as an INI -- file. Left e -> do putStrLn $ "Error reading keybindings file " <> show iniFilePath <> ": " <> e exitFailure _ -> return ([], Nothing) -- Create a key config that includes the default bindings as well as -- the custom bindings we loaded from the INI file, if any. let kc = K.newKeyConfig allKeyEvents defaultBindings customBindings -- Before starting the application, check on whether any events have -- colliding bindings. Exit if so. -- -- Note that in a Real Application, we would more than likely -- want to check for collisions among specific sets of -- events. For example, if 'Esc' was bound to both 'quit' and -- 'close-dialog-box', we might not care about such a collision -- if the application only ever handled the 'close-dialog-box' -- event in a separate mode and only ever handled 'quit' at the -- top-level of the event handler. But if we had two events such as -- 'dialog-box-okay' and 'dialog-box-cancel' that were intended to -- be handled in the same mode, we might want to check that those -- two events did not have the same binding. forM_ (K.keyEventMappings kc) $ \(b, evs) -> do when (S.size evs > 1) $ do Text.putStrLn $ "Error: key '" <> K.ppBinding b <> "' is bound to multiple events:" forM_ evs $ \e -> Text.putStrLn $ " " <> Text.pack (show e) <> " (" <> fromJust (K.keyEventName allKeyEvents e) <> ")" exitFailure -- Now build a key dispatcher for our event handlers. If this fails -- due to key collision detection, we'll print out info about the -- collisions. d <- case K.keyDispatcher kc handlers of Right d -> return d Left collisions -> do putStrLn "Error: some key events have the same keys bound to them." forM_ collisions $ \(b, hs) -> do Text.putStrLn $ "Handlers with the '" <> K.ppBinding b <> "' binding:" forM_ hs $ \h -> do let trigger = case K.kehEventTrigger $ K.khHandler h of K.ByKey k -> "triggered by the key '" <> K.ppBinding k <> "'" K.ByEvent e -> "triggered by the event '" <> fromJust (K.keyEventName allKeyEvents e) <> "'" desc = K.handlerDescription $ K.kehHandler $ K.khHandler h Text.putStrLn $ " " <> desc <> " (" <> trigger <> ")" exitFailure void $ M.defaultMain app $ St { _keyConfig = kc , _lastKey = Nothing , _lastKeyHandled = False , _counter = 0 , _customBindingsPath = customFile , _dispatcher = d } -- Now demonstrate how the library's generated key binding help text -- looks in plain text and Markdown formats. These can be used to -- generate documentation for users. Note that the output generated -- here takes the active bindings into account! If you don't want -- that, use handlers that were built from a KeyConfig that didn't -- have any custom bindings applied. let sections = [("Main", handlers)] putStrLn "Generated plain text help:" Text.putStrLn $ K.keybindingTextTable kc sections putStrLn "Generated Markdown help:" Text.putStrLn $ K.keybindingMarkdownTable kc sections