{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

-- | Boxes that `emit`, `transduce` & `commit`
-- This library follows the ideas and code from [pipes-concurrency](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-concurrency) and [mvc](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mvc) but with some polymorphic tweaks and definitively more pretentious names.
module Box
  ( -- $setup
    -- $commit
    -- $emit
    -- $transduce
    module Box.Box,
    module Box.Broadcast,
    module Box.Committer,
    module Box.Connectors,
    module Box.Cont,
    module Box.Emitter,
    module Box.IO,
    module Box.Plugs,
    module Box.Queue,
    module Box.Stream,
    module Box.Time,
    module Box.Transducer,

import Box.Box
import Box.Broadcast
import Box.Committer
import Box.Connectors
import Box.Cont
import Box.Emitter
import Box.IO
import Box.Plugs
import Box.Queue
import Box.Stream
import Box.Time
import Box.Transducer
import Control.Lens ((&))

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :set -XGADTs
-- >>> import Data.Functor.Contravariant
-- >>> import Box
-- >>> import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
-- >>> import Control.Monad.Conc.Class as C
-- >>> import Data.Text (Text)
-- >>> import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- >>> import Control.Applicative
-- >>> let committer' = cStdout 100
-- >>> let emitter' = toEmit (S.each ["hi","bye","q","x"])
-- >>> let box' = Box <$> committer' <*> emitter'
-- >>> let transducer' = Transducer $ \s -> s & S.takeWhile (/="q") & S.map ("echo: " <>)

-- toEmit . S.each

-- | emitting
-- > toListE . fromListE :: [a] -> IO [a]
-- >>>  toListE . fromListE $ [1..3::Int]
-- [1,2,3]
-- > fuse (pure . Just) $ Box <$> (liftC <$> showStdout) <*> (fromListE [1..3::Int])

-- $commit
-- committing
-- >>> with (cStdout 100) $ \c -> C.atomically (commit c "something")
-- something
-- True
-- The monoid instance sends each commit to both mappended committers. Because everything is concurrent, race effects are common on stdout, so we introduce some delaying effects to (hopefully) avoid races.
-- >>> let cFast = cmap (\b -> sleep 0.01 >> pure (Just b)) . liftC . contramap ("fast: " <>) <$> (cStdout 100)
-- >>> let cSlow = cmap (\b -> sleep 0.1 >> pure (Just b)) . liftC . contramap ("slow: " <>) <$> (cStdout 100)
-- >>> (etcM () transducer' $ (Box <$> (cFast <> cSlow) <*> (liftE <$> emitter'))) >> sleep 1
-- fast: echo: hi
-- slow: echo: hi
-- fast: echo: bye
-- slow: echo: bye
-- >>> let c = fmap liftC $ cStdout 10
-- >>> let e = fmap liftE $ toEmit (S.each ["hi","bye","q","x"])
-- >>> let c' = cmap (\a -> if a=="q" then (sleep 0.1 >> putStrLn "stolen!" >> sleep 0.1 >> pure (Nothing)) else (pure (Just a))) <$> c :: Cont IO (Committer IO Text)
-- >>> fuse (pure . pure) $ Box <$> c' <*> e
-- hi
-- bye
-- stolen!
-- x
-- prism handler
-- >>> import Control.Lens (_Right)
-- >>> let e2 = (fmap (\x -> Right (x <> "_right")) <$> e) <> (fmap (\x -> Left (x <> "_left")) <$> e)
-- >>> let cright = handles _Right <$> c
-- >>> fuse (pure . pure) $ Box <$> cright <*> e2
-- hi_right
-- bye_right
-- q_right
-- x_right
-- | splitCommit
-- Splits a committer into two.
-- >>> let cs = splitCommit (liftC <$> cStdout 100)
-- >>> let cc = contCommit <$> cs <*> pure (cmap (\b -> sleep 0.01 >> pure (Just b)) . contramap ("cont: " <>))
-- >>> etcM () transducer' $ (Box <$> cc <*> (liftE <$> emitter'))
-- echo: hi
-- echo: bye
-- cont: echo: hi
-- cont: echo: bye

-- $emit
-- >>> with (S.each [0..] & toEmit) (C.atomically . emit) >>= print
-- Just 0
-- >>> let c = fmap liftC $ cStdout 10
-- >>> let e = fmap liftE $ toEmit (S.each ["hi","bye","q","x"])
-- >>> let e' = emap (\a -> if a=="q" then (sleep 0.1 >> putStrLn "stole a q!" >> sleep 0.1 >> pure (Nothing)) else (pure (Just a))) <$> e :: Cont IO (Emitter IO Text)
-- >>> fuse (pure . pure) $ Box <$> c <*> e'
-- hi
-- bye
-- stole a q!
-- x
-- >>> let e1 = fmap (Text.pack . show) <$> (toEmit $ delayTimed (S.each (zip ((0.2*) . fromIntegral <$> [1..10]) ['a'..]))) :: Cont IO (Emitter (C.STM IO) Text)
-- >>> let e2 = fmap (Text.pack . show) <$> (toEmit $ delayTimed (S.each (zip ((0.1+) . (0.2*) . fromIntegral <$> [1..10]) (reverse ['a'..'z'])))) :: Cont IO (Emitter (C.STM IO) Text)
-- >>> let e12 = e1 <> e2
-- >>> etc () (Transducer id) $ Box <$> cStdout 6 <*> emerge ((,) <$> e1 <*> e2)
-- 'a'
-- 'z'
-- 'b'
-- 'y'
-- 'c'
-- 'x'
-- >>> etc () (Transducer id) $ Box <$> cStdout 6 <*> (liftA2 (<>) e1 e2)
-- 'a'
-- 'z'
-- 'b'
-- 'y'
-- 'c'
-- 'x'

-- $transduce
-- >>> etc () transducer' box'
-- echo: hi
-- echo: bye

-- | broadcasting
-- >>> (bcast, bcom) <- (C.atomically broadcast) :: IO (Broadcaster (C.STM IO) Text, Committer (C.STM IO) Text)
-- > (funn, fem) <- C.atomically funnel
-- >