Bond is an extensible framework for working with schematized data. It is
suitable for scenarios ranging from service communications to Big Data storage
and processing.

Bond defines a rich type system and schema versioning rules which allow
forward and backward compatibility.

Core bond library is published on GitHub at https://github.com/Microsoft/bond/.
module Data.Bond
    -- * Example
    -- $examples
    -- * Protocol types
    , BondTaggedProto(..)
    -- * Supported protocols
    , CompactBinaryV1Proto(..)
    , CompactBinaryProto(..)
    , FastBinaryProto(..)
    , SimpleBinaryV1Proto(..)
    , SimpleBinaryProto(..)
    , JsonProto(..)
    -- * bonded\<T>
    , Bonded(..)
    , getValue
    , putValue
    , castValue
    , marshalValue
    , BondedException(..)
    -- * Runtime-schema operations
    -- |Some generic applications may need to work with Bond schemas unknown
    -- at compile-time. In order to address such scenarios Bond defines a
    -- type 'Data.Bond.Schema.SchemaDef' to represent schemas in stoorage
    -- and transfer.
    -- Haskell library uses 'StructSchema' internally for performance
    -- reasons and provides conversion functions.
    , BondStruct(getSchema)
    , assembleSchema
    , checkStructSchema
    , defaultStruct
    , parseSchema
    , Struct(..)
    , Value(..)
    -- * Marshalling
    -- |Since Bond supports multiple serialization protocols, application
    -- endpoints either have to agree on a particular protocol, or include
    -- protocol metadata in the payload. Marshaling APIs provide the
    -- standard way to do the latter, by automatically adding a payload
    -- header with the protocol identifier and version.
    -- See 'bondMarshal', 'bondMarshalWithSchema' and 'bondMarshalTagged' for serialization.
    , bondUnmarshal
    , bondUnmarshalWithSchema
    , bondUnmarshalTagged
    -- * Misc
    , EncodedString(..)
    , Ordinal(..)
    , defaultValue
    -- | Reexported from generated code
    , BondDataType(..)
    , bT_BOOL, bT_UINT8, bT_UINT16, bT_UINT32, bT_UINT64
    , bT_SET, bT_MAP, bT_INT8, bT_INT16, bT_INT32, bT_INT64, bT_WSTRING
    , SchemaDef
    ) where

import Data.Bond.Marshal
import Data.Bond.Proto
import Data.Bond.Struct
import Data.Bond.Types
import Data.Bond.Internal.Bonded
import Data.Bond.Internal.CompactBinaryProto
import Data.Bond.Internal.Default
import Data.Bond.Internal.FastBinaryProto
import Data.Bond.Internal.JsonProto
import Data.Bond.Internal.Protocol
import Data.Bond.Internal.SchemaOps
import Data.Bond.Internal.SimpleBinaryProto
import Data.Bond.Schema.BondDataType
import Data.Bond.Schema.SchemaDef

-- $examples
-- Let's use following @schema.bond@ IDL file:
-- @
-- namespace my.test
-- struct my_struct {
--   10: int32 m_int;
--   20: string m_str = "some string";
-- }
-- @
-- Code generation requires @hbc@ program from @bond-haskell-compiler@ package:
-- > hbc schema.bond
-- This creates file @My.Test.My_struct.hs@. Note that case conversions are 
-- performed to create syntactically correct Haskell code.
-- @
-- -- create structure and set m_int to 5:
-- let struct = defaultValue { m_int = 5 }
-- -- serialize @struct@ with FastBinary protocol
-- let Right binstream = bondWrite FastBinaryProto struct
-- -- parse @binstream@ using runtime schema
-- let Right rtstruct = bondReadWithSchema FastBinaryProto (getSchema (Proxy :: Proxy My_struct)) binstream
-- @