-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. -- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-} module Language.Bond.Codegen.Cpp.Types_h (types_h) where import System.FilePath import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Prelude import Numeric import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Text.Shakespeare.Text import Paths_bond (version) import Data.Version import Language.Bond.Syntax.Types import Language.Bond.Syntax.Util import Language.Bond.Syntax.Internal import Language.Bond.Util import Language.Bond.Codegen.TypeMapping import Language.Bond.Codegen.Util import qualified Language.Bond.Codegen.Cpp.Util as CPP -- | Codegen template for generating /base_name/_type.h containing definitions -- of C++ types representing the schema. types_h :: [String] -- ^ list of optional header files to be @#include@'ed by the generated code -> Bool -- ^ 'True' to generate enum definitions into a separate file /base_name/_enum.h -> Maybe String -- ^ optional custom allocator to be used in the generated code -> MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, L.Text) types_h userHeaders enumHeader allocator cpp file imports declarations = ("_types.h", [lt| #pragma once #{newlineBeginSep 0 includeHeader userHeaders} #include #if BOND_VERSION < 0x0422 #error This file was generated by a newer version of Bond compiler #error and is incompatible with your version Bond library. #endif #if BOND_MIN_CODEGEN_VERSION > 0x#{hexVersion version} #error This file was generated by an older version of Bond compiler #error and is incompatible with your version Bond library. #endif #include #include #{newlineSep 0 optionalHeader bondHeaders} #{includeEnum} #{newlineSepEnd 0 includeImport imports} #{CPP.openNamespace cpp} #{doubleLineSep 1 typeDeclaration declarations} #{CPP.closeNamespace cpp} #{optional usesAllocatorSpecialization allocator} |]) where hexVersion (Version xs _) = foldr showHex "" xs cppType = getTypeName cpp idl = MappingContext idlTypeMapping [] [] [] cppDefaultValue = CPP.defaultValue cpp includeImport (Import path) = [lt|#include "#{dropExtension path}_types.h"|] optionalHeader (False, _) = mempty optionalHeader (True, header) = includeHeader header includeHeader header = [lt|#include #{header}|] includeEnum = if enumHeader then [lt|#include "#{file}_enum.h"|] else mempty -- True if declarations have any type satisfying f have f = getAny $ F.foldMap g declarations where g Struct{..} = F.foldMap (foldMapType f . fieldType) structFields <> optional (foldMapType f) structBase g _ = mempty anyBonded (BT_Bonded _) = Any True anyBonded _ = Any False anyBlob BT_Blob = Any True anyBlob _ = Any False anyNullable = Any . isNullable bondHeaders :: [(Bool, String)] bondHeaders = [ (have anyNullable, ""), (have anyBonded, ""), (have anyBlob, "")] usesAllocatorSpecialization alloc = [lt| #if !defined(BOND_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR) namespace std { #{doubleLineSep 1 usesAllocator declarations} } #endif |] where usesAllocator s@Struct {..} = [lt|template struct uses_allocator<#{typename} #{getDeclTypeName cpp s}#{CPP.classParams s}, _Alloc> : is_convertible<_Alloc, #{allocParam}> {};|] where typename = if null declParams then mempty else [lt|typename|] allocParam = if last alloc == '>' then alloc ++ " " else alloc usesAllocator _ = mempty -- forward declaration typeDeclaration f@Forward {..} = [lt|#{CPP.template f}struct #{declName};|] -- struct definition typeDeclaration s@Struct {..} = [lt| #{template}struct #{declName}#{optional base structBase} { #{newlineSepEnd 2 field structFields}#{defaultCtor} #{copyCtor} #{moveCtor} #{optional allocatorCtor allocator} #{assignmentOp} bool operator==(const #{declName}&#{otherParam}) const { return true#{optional baseEqual structBase}#{newlineBeginSep 4 fieldEqual structFields}; } bool operator!=(const #{declName}& other) const { return !(*this == other); } void swap(#{declName}&#{otherParam}) { using std::swap;#{optional swapBase structBase}#{newlineBeginSep 3 swapField structFields} } struct Schema; protected: #{initMetadata} }; #{template}inline void swap(#{qualifiedClassName}& left, #{qualifiedClassName}& right) { left.swap(right); }|] where template = CPP.template s qualifiedClassName = CPP.qualifiedClassName cpp s otherParam = if hasOnlyMetaFields then mempty else [lt| other|] hasOnlyMetaFields = not (any (not . getAny . metaField) structFields) && isNothing structBase hasMetaFields = getAny $ foldMapStructFields metaField s base x = [lt| : #{cppType x}|] field Field {..} = [lt|#{cppType fieldType} #{fieldName};|] notMeta Field {fieldType = BT_MetaName, ..} _ = [lt|/* skip bond_meta::name field '#{fieldName}' */|] notMeta Field {fieldType = BT_MetaFullName, ..} _ = [lt|/* skip bond_meta::full_name field '#{fieldName}' */|] notMeta _ f = f fieldEqual f@Field {..} = notMeta f [lt|&& (#{fieldName} ==#{otherParam}.#{fieldName})|] baseEqual b = [lt| && (static_cast(*this) == static_cast(#{otherParam}))|] swapField f@Field {..} = notMeta f [lt|swap(#{fieldName},#{otherParam}.#{fieldName});|] swapBase b = [lt| #{cppType b}::swap(#{otherParam});|] -- value to pass to field initializer in ctor initialize list -- or Nothing if field doesn't need explicit initialization initValue (BT_Maybe _) _ = Nothing initValue t (Just d) = Just $ cppDefaultValue t d initValue (BT_TypeParam _) _ = Just mempty initValue (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) d | customAliasMapping cpp a = Just mempty | otherwise = initValue (resolveAlias a args) d initValue t _ | isScalar t = Just mempty | otherwise = Nothing -- constructor initializer list from 'base' and 'fields' initializers initializeList base' fields = between colon mempty $ commaLineSep 3 id [base', fields] where colon = [lt| : |] -- constructor body ctorBody = if hasMetaFields then [lt| { InitMetadata("#{declName}", "#{getDeclTypeName idl s}"); }|] else [lt| { }|] -- default constructor defaultCtor = [lt| #{declName}()#{initList}#{ctorBody}|] where initList = initializeList mempty $ commaLineSep 3 fieldInit structFields fieldInit Field {..} = optional (\x -> [lt|#{fieldName}(#{x})|]) $ initValue fieldType fieldDefault allocatorCtor alloc = [lt| explicit #{declName}(const #{alloc}&#{allocParam})#{initList}#{ctorBody} |] where allocParam = if needAlloc then [lt| allocator|] else mempty where needAlloc = isJust structBase || any (allocParameterized . fieldType) structFields initList = initializeList (optional baseInit structBase) (commaLineSep 3 fieldInit structFields) baseInit b = [lt|#{cppType b}(allocator)|] fieldInit Field {..} = optional (\x -> [lt|#{fieldName}(#{x})|]) $ allocInitValue fieldType fieldDefault allocInitValue t@(BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) d | allocParameterized t = allocInitValue (resolveAlias a args) d | otherwise = initValue t d allocInitValue (BT_Nullable t) _ = allocInitValue t Nothing allocInitValue (BT_Maybe t) _ = allocInitValue t Nothing allocInitValue t (Just d) | isString t = Just [lt|#{cppDefaultValue t d}, allocator|] allocInitValue t Nothing | isList t || isMetaName t || isString t || isStruct t = Just "allocator" | isAssociative t = Just [lt|std::less<#{keyType t}>(), allocator|] allocInitValue t d = initValue t d keyType (BT_Set key) = cppType key keyType (BT_Map key _) = cppType key keyType (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) = keyType $ resolveAlias a args keyType _ = error "allocatorCtor/keyType: impossible happened." allocParameterized t = (isStruct t) || (L.isInfixOf (L.pack alloc) . toLazyText $ cppType t) -- copy constructor copyCtor = if hasMetaFields then define else implicitlyDeclared where -- default OK when there are no meta fields implicitlyDeclared = CPP.ifndef CPP.defaultedFunctions [lt| // Compiler generated copy ctor OK #{declName}(const #{declName}& other) = default;|] -- define ctor to initialize meta fields define = [lt|#{declName}(const #{declName}& other)#{initList}#{ctorBody}|] where initList = initializeList (optional baseCopy structBase) (commaLineSep 3 fieldCopy structFields) baseCopy b = [lt|#{cppType b}(other)|] fieldCopy Field {..} = [lt|#{fieldName}(other.#{fieldName}#{getAllocator fieldType})|] getAllocator BT_MetaName = [lt|.get_allocator()|] getAllocator BT_MetaFullName = [lt|.get_allocator()|] getAllocator _ = mempty -- move constructor moveCtor = if hasMetaFields then [lt| #if !defined(#{CPP.rvalueReferences}) #{explicit} #endif|] -- even if implicit would be okay, fall back to explicit for -- compilers that don't support = default for move constructors else [lt| #if !defined(#{CPP.defaultedMoveCtors}) #{implicit} #elif !defined(#{CPP.rvalueReferences}) #{explicit} #endif|] where -- default OK when there are no meta fields implicit = [lt|#{declName}(#{declName}&& other) = default;|] -- define ctor to perform member-by-member move and--if -- needed--initialize meta fields explicit = [lt|#{declName}(#{declName}&&#{param})#{initList}#{ctorBody}|] initList = initializeList (optional baseMove structBase) (commaLineSep 3 fieldMove structFields) baseMove b = [lt|#{cppType b}(std::move(other))|] fieldMove Field {..} = [lt|#{fieldName}(std::move(other.#{fieldName}))|] param = if initList == mempty then mempty else [lt| other|] -- operator= assignmentOp = if hasMetaFields then define else implicitlyDeclared where -- default OK when there are no meta fields implicitlyDeclared = CPP.ifndef CPP.defaultedFunctions [lt| // Compiler generated operator= OK #{declName}& operator=(const #{declName}& other) = default;|] -- define operator= using swap define = [lt|#{declName}& operator=(const #{declName}& other) { #{declName}(other).swap(*this); return *this; }|] initMetadata = [lt|void InitMetadata(const char*#{nameParam}, const char*#{qualifiedNameParam}) {#{newlineBeginSep 3 id [baseInit, nameInit, qualifiedInit]} }|] where nameParam = if baseInit == mempty && nameInit == mempty then mempty else [lt| name|] qualifiedNameParam = if baseInit == mempty && qualifiedInit == mempty then mempty else [lt| qualified_name|] baseInit = optional (\b -> [lt|#{cppType b}::InitMetadata(name, qualified_name);|]) structBase nameInit = newlineSep 3 init' structFields where init' Field {fieldType = BT_MetaName, ..} = [lt|this->#{fieldName} = name;|] init' _ = mempty qualifiedInit = newlineSep 3 init' structFields where init' Field {fieldType = BT_MetaFullName, ..} = [lt|this->#{fieldName} = qualified_name;|] init' _ = mempty -- enum definition and helpers typeDeclaration e@Enum {..} = [lt| namespace _bond_enumerators { namespace #{declName} { #{enumDefinition} extern const std::map _value_to_name_#{declName}; extern const std::map _name_to_value_#{declName}; inline const char* GetTypeName(enum #{declName}) { return "#{declName}"; } inline const char* GetTypeName(enum #{declName}, const ::bond::qualified_name_tag&) { return "#{getDeclTypeName idl e}"; } inline const std::map& GetValueToNameMap(enum #{declName}) { return _value_to_name_#{declName}; } inline const std::map& GetNameToValueMap(enum #{declName}) { return _name_to_value_#{declName}; } const std::string& ToString(enum #{declName} value); void FromString(const std::string& name, enum #{declName}& value); inline bool ToEnum(enum #{declName}& value, const std::string& name) { std::map::const_iterator it = _name_to_value_#{declName}.find(name); if (_name_to_value_#{declName}.end() == it) return false; value = it->second; return true; } inline bool FromEnum(std::string& name, enum #{declName} value) { std::map::const_iterator it = _value_to_name_#{declName}.find(value); if (_value_to_name_#{declName}.end() == it) return false; name = it->second; return true; } } // namespace #{declName} } // namespace _bond_enumerators #{enumUsing}|] where enumDefinition = if enumHeader then mempty else [lt|#{CPP.enumDefinition e} |] enumUsing = if enumHeader then mempty else [lt|using namespace _bond_enumerators::#{declName}; |] typeDeclaration _ = mempty