module Blunt where
import Control.Exception (SomeException, evaluate, handle)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, (.=), encode, object, toJSON)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Lambdabot.Pointful (pointful)
import Network.HTTP.Types (notFound404, ok200)
import Network.Wai (Application, Request, Response, queryString, pathInfo,
requestMethod, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (runEnv)
import Pointfree (pointfree)
main :: IO ()
main = runEnv 8080 application
application :: Application
application request respondWith = do
let action = route request
response <- action request
respondWith response
type Action = Request -> IO Response
route :: Request -> Action
route request = case (requestMethod request, pathInfo request) of
("GET", []) -> indexAction
("GET", ["convert"]) -> convertAction
_ -> notFoundAction
indexAction :: Action
indexAction _request = do
let headers = [("Content-Type", "text/html")]
body = pack html
return (responseLBS ok200 headers body)
data Result = Result
{ resultInput :: String
, resultPointfree :: [String]
, resultPointful :: String
} deriving (Read, Show)
instance ToJSON Result where
toJSON result = object
[ "input" .= resultInput result
, "pointfree" .= resultPointfree result
, "pointful" .= resultPointful result
convertAction :: Action
convertAction request = do
let input = case lookup "input" (queryString request) of
Just (Just param) -> unpack param
_ -> ""
pf <- safePointfree input
let pl = pointful input
result = Result
{ resultInput = input
, resultPointfree = pf
, resultPointful = pl
let headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")]
body = encode result
return (responseLBS ok200 headers body)
notFoundAction :: Action
notFoundAction _request = return (responseLBS notFound404 [] "")
safePointfree :: String -> IO [String]
safePointfree = handle handler . evaluate . pointfree where
handler :: SomeException -> IO [String]
handler _ = return []
html :: String
html = unlines
[ "<!doctype html>"
, ""
, "<html>"
, " <head>"
, " <meta charset='utf-8'>"
, " <meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale = 1, maximum-scale = 1, minimum-scale = 1, width = device-width'>"
, ""
, " <title>Blunt</title>"
, ""
, " <style>"
, css
, " </style>"
, " </head>"
, ""
, " <body>"
, " <h1>Blunt</h1>"
, ""
, " <dl>"
, " <dt>Input</dt>"
, " <dd>"
, " <input id='input' placeholder='sum xs = foldr (+) 0 xs' autocapitalize='none' autocomplete='off' autocorrect='off' autofocus spellcheck='false'>"
, " </dd>"
, ""
, " <dt>Pointfree</dt>"
, " <dd>"
, " <div id='pointfree'></div>"
, " </dd>"
, ""
, " <dt>Pointful</dt>"
, " <dd>"
, " <div id='pointful'></div>"
, " </dd>"
, " </dl>"
, ""
, " <p>"
, " <a href=''>"
, ""
, " </a>"
, " </p>"
, ""
, " <script>"
, js
, " </script>"
, " </body>"
, "</html>"
css :: String
css = unlines
[ "html, body {"
, " background: #f5f5f5;"
, " color: #151515;"
, " font: 100%/1.5em sans-serif;"
, " margin: 0;"
, " padding: 0;"
, "}"
, ""
, "body {"
, " box-sizing: border-box;"
, " margin: 0 auto;"
, " max-width: 40em;"
, " padding: 0 1.5em;"
, "}"
, ""
, "h1 {"
, " color: #90a959;"
, " font-size: 2em;"
, " font-weight: bold;"
, " line-height: 3em;"
, " margin: 0;"
, " text-align: center;"
, "}"
, ""
, "dl {"
, " margin: 0;"
, "}"
, ""
, "dt {"
, " margin-top: 1.5em;"
, "}"
, ""
, "dd {"
, " margin: 0;"
, "}"
, ""
, "input, div {"
, " border: thin solid #e0e0e0;"
, " box-sizing: border-box;"
, " font-family: monospace;"
, " font-size: 1em;"
, " width: 100%;"
, "}"
, ""
, "input {"
, " height: 3em;"
, " line-height: 3em;"
, " padding: 0 0.75em;"
, "}"
, ""
, "div {"
, " padding: 0.75em;"
, " white-space: pre-wrap;"
, "}"
, ""
, "p {"
, " margin: 1.5em 0 0 0;"
, " text-align: center;"
, "}"
js :: String
js = unlines
[ "'use strict';"
, ""
, "(function () {"
, " var input = document.getElementById('input');"
, " var pointfree = document.getElementById('pointfree');"
, " var pointful = document.getElementById('pointful');"
, ""
, " var updateHash = function () {"
, " window.location.replace('#input=' + input.value);"
, " };"
, ""
, " var updateOutput = function () {"
, " var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"
, ""
, " request.onreadystatechange = function () {"
, " if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {"
, " var response = JSON.parse(request.response);"
, ""
, " pointfree.textContent = response.pointfree.join('\\n');"
, " pointful.textContent = response.pointful;"
, " }"
, " };"
, "'GET', '/convert?input=' + encodeURIComponent(input.value));"
, " request.send();"
, " };"
, ""
, " input.oninput = function (_event) {"
, " updateHash();"
, " updateOutput();"
, " };"
, ""
, " if (window.location.hash.indexOf('#input=') === 0) {"
, " input.value = window.location.hash.substring(7);"
, " input.oninput();"
, " }"
, "}());"