module Data.Blockchain.Core.Types.BlockchainConfigSpec (spec) where import TestUtil import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time import Data.Blockchain.Core.Types testConfig :: BlockchainConfig testConfig = BlockchainConfig { initialDifficulty = Difficulty 1000 , difficulty1Target = hex256LeadingZeros 2 , targetSecondsPerBlock = 60 , difficultyRecalculationHeight = 10 , initialMiningReward = 100 , miningRewardHalvingHeight = 100 } spec :: Spec spec = describe "Data.Blockchain.Core.Types.BlockchainConfig" $ do describe "targetReward" $ do it "should produce the correct reward" $ and [ targetReward testConfig 0 == 100 , targetReward testConfig 99 == 100 , targetReward testConfig 100 == 50 , targetReward testConfig 101 == 50 , targetReward testConfig 300 == 12 , targetReward testConfig 600 == 1 , targetReward testConfig 700 == 0 , targetReward testConfig 800 == 0 ] prop "should always find a valid reward" $ \conf height -> let reward = targetReward conf height in reward >= 0 && reward <= initialMiningReward conf prop "should always use initial reward if recalc height it zero" $ \conf height -> let conf' = conf { miningRewardHalvingHeight = 0 } in targetReward conf' height == initialMiningReward conf describe "targetDifficulty" $ do prop "should use initial config when no blocks" $ \conf -> targetDifficulty conf mempty === initialDifficulty conf prop "should correctly increase difficulty" $ \block -> targetDifficulty testConfig (blocksWithOffset 60 block) === Difficulty 10000 prop "should correctly decrease difficulty" $ \block -> targetDifficulty testConfig (blocksWithOffset 6000 block) === Difficulty 100 propWithSize 20 "should produce the correct difficulty when not recalculating" $ \(NonEmpty blocks) conf -> -- Pretty complex example, can it be cleaned up? difficultyRecalculationHeight conf /= 0 && targetSecondsPerBlock conf /= 0 && length blocks `mod` fromIntegral (difficultyRecalculationHeight conf) /= 0 ==> targetDifficulty conf blocks === difficulty (blockHeader $ last blocks) prop "should always find a valid difficulty" $ \conf blocks -> targetDifficulty conf blocks >= minBound blocksWithOffset :: Time.NominalDiffTime -> Block -> [Block] blocksWithOffset diffTime (Block header coinbase txs) = replicate 9 block <> pure lastBlock where block = Block (header { difficulty = initialDifficulty testConfig }) coinbase txs endTime = Time.addUTCTime diffTime $ time header lastBlock = setTime endTime block setTime :: Time.UTCTime -> Block -> Block setTime t (Block header tx txs) = Block (header {time = t}) tx txs