module Data.Blockchain.Core.Builder.TransactionSpec (spec) where import TestUtil import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Blockchain.Core.Blockchain import Data.Blockchain.Core.Builder import Data.Blockchain.Core.Crypto import Data.Blockchain.Core.Types blockchainItems :: IO (Blockchain Validated, KeyPair) blockchainItems = do blockchain <- blockchain1Block block <- block1A privateKey <- block1ACoinbasePrivateKey return (blockchain, KeyPair (coinbasePublicKey block) privateKey) coinbasePublicKey :: Block -> PublicKey coinbasePublicKey = signaturePubKey . NonEmpty.head . coinbaseTransactionOut . coinbaseTransaction spec :: Spec spec = describe "Data.Blockchain.Core.Builder.Transaction" $ describe "createSimpleTransaction" $ do propNumTests 5 "should create a valid transaction" $ \(Small value) (Small fee) targetPublicKey -> value + fee < 100 ==> ioProperty $ do (blockchain, keyPair) <- blockchainItems (Transaction txIn txOut) <- throwLeft <$> createSimpleTransaction keyPair targetPublicKey value fee blockchain return $ length txIn == 1 && txOut == NonEmpty.fromList [ TransactionOut (100 - value - fee) (publicKey keyPair) , TransactionOut value targetPublicKey ] propNumTests 5 "should not issue a refund if entire balance is spent" $ \(Small value) targetPublicKey -> value < 100 ==> ioProperty $ do (blockchain, keyPair) <- blockchainItems let fee = 100 - value (Transaction txIn txOut) <- throwLeft <$> createSimpleTransaction keyPair targetPublicKey value fee blockchain return $ length txIn == 1 && txOut == NonEmpty.fromList [ TransactionOut value targetPublicKey ] propNumTests 5 "should reject transactions attempting to spend from empty address" $ \(Small value) (Small fee) publicKey targetPublicKey -> value + fee < 100 ==> ioProperty $ do (blockchain, KeyPair _ privKey) <- blockchainItems let keyPair = KeyPair publicKey privKey res <- createSimpleTransaction keyPair targetPublicKey value fee blockchain return $ res === Left SourceAddressEmpty propNumTests 5 "should reject transactions attempting to spend more than is available in the address" $ \(MediumWord value) (MediumWord fee) targetPublicKey -> value + fee > 100 ==> ioProperty $ do (blockchain, keyPair) <- blockchainItems res <- createSimpleTransaction keyPair targetPublicKey value fee blockchain return $ res === Left SourceAddressInsufficientFunds propNumTests 5 "should reject transactions with invalid private key" $ \(Small value) (Small fee) privateKey targetPublicKey -> value + fee < 100 ==> ioProperty $ do (blockchain, KeyPair pubKey _) <- blockchainItems let keyPair = KeyPair pubKey privateKey res <- createSimpleTransaction keyPair targetPublicKey value fee blockchain return $ res === Left InvalidPrivateKey