{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}

module Graphics.Blank.Canvas where

import Graphics.Blank.Events

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Numeric

data Canvas :: * -> * where
        Command :: Command                             -> Canvas ()
        Bind    :: Canvas a -> (a -> Canvas b)         -> Canvas b
        Return  :: a                                   -> Canvas a
        Get     :: [EventName] -> (EventQueue -> IO a) -> Canvas a
        Size    ::                                        Canvas (Float,Float)

instance Monad Canvas where
        return = Return
        (>>=) = Bind

instance Applicative Canvas where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Functor Canvas where
  fmap f c = c >>= return . f

-- HTML5 Canvas assignments: FillStyle, Font, GlobalAlpha, LineCap, LineJoin, LineWidth, MiterLimit, StrokeStyle, TextAlign, TextBaseline
data Command
        -- regular HTML5 canvas commands
        = Arc (Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Bool)
        | BeginPath
        | BezierCurveTo (Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float)
        | ClearRect (Float,Float,Float,Float)
        | ClosePath
        | Fill
        | FillRect (Float,Float,Float,Float)
        | FillStyle String
        | FillText (String,Float,Float)
        | Font String
        | GlobalAlpha Float
        | LineCap String
        | LineJoin String
        | LineTo (Float,Float)
        | LineWidth Float
        | MiterLimit Float
        | MoveTo (Float,Float)
        | Restore
        | Rotate Float
        | Scale (Float,Float)
        | Save
        | Stroke
        | StrokeRect (Float,Float,Float,Float)
        | StrokeText (String,Float,Float)
        | StrokeStyle String
        | TextAlign String
        | TextBaseline String
        | Transform (Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float)
        | Translate (Float,Float)

showJ :: Float -> String
showJ a = showFFloat (Just 3) a ""

showB :: Bool -> String
showB True = "true"
showB False = "false"

-- | size of the canvas
size :: Canvas (Float,Float)
size = Size

-- | read a specific event; wait for it if the event is not in queue.
-- **Thows away all other events while waiting.**
readEvent :: EventName -> Canvas Event
readEvent nm = fmap (\ (NamedEvent _ e) -> e) (readEvents [nm])

-- | read a specific set of events; wait for it if the event/events is not in queue.
-- **Throws away all other non-named events while waiting.**
readEvents :: [EventName] -> Canvas NamedEvent
readEvents nms = Get nms $ \ q -> do
   let loop = do ne@(NamedEvent n _) <- readEventQueue q
                 if n `elem` nms
                 then return ne -- return if the event is one of the approved list
                 else loop

-- | read a specific event. **Throws away all events not named**
tryReadEvent :: EventName -> Canvas (Maybe Event)
tryReadEvent nm = fmap (fmap (\ (NamedEvent _ e) -> e)) (tryReadEvents [nm])

-- | read a specific set of events. **Throws away all non-named events while waiting.**
tryReadEvents :: [EventName] -> Canvas (Maybe NamedEvent)
tryReadEvents nms = Get nms $ \ q -> do
   let loop = do opt <- tryReadEventQueue q
                 case opt of
                        -- return if the event is one of the approved list
                   Just (NamedEvent n _)
                        | n `elem` nms -> return opt
                        | otherwise    -> loop
                   Nothing -> return Nothing