{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Network.Bitcoin.BitX.Private.Order -- Copyright : 2015 Tebello Thejane -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Tebello Thejane <zyxoas+hackage@gmail.com> -- Stability : Experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC Extensions) -- -- Creating and working with orders -- -- Trading on the market is done by submitting trade orders. After a new order has been created, -- it is submitted for processing by the order matching engine. The order then either matches -- against an existing order in the order book and is filled or it rests in the order book until it -- is stopped. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Network.Bitcoin.BitX.Private.Order ( getAllOrders, postOrder, stopOrder, getOrder, postMarketOrder ) where import Network.Bitcoin.BitX.Internal import Network.Bitcoin.BitX.Types import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Network.Bitcoin.BitX.Response {- | Returns a list of the most recently placed orders. If the second parameter is @Nothing@ then this will return orders for all markets, whereas if it is @Just cpy@ for some @CcyPair cpy@ then the results will be specific to that market. If the third parameter is @Nothing@ then this will return orders in all states, whereas if it is @Just COMPLETE@ or @Just PENDING@ then it will return only completed or pending orders, respectively. This list is truncated after 100 items. @Perm_R_Orders@ permission is required. -} getAllOrders :: BitXAuth -> Maybe CcyPair -> Maybe RequestStatus -> IO (BitXAPIResponse [PrivateOrder]) getAllOrders auth cpair status = simpleBitXGetAuth_ auth url where url = "listorders" ++ case (cpair, status) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> "" (Just pr, Nothing) -> "?pair=" ++ show pr (Nothing, Just st) -> "?state=" ++ show st (Just pr, Just st) -> "?pair=" ++ show pr ++ "&state=" ++ show st {- | Create a new order. __Warning! Orders cannot be reversed once they have executed. Please ensure your program has been__ __thoroughly tested before submitting orders.__ @Perm_W_Orders@ permission is required. -} postOrder :: BitXAuth -> OrderRequest -> IO (BitXAPIResponse OrderID) postOrder auth oreq = simpleBitXPOSTAuth_ auth oreq "postorder" {- | Request to stop an order. @Perm_W_Orders@ permission is required. -} stopOrder :: BitXAuth -> OrderID -> IO (BitXAPIResponse RequestSuccess) stopOrder auth oid = simpleBitXPOSTAuth_ auth oid "stoporder" {- | Get an order by its ID @Perm_R_Orders@ permission is required. -} getOrder :: BitXAuth -> OrderID -> IO (BitXAPIResponse PrivateOrderWithTrades) getOrder auth oid = simpleBitXGetAuth_ auth $ "orders/" ++ Txt.unpack oid {- | Create a new market order. __Warning! Orders cannot be reversed once they have executed. Please ensure your program has been__ __thoroughly tested before submitting orders.__ A market order executes immediately, and either buys as much bitcoin that can be bought for a set amount of fiat currency, or sells a set amount of bitcoin for as much fiat as possible. Use order type @BID@ to buy bitcoin or @ASK@ to sell. @Perm_W_Orders@ permission is required. -} postMarketOrder :: BitXAuth -> MarketOrderRequest -> IO (BitXAPIResponse OrderID) postMarketOrder auth moreq = simpleBitXPOSTAuth_ auth moreq "marketorder"