{- BirchBeer.Plot Gregory W. Schwartz Collects the functions pertaining to plotting the clusterings. -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module BirchBeer.Plot ( plotGraph , plotLabelLegend , plotContinuousLegend , plotSumContinuousLegend ) where -- Remote import Control.Monad (forM, mapM, join) import Control.Monad.State (State (..)) import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Colour (AffineSpace (..), withOpacity) import Data.Colour.Names (black) import Data.Colour.Palette.BrewerSet (brewerSet, ColorCat(..), Kolor) import qualified Data.Colour.Palette.BrewerSet as Brewer import Data.Colour.SRGB (RGB (..), toSRGB) import Data.Either (isLeft, isRight) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (nub, sort, sortBy, foldl1', transpose) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo -- import Diagrams.Dendrogram (dendrogramCustom, Width(..)) import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.TwoD.Arrow import Graphics.SVGFonts import Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Types (getClusterItemsDend) import Plots import Plots.Axis.ColourBar import Plots.Legend import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.Clustering.Hierarchical as HC import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G import qualified Data.GraphViz as G import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as G import qualified Data.List.Split as Split import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Sparse.Common as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz as G hiding (mkGraph) -- Local import BirchBeer.Types import BirchBeer.Utility import BirchBeer.ColorMap -- -- | Plot a dendrogram. Unused until upstream is updated. -- plotDendrogram -- :: (TreeItem a) -- => Maybe (Diagram B) -- -> DrawLeaf -- -> Maybe ItemColorMap -- -> HC.Dendrogram (V.Vector a) -- -> Diagram B -- plotDendrogram Nothing drawLeaf cm dend = -- pad 1 -- . center -- . dendrogramCustom -- Variable -- (whichLeaf drawLeaf $ cm) -- (dendrogramPathLabel drawLeaf cm) -- ((\tree items -> lw 0.3 . scaleToY (3 * height items) $ tree), curry snd) -- $ dend -- where -- whichLeaf DrawText = dendrogramLeafLabel -- whichLeaf (DrawItem _) = dendrogramLeafItem -- plotDendrogram (Just legend) drawLeaf cm dend = -- pad 1 -- . hsep 1 -- $ [ alignT -- . center -- . dendrogramCustom -- Variable -- (whichLeaf drawLeaf $ cm) -- (dendrogramPathLabel drawLeaf cm) -- ((\tree items -> lw 0.3 . scaleToY (2 * height items) $ tree), curry snd) -- $ dend -- , pad 2 . alignT . lw 0.3 center . scaleUToY (height tree / 6) $ legend -- ] -- where -- tree = alignT -- . center -- . dendrogramCustom -- Variable -- (whichLeaf drawLeaf $ cm) -- (dendrogramPathLabel drawLeaf cm) -- ((\tree items -> lw 0.1 . scaleToY (3 * height items) $ tree), curry snd) -- $ dend -- whichLeaf DrawText = dendrogramLeafLabel -- whichLeaf (DrawItem _) = dendrogramLeafItem -- | Get the most frequent color of a dendrogram. getMostFrequentColorDend :: (TreeItem a) => ItemColorMap -> HC.Dendrogram (V.Vector a) -> Kolor getMostFrequentColorDend (ItemColorMap cm) (HC.Leaf leaf) = getMostFrequent . fmap (flip (Map.findWithDefault black) cm . getId) . V.toList $ leaf getMostFrequentColorDend (ItemColorMap cm) dend = getMostFrequent . concatMap ( fmap (flip (Map.findWithDefault black) cm . getId) . V.toList ) . getClusterItemsDend $ dend -- | Get the most frequent color of a list. getMostFrequentColorList :: (TreeItem a) => Maybe ItemColorMap -> [a] -> Kolor getMostFrequentColorList Nothing = const black getMostFrequentColorList (Just (ItemColorMap cm)) = getMostFrequent . fmap (flip (Map.findWithDefault black) cm . getId) -- | How to draw the path at each junction. dendrogramPathLabel :: (TreeItem a) => DrawLeaf -> Maybe ItemColorMap -> HC.Dendrogram (V.Vector a) -> Diagram B -> Diagram B dendrogramPathLabel _ Nothing _ d = d dendrogramPathLabel (DrawItem (DrawContinuous _)) _ _ d = d dendrogramPathLabel (DrawItem DrawSumContinuous) _ _ d = d dendrogramPathLabel _ (Just cm) dend d = lc color d where color = getMostFrequentColorDend cm dend -- | Plot the leaf of a dendrogram as a text label. dendrogramLeafLabel :: (TreeItem a) => Maybe ItemColorMap -> V.Vector a -> Diagram B dendrogramLeafLabel Nothing leaf = case V.length leaf of 1 -> stroke (textSVG (T.unpack . unId . getId . V.head $ leaf) 1) # rotateBy (1/4) # fc black # centerX # pad 1.3 # alignT s -> stroke (textSVG (show s) 1) # rotateBy (1/4) # fc black # centerX # pad 1.3 # alignT dendrogramLeafLabel cm leaf = case V.length leaf of 1 -> stroke (textSVG (T.unpack . unId . getId . V.head $ leaf) 1) # rotateBy (1/4) # fc black # lw none # centerX # pad 1.3 # alignT s -> stroke (textSVG (show s) 1) # rotateBy (1/4) # fc color # lw none # centerX # pad 1.3 # alignT where color = getMostFrequentColorList cm . V.toList $ leaf -- | Plot the leaf of a dendrogram as a collection of items. dendrogramLeafItem :: (TreeItem a) => Maybe ItemColorMap -> V.Vector a -> Diagram B dendrogramLeafItem Nothing leaf = getItem black # centerX # pad 1.3 # alignT dendrogramLeafItem (Just (ItemColorMap cm)) leaf = (vcat . fmap hcat . Split.chunksOf 10 $ items) # centerX # pad 1.3 # alignT where items = fmap getItem colors colors = sort . fmap (flip (Map.findWithDefault black) cm . getId) . V.toList $ leaf -- | Plot the node of a graph as a text label. drawGraphLabel :: (TreeItem a) => Maybe ItemColorMap -> Seq.Seq a -> Diagram B drawGraphLabel Nothing items = case Seq.length items of 1 -> stroke (textSVG (T.unpack . unId . getId . flip Seq.index 0 $ items) 1) # fc black # lw none # center s -> stroke (textSVG (show s) 1) # fc black # lw none # center drawGraphLabel cm items = case Seq.length items of 1 -> stroke (textSVG (T.unpack . unId . getId . flip Seq.index 0 $ items) 1) # fc black # lw none # center s -> stroke (textSVG (show s) 1) # fc color # lw none # center where color = getMostFrequentColorList cm . F.toList $ items -- | Plot the node of a graph as a collection of items. drawGraphItem :: (TreeItem a) => Maybe ItemColorMap -> Seq.Seq a -> Diagram B drawGraphItem Nothing _ = getItem black # centerX # pad 1.3 # center drawGraphItem (Just (ItemColorMap cm)) node = (vcat . fmap hcat . Split.chunksOf boxSize $ items) # center where boxSize = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral . Seq.length $ node items = fmap getItem colors colors = sort . fmap (flip (Map.findWithDefault black) cm . getId) . F.toList $ node -- | Plot a collection of items. drawCollectionItem :: (TreeItem a) => DrawCollection -> Maybe ItemColorMap -> Maybe LeafGraphDiaMap -> G.Node -> Seq.Seq a -> Diagram B drawCollectionItem (CollectionGraph{}) _ Nothing _ _ = mempty drawCollectionItem (CollectionGraph{}) _ (Just (LeafGraphDiaMap lgdm)) n _ = fromMaybe mempty . Map.lookup n $ lgdm drawCollectionItem _ Nothing _ _ _ = mempty drawCollectionItem drawCollection (Just (ItemColorMap cm)) _ _ items = renderAxis $ polarAxis &~ do let colorWedge :: (Kolor, Double) -> State (Plot (Wedge Double) b) () colorWedge colorPair = do plotColor .= fst colorPair areaStyle . _lw .= none colorPairs = sortBy (compare `on` snd) . getFractions . fmap (flip (Map.findWithDefault black) cm . getId) . F.toList $ items piePlot colorPairs snd $ onWedges colorWedge case drawCollection of PieChart -> return () _ -> wedgeInnerRadius .= 0.9 hide (axes . traversed) -- | Draw a single item. getItem :: Kolor -> Diagram B getItem color = circle 1 # lc black # fc color # lwL 0.1 -- Unfortunately cannot change to lwL or they disappear with certain scalings. -- | Legend text size. legendFontSize :: Double legendFontSize = (/ 2.5) $ (def :: Legend B Double) ^. legendSpacing plotLabelLegend :: LabelColorMap -> Diagram B plotLabelLegend = flip (drawLegend emptyBox) legendOpts . fmap plotLabel . Map.toAscList . unLabelColorMap where legendOpts :: Legend B Double legendOpts = over legendTextStyle (const (mempty # font "Arial" # fontSizeL legendFontSize)) . over legendStyle (lw none) $ def plotLabel :: (Label, Colour Double) -> (Diagram B, String) plotLabel (!l, !c) = ( circle legendFontSize # lc black # fc c # lwL (0.1 * legendFontSize) , T.unpack . unLabel $ l ) -- | Continous style of color bar. cbOpts :: Maybe DiscreteColorMap -> ColourBar B Double cbOpts discreteColors = over tickLabelStyle (font "Arial" # fontSizeL legendFontSize) . over colourBarStyle (lwL (0.2 * legendFontSize)) . set majorTicksStyle (mempty # lwL (0.2 * legendFontSize)) . set (minorTicks . visible) False . set (majorGridLines . visible) False . set majorTicksAlignment insideTicks . set visible True . (\ x -> maybe x (\ (DiscreteColorMap y) -> set colourBarDraw (pathColourBar (length y)) x ) discreteColors ) $ defColourBar -- | Get the legend for a feature. Bar from -- https://archives.haskell.org/projects.haskell.org/diagrams/blog/2013-12-03-Palette1.html plotContinuousLegend :: (MatrixLike a) => Maybe CustomColors -> Maybe DiscreteColorMap -> DrawScaleSaturation -> [Feature] -> a -> Diagram B plotContinuousLegend customColors discreteColors sat gs mat = either text dia $ getCombinedFeatures gs $ mat where dia fs = vsep (legendFontSize * 1.2) [ text (T.unpack . T.intercalate " " . fmap unFeature $ gs) # font "Arial" # fontSizeL legendFontSize , rotateBy (3 / 4) $ renderColourBar (cbOpts discreteColors) cm (fromMaybe 0 minVal, fromMaybe 0 maxVal) 100 ] where (minVal, maxVal) = Fold.fold ((,) <$> Fold.minimum <*> Fold.maximum) fs cm = fromMaybe normalCm discreteCm discreteCm = fmap (colourMap . zip [1..] . unDiscreteColorMap) $ discreteColors normalCm = colourMap . zip [1..] . fmap (\x -> saturateColor sat $ blend x highColor lowColor) $ [0,0.1..1] (highColor, lowColor) = getHighLowColors customColors -- | Get the legend for the sum of all features. Bar from -- https://archives.haskell.org/projects.haskell.org/diagrams/blog/2013-12-03-Palette1.html plotSumContinuousLegend :: (MatrixLike a) => Maybe CustomColors -> Maybe DiscreteColorMap -> DrawScaleSaturation -> a -> Diagram B plotSumContinuousLegend customColors discreteColors sat mat = vsep (legendFontSize * 1.2) [ text "Total Sum" # font "Arial" # fontSizeL legendFontSize , rotateBy (3 / 4) $ renderColourBar (cbOpts discreteColors) cm (fromMaybe 0 minVal, fromMaybe 0 maxVal) 100 ] where cm = fromMaybe normalCm discreteCm discreteCm = fmap (colourMap . zip [1..] . unDiscreteColorMap) $ discreteColors normalCm = colourMap . zip [1 ..] . fmap (\x -> saturateColor sat $ blend x highColor lowColor) $ [0, 0.1 .. 1] (minVal, maxVal) = Fold.fold ((,) <$> Fold.minimum <*> Fold.maximum) . fmap sum . S.toRowsL . getMatrix $ mat (highColor, lowColor) = getHighLowColors customColors -- | Get the maximum cluster size from a graph. maxClusterSize :: G.Gr (G.Node, Maybe (Seq.Seq a)) e -> Int maxClusterSize = maximum . fmap (maybe 0 Seq.length . snd) . F.toList . flip getGraphLeaves 0 -- | Get the size of a leaf for graph plotting. Determines the size based on the -- diameter of each node (36) and the maximum size of a cluster. getScaledLeafSize :: Int -> Double -> Seq.Seq a -> Double getScaledLeafSize maxLen maxSize = isTo (fromIntegral . floor . sqrt . fromIntegral $ maxLen) (maxSize / 2) . fromIntegral . floor . sqrt . fromIntegral . Seq.length -- | Get the trail making the edge. getEdgeTrail :: P2 Double -> P2 Double -> Double -> Double -> Trail' Loop V2 Double getEdgeTrail p1 p2 h1 h2 = fromVertices [ perpendicular p1 p2 d1 , perpendicular p1 p2 (-d1) , perpendicular p2 p1 d2 , perpendicular p2 p1 (-d2) ] # closeLine where d1 = h1 / 2 d2 = h2 / 2 -- | Distance d away from p on perpendicular line from p to q, by byorgey. perpendicular :: P2 Double -> P2 Double -> Double -> P2 Double perpendicular p q d = p .+^ ((q .-. p) # perp # normalize # scale d) -- | Get the linear gradient of an edge. getEdgeGrad :: P2 Double -> Kolor -> P2 Double -> Kolor -> Double -> Double -> Texture Double getEdgeGrad p1 c1 p2 c2 h1 h2 = mkLinearGradient (mkStops [(c1, 0, 1), (c2, 1, 1)]) start end GradPad where start = perpendicular startPoint ((0 ^& 0) :: P2 Double) (- d1) -- Start gradient after node. end = endPoint .+^ ((startPoint .-. endPoint) # normalize # scale d2) -- End gradient before node. startPoint = p1 ^-^ origin endPoint = p2 ^-^ origin origin = perpendicular p1 p2 d1 d1 = h1 / 2 d2 = h2 / 2 -- | The function to draw a path connection two nodes in a graph. drawGraphPath :: (TreeItem a) => DrawConfig -> Maybe NodeColorMap -> ClusterGraph a -> (G.Node, Maybe (Seq.Seq a)) -> P2 Double -> (G.Node, Maybe (Seq.Seq a)) -> P2 Double -> ClusterEdge -> Path V2 Double -> Diagram B drawGraphPath opts ncm gr (n1, _) p1 (n2, _) p2 _ _ = strokeLoop trail # lw none # fillTexture gradient # flip place (perpendicular p1 p2 d1) where gradient = getEdgeGrad p1 c1 p2 c2 (height draw1) (height draw2) d1 = height draw1 / 2 draw1 = drawNode n1 p1 draw2 = drawNode n2 p2 c1 = getNodeColor ncm n1 c2 = getNodeColor ncm n2 trail = getEdgeTrail p1 p2 (height draw1) (height draw2) drawNode n p = drawGraphNode -- DrawText is irrelevant here. (resetLeafSize opts) Nothing ncm Nothing Nothing gr (n, Nothing) p resetLeafSize x = x { _drawMaxLeafNodeSize = DrawMaxLeafNodeSize -- Reset the leaf node size to behave like an inner node. . unDrawMaxNodeSize . _drawMaxNodeSize $ x } -- | Determine the smallest axis. smallestAxis dia = min (width dia) (height dia) -- | Determine the axis to scale on. scaleAxis dia = if width dia > height dia then scaleUToX else scaleUToY -- | Draw the final node of a graph. drawGraphNode :: (TreeItem a) => DrawConfig -> Maybe ItemColorMap -> Maybe NodeColorMap -> Maybe MarkColorMap -> Maybe LeafGraphDiaMap -> ClusterGraph a -> (G.Node, Maybe (Seq.Seq a)) -> P2 Double -> Diagram B drawGraphNode opts@(DrawConfig { _drawLeaf = DrawText }) cm _ _ _ gr (n, Just items) pos = ((textDia dnn # fontSizeL (smallestAxis dia)) <> dia <> background) # scaleUToX scaleVal # moveTo pos where dia = itemDia # scaleAxis itemDia scaleVal itemDia = drawGraphLabel cm items background = circle 1 # fc white # lw none # scaleUToY scaleVal maxLeafNodeSize = unDrawMaxLeafNodeSize . _drawMaxLeafNodeSize $ opts textDia True = text (show n) # fc (bool black white . isNothing $ cm) textDia False = mempty dnn = unDrawNodeNumber . _drawNodeNumber $ opts scaleVal = if unDrawNoScaleNodesFlag . _drawNoScaleNodesFlag $ opts then maxLeafNodeSize else getScaledLeafSize maxClusterSize' maxLeafNodeSize items maxClusterSize' = maxClusterSize . unClusterGraph $ gr drawGraphNode opts@(DrawConfig { _drawLeaf = (DrawItem drawType) }) cm ncm _ lgdm gr (n, Just items) pos = ((textDia dnn # fontSizeL (smallestAxis dia)) <> dia) # moveTo pos where dia = drawLeafDia drawType drawLeafDia DrawDiversity = ( (circle 1 # fc (getNodeColor ncm n) # lw none # scaleUToY scaleVal) <> background PieChart ) drawLeafDia _ = ( collectionDia (_drawCollection opts) <> itemsDia <> background (_drawCollection opts) ) background PieNone = roundedRect (width itemsDia) (height itemsDia) 1 # fc white # lw none # scaleUToY (scaleVal * 1.1) background x@(CollectionGraph{}) = roundedRect (width (collectionDia x)) (height (collectionDia x)) 1 # fc white # lw none # scaleUToY (scaleVal * 1.1) background _ = circle 1 # fc white # lw none # scaleUToY scaleVal itemsDia = getItemsDia $ _drawCollection opts getItemsDia PieNone = scaleUToY scaleVal $ drawGraphItem cm items getItemsDia PieChart = mempty getItemsDia (CollectionGraph{}) = mempty getItemsDia _ = scaleUToY (0.5 * scaleVal) $ drawGraphItem cm items collectionDia PieNone = mempty collectionDia x = scaleUToY scaleVal $ drawCollectionItem x cm lgdm n items scaleVal = if unDrawNoScaleNodesFlag . _drawNoScaleNodesFlag $ opts then maxLeafNodeSize else getScaledLeafSize maxClusterSize' maxLeafNodeSize items maxLeafNodeSize = unDrawMaxLeafNodeSize . _drawMaxLeafNodeSize $ opts maxClusterSize' = maxClusterSize . unClusterGraph $ gr textDia True = text (show n) # fc (bool black white . isNothing $ cm) textDia False = mempty dnn = unDrawNodeNumber . _drawNodeNumber $ opts drawGraphNode opts cm ncm mcm _ gr (n, Nothing) pos = (mark mcm <> mainNode) # moveTo pos where mainNode = ((textDia dnn # fontSizeL 1) <> mainDia) # scaleUToY (getNodeSize (_drawNoScaleNodesFlag opts) items) mainDia = circle 1 # fc color # rootDiffer n mark :: Maybe MarkColorMap -> Diagram B mark Nothing = mempty mark (Just (MarkColorMap cm)) = circle 1 # fcA transparent # lcA (Map.findWithDefault transparent n cm) # lw 0.4 # scaleUToY (unDrawMaxNodeSize . _drawMaxNodeSize $ opts) dnn = unDrawNodeNumber . _drawNodeNumber $ opts textDia True = text (show n) # fc (bool black white . isNothing $ cm) textDia False = mempty rootDiffer 0 = lw none rootDiffer n = lw none color = getNodeColor ncm n items = getGraphLeafItems gr n getNodeSize :: DrawNoScaleNodesFlag -> Seq.Seq a -> Double getNodeSize (DrawNoScaleNodesFlag False) = isTo totalItems (unDrawMaxNodeSize . _drawMaxNodeSize $ opts) . fromIntegral . Seq.length getNodeSize (DrawNoScaleNodesFlag True) = const (unDrawMaxNodeSize . _drawMaxNodeSize $ opts) totalItems = fromIntegral . Seq.length . getGraphLeafItems gr $ 0 -- | Plot the graph of a leaf. plotLeafGraph :: (Ord a, TreeItem a) => Maybe ItemColorMap -> LeafGraph a -> IO (Diagram B) plotLeafGraph cm (LeafGraph gr) = do let params :: (TreeItem a) => G.GraphvizParams Int (G.Node, a) Double () (G.Node, a) params = G.defaultDiaParams { G.fmtEdge = (\(_, _, w) -> [G.Weight . G.Int . round $ 100 * w]) -- , G.globalAttributes = [G.GraphAttrs { G.attrs = [G.Sep $ G.DVal 36] }] } layout <- G.layoutGraph G.Neato gr let drawNode (_, x) pos = ( getItem . maybe black ( Map.findWithDefault black (getId x) . unItemColorMap ) $ cm ) # scaleUToY 36 # moveTo pos drawEdge _ p1 _ p2 w p = arrowBetween' (opts p) p1 p2 # lc (blend w black white) # lwL 5 opts p = with & gaps .~ 0 & arrowHead .~ noHead & arrowShaft .~ (unLoc . head $ pathTrails p) treeDia = G.drawGraph' G.VerticesOnTop drawNode drawEdge layout return $ treeDia # center -- | Plot a graph rather than a traditional tree. Uses only info in leaves -- rather than a tree which stores all leaves. plotGraph :: (Ord a, TreeItem a) => Maybe (Diagram B) -> DrawConfig -> Maybe ItemColorMap -> Maybe NodeColorMap -> Maybe MarkColorMap -> Maybe (LeafGraphMap T.Text) -> ClusterGraph a -> IO (Diagram B) plotGraph legend opts cm ncm mcm lgm (ClusterGraph gr) = do let numClusters :: Double numClusters = fromIntegral . Seq.length $ getGraphLeaves gr 0 maxNodeSize = unDrawMaxNodeSize . _drawMaxNodeSize $ opts params :: (TreeItem a) => G.GraphvizParams Int (G.Node, Maybe (Seq.Seq a)) ClusterEdge () (G.Node, Maybe (Seq.Seq a)) params = G.defaultDiaParams { G.fmtEdge = (\(_, _, !w) -> [G.Len . fromMaybe 0 . L.view edgeDistance $ w]) , G.globalAttributes = [G.GraphAttrs { G.attrs = [G.Sep . G.DVal $ maxNodeSize / 2] }] } layout <- G.layoutGraph' params G.TwoPi gr -- Get the graphs at each leaf (if applicable). lgdm <- sequence . fmap ( fmap LeafGraphDiaMap . sequence . Map.map (plotLeafGraph cm) . unLeafGraphMap ) $ lgm let treeDia = G.drawGraph' G.VerticesOnTop (drawGraphNode opts cm ncm mcm lgdm (ClusterGraph gr)) (drawGraphPath opts ncm (ClusterGraph gr)) layout dia = case legend of Nothing -> pad 1 . center $ treeDia (Just l) -> pad 1 . hsep (unDrawLegendSep . _drawLegendSep $ opts) $ [ alignY 1.5 . lw 0.3 . center . scaleUToX (width treeDia / 8) $ l , alignT . center $ treeDia ] return dia