!! | Bio.Prelude |
$ | Bio.Prelude |
$! | Bio.Prelude |
$> | Bio.Prelude |
% | Bio.Prelude |
& | Bio.Prelude |
&& | Bio.Prelude |
&&& | Bio.Prelude |
* | Bio.Prelude |
** | Bio.Prelude |
*** | Bio.Prelude |
*> | Bio.Prelude |
+ | Bio.Prelude |
++ | Bio.Prelude |
+++ | Bio.Prelude |
- | Bio.Prelude |
. | Bio.Prelude |
.&. | Bio.Prelude |
.|. | Bio.Prelude |
/ | Bio.Prelude |
/= | Bio.Prelude |
:!: | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
:* | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
:+ | Bio.Prelude |
:-> | Bio.Adna |
:> | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
:| | Bio.Prelude |
:~: | Bio.Prelude |
:~~: | Bio.Prelude |
< | Bio.Prelude |
<#> | Bio.Util.Numeric |
<$ | Bio.Prelude |
<$!> | Bio.Prelude |
<$> | Bio.Prelude |
<&> | Bio.Prelude |
<* | Bio.Prelude |
<**> | Bio.Prelude |
<*> | Bio.Prelude |
<+> | Bio.Prelude |
<<< | Bio.Prelude |
<<^ | Bio.Prelude |
<= | Bio.Prelude |
<=< | Bio.Prelude |
<> | Bio.Prelude |
<|> | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
=<< | Bio.Prelude |
== | Bio.Prelude |
> | Bio.Prelude |
>= | Bio.Prelude |
>=> | Bio.Prelude |
>> | Bio.Prelude |
>>= | Bio.Prelude |
>>> | Bio.Prelude |
>>^ | Bio.Prelude |
abortParse | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
abs | Bio.Prelude |
AbsoluteSeek | Bio.Prelude |
acos | Bio.Prelude |
acosh | Bio.Prelude |
addForeignPtrFinalizer | Bio.Prelude |
addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv | Bio.Prelude |
addFragType | Bio.Adna |
addMVarFinalizer | Bio.Prelude |
addPG | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
adjustE | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
AD_Seqs | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
afford | Bio.Streaming.Furrow |
AlgConstr | Bio.Prelude |
AlgRep | Bio.Prelude |
alignedLength | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Alignment | Bio.Adna |
alignment | Bio.Prelude |
alignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
All | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
all | Bio.Prelude |
AllocationLimitExceeded | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
allocationLimitExceeded | Bio.Prelude |
allowInterrupt | Bio.Prelude |
ALN | Bio.Adna |
alnFromMd | Bio.Adna |
AlreadyExists | Bio.Prelude |
alreadyExistsErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
alreadyInUseErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
Alt | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
Alternative | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
and | Bio.Prelude |
annotateIOError | Bio.Prelude |
Any | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
any | Bio.Prelude |
Ap | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
ap | Bio.Prelude |
app | Bio.Prelude |
appendFile | Bio.Prelude |
AppendMode | Bio.Prelude |
appEndo | Bio.Prelude |
Applicative | Bio.Prelude |
approxRational | Bio.Prelude |
ArithException | Bio.Prelude |
arr | Bio.Prelude |
ArrayException | Bio.Prelude |
Arrow | Bio.Prelude |
ArrowApply | Bio.Prelude |
ArrowChoice | Bio.Prelude |
ArrowLoop | Bio.Prelude |
ArrowMonad | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
ArrowPlus | Bio.Prelude |
ArrowZero | Bio.Prelude |
asin | Bio.Prelude |
asinh | Bio.Prelude |
assert | Bio.Prelude |
assertError | Bio.Prelude |
AssertionFailed | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
asTypeOf | Bio.Prelude |
asum | Bio.Prelude |
AsyncException | Bio.Prelude |
asyncExceptionFromException | Bio.Prelude |
asyncExceptionToException | Bio.Prelude |
atan | Bio.Prelude |
atan2 | Bio.Prelude |
atanh | Bio.Prelude |
atomically | Bio.Prelude |
atomicModifyIORef | Bio.Prelude |
atomicModifyIORef' | Bio.Prelude |
atomicWriteIORef | Bio.Prelude |
atto | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
a_fragment_type | Bio.Adna |
a_sequence | Bio.Adna |
BamHeader | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
BamIndex | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
BamKey | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
BamMeta | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
BamOtherShit | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
BamRaw | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
bamRaw | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
BamRec | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
BamSorting | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
BamSQ | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
bang | Bio.Adna |
Base | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
basecompo3 | Bio.Adna |
basecompo5 | Bio.Adna |
BasePile | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
BB | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclArgs | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclNucsAsc | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclNucsAscRev | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclNucsBin | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclNucsWide | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclQualsAsc | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclQualsAscRev | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclQualsBin | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BclSpecialType | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
bgunzip | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
BgzfTokens | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
Bifunctor | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
bimap | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Bin | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
bit | Bio.Prelude |
bitDefault | Bio.Prelude |
Bits | Bio.Prelude |
bitSize | Bio.Prelude |
bitSizeMaybe | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedOnBlackHole | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedOnException | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedOnForeignCall | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedOnMVar | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedOnOther | Bio.Prelude |
BlockedOnSTM | Bio.Prelude |
BlockReason | Bio.Prelude |
Bool | Bio.Prelude |
bool | Bio.Prelude |
Both | Bio.TwoBit |
Bounded | Bio.Prelude |
bracket | Bio.Prelude |
bracketOnError | Bio.Prelude |
bracket_ | Bio.Prelude |
break | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
BrokenMD | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
BrokenRecord | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
br_copy | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
buffer | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
bwa_cal_maxdiff | Bio.Adna |
Bytes | Bio.Prelude |
ByteStream | Bio.Streaming.Bytes, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
byteSwap16 | Bio.Prelude |
byteSwap32 | Bio.Prelude |
byteSwap64 | Bio.Prelude |
b_cigar | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_exts | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_flag | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_isize | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_mapq | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_mpos | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_mrnm | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_pos | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_qname | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_qual | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_rname | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_seq | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
b_virtual_offset | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
c2w | Bio.Util.Text, Bio.Prelude |
CallStats | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
cannotCompactFunction | Bio.Prelude |
cannotCompactMutable | Bio.Prelude |
cannotCompactPinned | Bio.Prelude |
cast | Bio.Prelude |
castForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
castFunPtr | Bio.Prelude |
castFunPtrToPtr | Bio.Prelude |
castPtr | Bio.Prelude |
castPtrToFunPtr | Bio.Prelude |
castPtrToStablePtr | Bio.Prelude |
castStablePtrToPtr | Bio.Prelude |
catch | Bio.Prelude |
catchAll | Bio.Prelude |
catches | Bio.Prelude |
catchIf | Bio.Prelude |
catchIOError | Bio.Prelude |
catchJust | Bio.Prelude |
catchSTM | Bio.Prelude |
Category | Bio.Prelude |
catMaybes | Bio.Prelude |
ceiling | Bio.Prelude |
Centi | Bio.Prelude |
Chan | Bio.Prelude |
Char | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
CharConstr | Bio.Prelude |
CharRep | Bio.Prelude |
cheap_collapse | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
cheap_collapse_keep | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
check_sort | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
childHandler | Bio.Prelude |
choose | Bio.Util.Numeric |
chr | Bio.Prelude |
Chunk | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
chunk | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
chunksOf | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Cigar | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
CigOp | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
cis | Bio.Prelude |
clampPosition | Bio.TwoBit |
clearBit | Bio.Prelude |
closeFdWith | Bio.Prelude |
ClosePunctuation | Bio.Prelude |
Collapse | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
CompactionFailed | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
compare | Bio.Prelude |
compareNames | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
comparing | Bio.Prelude |
compl | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
complement | Bio.Prelude |
complementBit | Bio.Prelude |
Complete | Bio.Adna |
Complex | Bio.Prelude |
complexEntropy | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
complexSimple | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
complMat | Bio.Adna |
compls | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Compose | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
CompositionStats | Bio.Adna |
CompressionError | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
concat | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
concatBuilders | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
concatInputs | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
concatMap | Bio.Prelude |
concats | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
ConIndex | Bio.Prelude |
conjugate | Bio.Prelude |
ConnectorPunctuation | Bio.Prelude |
cons | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
consChunk | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
consChunkOff | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
Const | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
const | Bio.Prelude |
Constr | Bio.Prelude |
constrFields | Bio.Prelude |
constrFixity | Bio.Prelude |
constrIndex | Bio.Prelude |
ConstrRep | Bio.Prelude |
constrRep | Bio.Prelude |
constrType | Bio.Prelude |
cons_collapse | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
cons_collapse_keep | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
Control | Bio.Prelude |
Coordinate | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
coordinates | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
copy | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
cos | Bio.Prelude |
cosh | Bio.Prelude |
countLeadingZeros | Bio.Prelude |
countTrailingZeros | Bio.Prelude |
createMmapFile | Bio.Util.MMap |
CurrencySymbol | Bio.Prelude |
curry | Bio.Prelude |
cutoff | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
cycle | Bio.Prelude |
DamagedBase | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
DamageModel | Bio.Adna |
DamageParameters | Bio.Adna |
damagePatternsIter | Bio.Adna |
damagePatternsIter2Bit | Bio.Adna |
damagePatternsIterMD | Bio.Adna |
DashPunctuation | Bio.Prelude |
Data | Bio.Prelude |
dataCast1 | Bio.Prelude |
dataCast2 | Bio.Prelude |
DataRep | Bio.Prelude |
DataType | Bio.Prelude |
dataTypeConstrs | Bio.Prelude |
dataTypeName | Bio.Prelude |
dataTypeOf | Bio.Prelude |
dataTypeRep | Bio.Prelude |
DB | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
db_call | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
db_dmg_pos | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
db_dmg_tk | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
db_qual | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
db_ref | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
Deadlock | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
Debug | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
Deci | Bio.Prelude |
DecimalNumber | Bio.Prelude |
decodeBam | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
decodeBamFile | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
decodeBamFiles | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
decodeBytes | Bio.Util.Text, Bio.Prelude |
decodeFloat | Bio.Prelude |
decodePlainBam | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
decodePlainSam | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
decompose | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
decompressGzip | Bio.Util.Text, Bio.Prelude |
DecompressionError | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
default_fwd_adapters | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
default_rev_adapters | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
Del | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Del' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
delays | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
delete | Bio.Prelude |
deleteBy | Bio.Prelude |
deleted_bases | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
deleteE | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
deleteFirstsBy | Bio.Prelude |
denominator | Bio.Prelude |
Denormal | Bio.Prelude |
depth | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
deRefStablePtr | Bio.Prelude |
destroy | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
die | Bio.Prelude |
digitToInt | Bio.Prelude |
disableAllocationLimit | Bio.Prelude |
displayException | Bio.Prelude |
dissect | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
distinctBin | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
distribute | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
div | Bio.Prelude |
div' | Bio.Prelude |
DivideByZero | Bio.Prelude |
divMod | Bio.Prelude |
divMod' | Bio.Prelude |
DmgStats | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Adna |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Adna |
DmgToken | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
doesNotExistErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
Double | Bio.Prelude |
Down | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
DP | Bio.Adna |
dp_alpha | Bio.Adna |
dp_alpha3 | Bio.Adna |
dp_alpha5 | Bio.Adna |
dp_beta | Bio.Adna |
dp_beta3 | Bio.Adna |
dp_beta5 | Bio.Adna |
dp_gc_frac | Bio.Adna |
dp_mu | Bio.Adna |
dp_nu | Bio.Adna |
drain | Bio.Streaming.Furrow |
drop | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
3 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
dropLine | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
dropWhile | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
dropWhileEnd | Bio.Prelude |
dsd_delta | Bio.Adna |
dsd_lambda | Bio.Adna |
dsd_sigma | Bio.Adna |
Dual | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
dupChan | Bio.Prelude |
Dynamic | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
dynApp | Bio.Prelude |
dynApply | Bio.Prelude |
dynTypeRep | Bio.Prelude |
E0 | Bio.Prelude |
E1 | Bio.Prelude |
E12 | Bio.Prelude |
E2 | Bio.Prelude |
E3 | Bio.Prelude |
E6 | Bio.Prelude |
E9 | Bio.Prelude |
each | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
ECig | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
effect | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
effects | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
eflagAlternative | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
eflagExactIndex | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
eflagMerged | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
eflagTrimmed | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
Either | Bio.Prelude |
either | Bio.Prelude |
elem | Bio.Prelude |
elemIndex | Bio.Prelude |
elemIndices | Bio.Prelude |
embed | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
empDamage | Bio.Adna |
Empty | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
empty | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
EmptyRecord | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
enableAllocationLimit | Bio.Prelude |
EnclosingMark | Bio.Prelude |
encodeBamWith | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
encodeBgzf | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
encodeBytes | Bio.Util.Text, Bio.Prelude |
encodeFloat | Bio.Prelude |
end | Bio.Bam.Regions, Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
Endo | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
EndOfRead | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
ensureIOManagerIsRunning | Bio.Prelude |
Enum | Bio.Prelude |
enumFrom | Bio.Prelude |
enumFromThen | Bio.Prelude |
enumFromThenTo | Bio.Prelude |
enumFromTo | Bio.Prelude |
eofErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
EofException | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
EQ | Bio.Prelude |
Eq | Bio.Prelude |
eqStableName | Bio.Prelude |
eqT | Bio.Prelude |
Error | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
error | Bio.Prelude |
ErrorCall | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
ErrorCallWithLocation | Bio.Prelude |
errorContexts | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
errorMessage | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
errorWithoutStackTrace | Bio.Prelude |
error_level | Control.Monad.Log |
estimateComplexity | Bio.Util.Numeric |
evaluate | Bio.Prelude |
even | Bio.Prelude |
evertStream | Bio.Streaming.Furrow |
Exception | Bio.Prelude |
execWithParser | Control.Monad.Log |
execWithParser_ | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
ExitCase | Bio.Prelude |
ExitCaseAbort | Bio.Prelude |
ExitCaseException | Bio.Prelude |
ExitCaseSuccess | Bio.Prelude |
ExitCode | Bio.Prelude |
ExitFailure | Bio.Prelude |
ExitSuccess | Bio.Prelude |
exp | Bio.Prelude |
expand | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
expandBuffer | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
expandPost | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
expm1 | Bio.Util.Numeric |
exponent | Bio.Prelude |
Ext | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
extAsInt | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
extAsString | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
extendRange | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Extensions | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
extensions | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
fail | Bio.Prelude |
False | Bio.Prelude |
FilePath | Bio.Prelude |
fillBuffer | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
filter | Bio.Prelude |
filterM | Bio.Prelude |
filterPairs | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
finalizeForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
FinalizerEnvPtr | Bio.Prelude |
FinalizerPtr | Bio.Prelude |
finally | Bio.Prelude |
FinalQuote | Bio.Prelude |
find | Bio.Prelude |
findIndex | Bio.Prelude |
findIndices | Bio.Prelude |
find_merge | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
find_trim | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
FiniteBits | Bio.Prelude |
finiteBitSize | Bio.Prelude |
First | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
first | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
fix | Bio.Prelude |
Fixed | Bio.Prelude |
FixIOException | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
Fixity | Bio.Prelude |
fixST | Bio.Prelude |
fixupBwaFlags | Bio.Bam.Evan |
fixupFlagAbuse | Bio.Bam.Evan |
flagAuxillary | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagDuplicate | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagFailsQC | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagFirstMate | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagMateReversed | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagMateUnmapped | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagPaired | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagProperlyPaired | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagReversed | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagSecondary | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagSecondMate | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagSupplementary | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flagUnmapped | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
flip | Bio.Prelude |
Float | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
FloatArr | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
FloatConstr | Bio.Prelude |
floatDigits | Bio.Prelude |
Floating | Bio.Prelude |
floatRadix | Bio.Prelude |
floatRange | Bio.Prelude |
FloatRep | Bio.Prelude |
floatToDigits | Bio.Prelude |
floor | Bio.Prelude |
fmap | Bio.Prelude |
fmapDefault | Bio.Prelude |
fold | Bio.Prelude |
Foldable | Bio.Prelude |
foldl | Bio.Prelude |
foldl' | Bio.Prelude |
foldl1 | Bio.Prelude |
foldl1' | Bio.Prelude |
foldlM | Bio.Prelude |
foldM | Bio.Prelude |
foldMap | Bio.Prelude |
foldMapDefault | Bio.Prelude |
foldM_ | Bio.Prelude |
foldr | Bio.Prelude |
foldr' | Bio.Prelude |
foldr1 | Bio.Prelude |
foldrM | Bio.Prelude |
for | Bio.Prelude |
ForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
forever | Bio.Prelude |
forkFinally | Bio.Prelude |
forkIO | Bio.Prelude |
forkIOWithUnmask | Bio.Prelude |
forkOn | Bio.Prelude |
forkOnWithUnmask | Bio.Prelude |
forkOS | Bio.Prelude |
forkOSWithUnmask | Bio.Prelude |
forM | Bio.Prelude |
Format | Bio.Prelude |
forM_ | Bio.Prelude |
for_ | Bio.Prelude |
Fractional | Bio.Prelude |
FragType | Bio.Adna |
freeHaskellFunPtr | Bio.Prelude |
freeStablePtr | Bio.Prelude |
freezeMats | Bio.Adna |
from1 | Bio.Prelude |
fromChunks | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
fromConstr | Bio.Prelude |
fromConstrB | Bio.Prelude |
fromConstrM | Bio.Prelude |
fromDmgToken | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
fromDyn | Bio.Prelude |
fromDynamic | Bio.Prelude |
fromEnum | Bio.Prelude |
fromException | Bio.Prelude |
fromInteger | Bio.Prelude |
fromIntegral | Bio.Prelude |
fromJust | Bio.Prelude |
fromLazy | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
fromLeft | Bio.Prelude |
fromList | Bio.Bam.Regions |
fromMaybe | Bio.Prelude |
fromProb | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
fromQual | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
fromQualRaised | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
fromRat | Bio.Prelude |
fromRational | Bio.Prelude |
fromRight | Bio.Prelude |
fromString | Bio.Prelude |
fst | Bio.Prelude |
fst_np | Bio.Adna |
fullErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
Functor | Bio.Prelude |
FunPtr | Bio.Prelude |
funResultTy | Bio.Prelude |
Furrow | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming.Furrow |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming.Furrow |
gap | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
gcast | Bio.Prelude |
gcast1 | Bio.Prelude |
gcast2 | Bio.Prelude |
gcd | Bio.Prelude |
GenDamageParameters | Bio.Adna |
generalBracket | Bio.Prelude |
GeneralCategory | Bio.Prelude |
generalCategory | Bio.Prelude |
Generic | Bio.Prelude |
Generic1 | Bio.Prelude |
genericDrop | Bio.Prelude |
genericIndex | Bio.Prelude |
genericLength | Bio.Prelude |
genericReplicate | Bio.Prelude |
genericSplitAt | Bio.Prelude |
genericTake | Bio.Prelude |
getAll | Bio.Prelude |
getAllocationCounter | Bio.Prelude |
getAlt | Bio.Prelude |
getAny | Bio.Prelude |
getAp | Bio.Prelude |
getArgs | Bio.Prelude |
getBamMeta | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
getBamRaw | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
getBgzfHdr | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
getByte | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
getChanContents | Bio.Prelude |
getChar | Bio.Prelude |
getCompose | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
getConst | Bio.Prelude |
getContents | Bio.Prelude |
getDual | Bio.Prelude |
getEnv | Bio.Prelude |
getEnvironment | Bio.Prelude |
getExecutablePath | Bio.Prelude |
getFirst | Bio.Prelude |
getFragment | Bio.TwoBit |
getFwdSubseqV | Bio.TwoBit |
getFwdSubseqWith | Bio.TwoBit |
getLast | Bio.Prelude |
getLazySubseq | Bio.TwoBit |
getLine | Bio.Prelude |
getMaskingState | Bio.Prelude |
getMd | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
getNumCapabilities | Bio.Prelude |
getNumProcessors | Bio.Prelude |
getProduct | Bio.Prelude |
getProgName | Bio.Prelude |
getRandomSeq | Bio.TwoBit |
getRef | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
getSamRec | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
getSeqLength | Bio.TwoBit |
getSeqnames | Bio.TwoBit |
getString | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
getSubseq | Bio.TwoBit |
getSubseqAscii | Bio.TwoBit |
getSubseqMasked | Bio.TwoBit |
getSubseqWith | Bio.TwoBit |
getSum | Bio.Prelude |
getUncaughtExceptionHandler | Bio.Prelude |
getWord32 | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
getWord64 | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
getZipList | Bio.Prelude |
gfoldl | Bio.Prelude |
Globally | Bio.Align |
gmapM | Bio.Prelude |
gmapMo | Bio.Prelude |
gmapMp | Bio.Prelude |
gmapQ | Bio.Prelude |
gmapQi | Bio.Prelude |
gmapQl | Bio.Prelude |
gmapQr | Bio.Prelude |
gmapT | Bio.Prelude |
Go | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
group | Bio.Prelude |
groupBy | Bio.Prelude |
Grouped | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
groups | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
groupWith | Bio.Prelude |
GT | Bio.Prelude |
guard | Bio.Prelude |
guardRefCompat | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
gunfold | Bio.Prelude |
gunzip | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
gunzipWith | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
gzip | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
Handle | Bio.Prelude |
handle | Bio.Prelude |
handleAll | Bio.Prelude |
handleIf | Bio.Prelude |
handleIOError | Bio.Prelude |
handleJust | Bio.Prelude |
Handler | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
HandlerFun | Bio.Prelude |
Hard | Bio.TwoBit |
HardwareFault | Bio.Prelude |
hash | Bio.Prelude |
Hashable | Bio.Prelude |
HashMap | Bio.Prelude |
HashSet | Bio.Prelude |
hashStableName | Bio.Prelude |
hashUnique | Bio.Prelude |
hashWithSalt | Bio.Prelude |
HasPrefix | Bio.Align |
HasResolution | Bio.Prelude |
hClose | Bio.Prelude |
hdr_other_shit | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
hdr_sorting | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
hdr_version | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
head | Bio.Prelude |
HeapOverflow | Bio.Prelude |
heapOverflow | Bio.Prelude |
hFlush | Bio.Prelude |
hGetContents | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
hGetContentsN | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
HMa | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
HMa' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
hoist | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
hoistUnexposed | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
hPrintf | Bio.Prelude |
hPut | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
HRefl | Bio.Prelude |
hSeek | Bio.Prelude |
id | Bio.Prelude |
Identity | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
IllegalOperation | Bio.Prelude |
illegalOperationErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
imagPart | Bio.Prelude |
InappropriateType | Bio.Prelude |
IncoherentQualities | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
IncompatibleRefs | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
IncongruentQualities | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
Indel | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
IndelPile | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
IndelVariant | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
index | Bio.Prelude |
indexConstr | Bio.Prelude |
IndexFormatError | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
IndexOutOfBounds | Bio.Prelude |
Infix | Bio.Prelude |
Info | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
init | Bio.Prelude |
InitialQuote | Bio.Prelude |
inits | Bio.Prelude |
InL | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
inline | Bio.Prelude |
InR | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
inRange | Bio.Prelude |
Ins | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Ins' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
insert | Bio.Prelude |
insertBy | Bio.Prelude |
insertE | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
inserted_bases | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
insideRange | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
inspect | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Int | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Int16 | Bio.Prelude |
Int32 | Bio.Prelude |
Int64 | Bio.Prelude |
Int8 | Bio.Prelude |
IntArr | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
IntConstr | Bio.Prelude |
Integer | Bio.Prelude |
Integral | Bio.Prelude |
interact | Bio.Prelude |
intercalate | Bio.Prelude |
intercalates | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
interleaves | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
InternalError | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
Interrupted | Bio.Prelude |
interruptible | Bio.Prelude |
intersect | Bio.Prelude |
intersectBy | Bio.Prelude |
intersperse | Bio.Prelude |
IntMap | Bio.Prelude |
IntPtr | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
intPtrToPtr | Bio.Prelude |
IntRep | Bio.Prelude |
IntSet | Bio.Prelude |
intToDigit | Bio.Prelude |
InvalidArgument | Bio.Prelude |
invalidPos | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
invalidRefseq | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
invnormcdf | Bio.Util.Numeric |
IO | Bio.Prelude |
ioeGetErrorString | Bio.Prelude |
ioeGetErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
ioeGetFileName | Bio.Prelude |
ioeGetHandle | Bio.Prelude |
ioeGetLocation | Bio.Prelude |
IOError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
ioError | Bio.Prelude |
IOErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
ioeSetErrorString | Bio.Prelude |
ioeSetErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
ioeSetFileName | Bio.Prelude |
ioeSetHandle | Bio.Prelude |
ioeSetLocation | Bio.Prelude |
IOException | Bio.Prelude |
ioException | Bio.Prelude |
ioe_description | Bio.Prelude |
ioe_errno | Bio.Prelude |
ioe_filename | Bio.Prelude |
ioe_handle | Bio.Prelude |
ioe_location | Bio.Prelude |
ioe_type | Bio.Prelude |
ioManagerCapabilitiesChanged | Bio.Prelude |
IOMode | Bio.Prelude |
IORef | Bio.Prelude |
isAlgType | Bio.Prelude |
isAlpha | Bio.Prelude |
isAlphaNum | Bio.Prelude |
isAlreadyExistsError | Bio.Prelude |
isAlreadyExistsErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
isAlreadyInUseError | Bio.Prelude |
isAlreadyInUseErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
isAlternative | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isAscii | Bio.Prelude |
isAsciiLower | Bio.Prelude |
isAsciiUpper | Bio.Prelude |
IsBamRec | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
isBase | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
isControl | Bio.Prelude |
isCurrentThreadBound | Bio.Prelude |
isDenormalized | Bio.Prelude |
isDigit | Bio.Prelude |
isDoesNotExistError | Bio.Prelude |
isDoesNotExistErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
isDuplicate | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isEmptyMVar | Bio.Prelude |
isEOFError | Bio.Prelude |
isEOFErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
isExactIndex | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isFailsQC | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isFinished | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
isFirstMate | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isFullError | Bio.Prelude |
isFullErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
isGap | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
isHexDigit | Bio.Prelude |
isIEEE | Bio.Prelude |
isIllegalOperation | Bio.Prelude |
isIllegalOperationErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
isInfinite | Bio.Prelude |
isInfixOf | Bio.Prelude |
isJust | Bio.Prelude |
isKnownMapq | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
isLatin1 | Bio.Prelude |
isLeft | Bio.Prelude |
isLetter | Bio.Prelude |
isLower | Bio.Prelude |
isMark | Bio.Prelude |
isMateReversed | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isMateUnmapped | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isMerged | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isNaN | Bio.Prelude |
isNegativeZero | Bio.Prelude |
isNorepType | Bio.Prelude |
isNothing | Bio.Prelude |
isNumber | Bio.Prelude |
isOctDigit | Bio.Prelude |
isolate | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
isPaired | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isPermissionError | Bio.Prelude |
isPermissionErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
IsPrefix | Bio.Align |
isPrefixOf | Bio.Prelude |
isPrint | Bio.Prelude |
isProperBase | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
isProperlyPaired | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isPunctuation | Bio.Prelude |
isReversed | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isRight | Bio.Prelude |
isSecondary | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isSecondMate | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isSeparator | Bio.Prelude |
isSigned | Bio.Prelude |
isSpace | Bio.Prelude |
IsString | Bio.Prelude |
isSubsequenceOf | Bio.Prelude |
isSuffixOf | Bio.Prelude |
isSupplementary | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isSymbol | Bio.Prelude |
isTrimmed | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isUnmapped | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
isUpper | Bio.Prelude |
isUserError | Bio.Prelude |
isUserErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
isValidPos | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
isValidRefseq | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
iterate | Bio.Prelude |
iterate' | Bio.Prelude |
iterT | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
iterTM | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Ix | Bio.Prelude |
join | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
JunkFound | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
Just | Bio.Prelude |
killThread | Bio.Prelude |
Kleisli | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
labelThread | Bio.Prelude |
Last | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
last | Bio.Prelude |
lazily | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
lazy | Bio.Prelude |
LazyBytes | Bio.Prelude |
LazyText | Bio.Prelude |
lcm | Bio.Prelude |
Leading | Bio.Adna |
Left | Bio.Prelude |
left | Bio.Prelude |
leftApp | Bio.Prelude |
lefts | Bio.Prelude |
length | Bio.Prelude |
LengthMismatch | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
LetterNumber | Bio.Prelude |
Level | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
lex | Bio.Prelude |
lexDigits | Bio.Prelude |
lexLitChar | Bio.Prelude |
lift | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
liftA | Bio.Prelude |
liftA2 | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
liftA3 | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
liftIO | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
liftM | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
liftM2 | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
liftM3 | Bio.Prelude |
liftM4 | Bio.Prelude |
liftM5 | Bio.Prelude |
lines | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
lines' | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
LineSeparator | Bio.Prelude |
LIO | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
listToMaybe | Bio.Prelude |
llerp | Bio.Util.Numeric |
log | Bio.Prelude |
log1mexp | Bio.Util.Numeric |
log1p | Bio.Util.Numeric |
log1pexp | Bio.Util.Numeric |
logBase | Bio.Prelude |
Logged | |
1 (Type/Class) | Control.Monad.Log |
2 (Data Constructor) | Control.Monad.Log |
LoggingConf | |
1 (Type/Class) | Control.Monad.Log |
2 (Data Constructor) | Control.Monad.Log |
logging_level | Control.Monad.Log |
logMsg | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
logOptions | Control.Monad.Log |
logStringLn | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
logString_ | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
lookup | Bio.Prelude |
lookupEnv | Bio.Prelude |
lookupSequence | Bio.TwoBit |
loop | Bio.Prelude |
loop_bcl_special | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
loop_dec_int | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
LossOfPrecision | Bio.Prelude |
LowercaseLetter | Bio.Prelude |
lsum | Bio.Util.Numeric |
LT | Bio.Prelude |
magnitude | Bio.Prelude |
makeStableName | Bio.Prelude |
makeVersion | Bio.Prelude |
mallocForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
mallocForeignPtrArray | Bio.Prelude |
mallocForeignPtrArray0 | Bio.Prelude |
mallocForeignPtrBytes | Bio.Prelude |
many | Bio.Prelude |
map | Bio.Prelude |
mapAccumL | Bio.Prelude |
mapAccumR | Bio.Prelude |
mapAndUnzipM | Bio.Prelude |
mapChunksM_ | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
mapException | Bio.Prelude |
mapM | Bio.Prelude |
mapMaybe | Bio.Prelude |
mapM_ | Bio.Prelude |
mapped | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mappedPost | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mappend | Bio.Prelude |
maps | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mapsM | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mapsMPost | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mapsM_ | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mapsPost | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mark | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
mark2 | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
Mask | Bio.TwoBit |
mask | Bio.Prelude |
MaskedInterruptible | Bio.Prelude |
MaskedUninterruptible | Bio.Prelude |
MaskingState | Bio.Prelude |
mask_ | Bio.Prelude |
Mat | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Mat' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
Mat44D | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Adna |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Adna |
MathSymbol | Bio.Prelude |
max | Bio.Prelude |
maxBound | Bio.Prelude |
maxConstrIndex | Bio.Prelude |
maximum | Bio.Prelude |
maximumBy | Bio.Prelude |
max_log_size | Control.Monad.Log |
Maybe | Bio.Prelude |
maybe | Bio.Prelude |
maybeToList | Bio.Prelude |
mconcat | Bio.Prelude |
MdDel | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
MdNum | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
MdOp | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
MdRep | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
mempty | Bio.Prelude |
mergeBam | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
mergeBlocks | Bio.TwoBit |
merged_qual | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
merged_seq | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
mergeInputsOn | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
mergeStreams | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mergeStreamsBy | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mergeStreamsOn | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
meta_comment | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
meta_hdr | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
meta_other_shit | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
meta_pgs | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
meta_refs | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
mfilter | Bio.Prelude |
mfix | Bio.Prelude |
MFunctor | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Micro | Bio.Prelude |
Milli | Bio.Prelude |
min | Bio.Prelude |
minBound | Bio.Prelude |
minimum | Bio.Prelude |
minimumBy | Bio.Prelude |
minshift | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
minusPtr | Bio.Prelude |
mkCharConstr | Bio.Prelude |
mkCharType | Bio.Prelude |
mkConstr | Bio.Prelude |
mkDataType | Bio.Prelude |
MkFixed | Bio.Prelude |
mkFloatType | Bio.Prelude |
mkFunTy | Bio.Prelude |
mkIntegralConstr | Bio.Prelude |
mkIntType | Bio.Prelude |
mkIOError | Bio.Prelude |
mkNoRepType | Bio.Prelude |
mkPolar | Bio.Prelude |
mkRealConstr | Bio.Prelude |
mkWeakIORef | Bio.Prelude |
mkWeakMVar | Bio.Prelude |
mkWeakThreadId | Bio.Prelude |
mmapFile | Bio.Util.MMap |
MMat44D | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Adna |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Adna |
MMonad | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
mod | Bio.Prelude |
mod' | Bio.Prelude |
Mode | Bio.Align |
ModifierLetter | Bio.Prelude |
ModifierSymbol | Bio.Prelude |
modifyIOError | Bio.Prelude |
modifyIORef | Bio.Prelude |
modifyIORef' | Bio.Prelude |
modifyMVar | Bio.Prelude |
modifyMVarMasked | Bio.Prelude |
modifyMVarMasked_ | Bio.Prelude |
modifyMVar_ | Bio.Prelude |
modifySTRef | Bio.Prelude |
modifySTRef' | Bio.Prelude |
Monad | Bio.Prelude |
MonadCatch | Bio.Prelude |
MonadFix | Bio.Prelude |
MonadIO | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
MonadLog | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
MonadMask | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
MonadPlus | Bio.Prelude |
MonadThrow | Bio.Prelude |
MonadTrans | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Monoid | Bio.Prelude |
mplus | Bio.Prelude |
msum | Bio.Prelude |
MVar | Bio.Prelude |
mwrap | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
myersAlign | Bio.Align |
myThreadId | Bio.Prelude |
mzero | Bio.Prelude |
N | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Nano | Bio.Prelude |
NDP | Bio.Adna |
negate | Bio.Prelude |
NestedAtomically | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
never | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
newBuffer | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
newChan | Bio.Prelude |
NewDamage | Bio.Adna |
NewDamageParameters | Bio.Adna |
newEmptyMVar | Bio.Prelude |
newForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
newForeignPtrEnv | Bio.Prelude |
newForeignPtr_ | Bio.Prelude |
newIORef | Bio.Prelude |
newMVar | Bio.Prelude |
newQSem | Bio.Prelude |
newQSemN | Bio.Prelude |
newStablePtr | Bio.Prelude |
newStablePtrPrimMVar | Bio.Prelude |
newSTRef | Bio.Prelude |
newTVar | Bio.Prelude |
newTVarIO | Bio.Prelude |
newUnique | Bio.Prelude |
nextByte | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
nextByteOff | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
nextChunk | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
nextChunkOff | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
noDamage | Bio.Adna |
NoMethodError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
None | Bio.TwoBit |
NonEmpty | Bio.Prelude |
NonSpacingMark | Bio.Prelude |
NonTermination | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
Nop | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Nop' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
NoRep | Bio.Prelude |
normalizeTo | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
NoSuchThing | Bio.Prelude |
not | Bio.Prelude |
NotAssigned | Bio.Prelude |
notElem | Bio.Prelude |
Nothing | Bio.Prelude |
Notice | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
NPair | Bio.Adna |
npair | Bio.Adna |
Ns | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude, Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
nub | Bio.Prelude |
nubBy | Bio.Prelude |
nubHash | Bio.Util.Nub |
nubHashBy | Bio.Util.Nub |
nucA | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucC | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucG | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Nucleotide | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Nucleotides | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude, Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
nucsA | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucsC | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucsG | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucsN | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucsT | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucT | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nucToNucs | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
nudge | Bio.Adna |
null | Bio.Prelude |
nullBamRec | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
nullFunPtr | Bio.Prelude |
nullPtr | Bio.Prelude |
Num | Bio.Prelude |
numCapabilities | Bio.Prelude |
numerator | Bio.Prelude |
numSparks | Bio.Prelude |
odd | Bio.Prelude |
Of | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
off | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
OldDamage | Bio.Adna |
on | Bio.Prelude |
onError | Bio.Prelude |
onException | Bio.Prelude |
openBinaryFile | Bio.Prelude |
OpenPunctuation | Bio.Prelude |
openTwoBit | Bio.TwoBit |
optional | Bio.Prelude |
or | Bio.Prelude |
Ord | Bio.Prelude |
ord | Bio.Prelude |
Ordering | Bio.Prelude |
orElse | Bio.Prelude |
OtherError | Bio.Prelude |
OtherLetter | Bio.Prelude |
OtherNumber | Bio.Prelude |
OtherPunctuation | Bio.Prelude |
OtherSymbol | Bio.Prelude |
otherwise | Bio.Prelude |
Overflow | Bio.Prelude |
overlaps | Bio.Bam.Regions |
packBam | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
Pad | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Pad' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
Pair | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
panic | Control.Monad.Log |
PanicCall | |
1 (Type/Class) | Control.Monad.Log |
2 (Data Constructor) | Control.Monad.Log |
par | Bio.Prelude |
ParagraphSeparator | Bio.Prelude |
parse | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
parseBamMeta | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
ParseError | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
parseFastq | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
parseIO | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
parseLog | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
parseM | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
Parser | Bio.Streaming.Parse |
parseVersion | Bio.Prelude |
partition | Bio.Prelude |
partitionEithers | Bio.Prelude |
PatternMatchFail | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
peek | Bio.Prelude |
peekByteOff | Bio.Prelude |
peekElemOff | Bio.Prelude |
peekUnalnWord16BE | Bio.Util.Storable |
peekUnalnWord16LE | Bio.Util.Storable |
peekUnalnWord32BE | Bio.Util.Storable |
peekUnalnWord32LE | Bio.Util.Storable |
peekWord8 | Bio.Util.Storable |
performGC | Bio.Prelude |
performMajorGC | Bio.Prelude |
performMinorGC | Bio.Prelude |
PermissionDenied | Bio.Prelude |
permissionErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
permutations | Bio.Prelude |
phase | Bio.Prelude |
pi | Bio.Prelude |
Pico | Bio.Prelude |
Pile | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
Pile' | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
pileup | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
pipeBamOutput | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
pipeSamOutput | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
plusForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
plusPtr | Bio.Prelude |
poke | Bio.Prelude |
pokeByteOff | Bio.Prelude |
pokeElemOff | Bio.Prelude |
pokeUnalnWord32LE | Bio.Util.Storable |
polar | Bio.Prelude |
popCount | Bio.Prelude |
popCountDefault | Bio.Prelude |
Pos | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Position | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
PosPrimChunks | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
pow | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Pr | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
pred | Bio.Prelude |
Prefix | Bio.Prelude |
PrimBase | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
PrimChunks | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
primitive | Bio.Prelude |
PrimMonad | Bio.Prelude |
PrimMVar | Bio.Prelude |
PrimState | Bio.Prelude |
print | Bio.Prelude |
printf | Bio.Prelude |
PrivateUse | Bio.Prelude |
Prob | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Prob' | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
probToQual | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Product | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
product | Bio.Prelude |
progressGen | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
progressNum | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
progressPos | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
properBases | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
properFraction | Bio.Prelude |
protectTerm | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
ProtocolError | Bio.Prelude |
Proxy | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
pseq | Bio.Prelude |
psequence | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Ptr | Bio.Prelude |
ptrToIntPtr | Bio.Prelude |
ptrToWordPtr | Bio.Prelude |
pure | Bio.Prelude |
pushBam | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
putChar | Bio.Prelude |
putMVar | Bio.Prelude |
putStr | Bio.Prelude |
putStrLn | Bio.Prelude |
putTraceMsg | Bio.Prelude |
p_indel_pile | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
p_indel_stat | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
p_is_reverse | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
p_pos | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
p_refseq | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
p_seq | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
p_snp_pile | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
p_snp_stat | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
p_start | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Q | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
qnames | Bio.Bam.Reader, Bio.Bam |
QSem | Bio.Prelude |
QSemN | Bio.Prelude |
Qual | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
QualFilter | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
QualitiesMissing | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
qualityAverage | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
qualityFromNewIllumina | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
qualityFromOldIllumina | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
qualityMinimum | Bio.Bam.Filter, Bio.Bam |
qualToProb | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Queryname | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
quot | Bio.Prelude |
quotRem | Bio.Prelude |
Range | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
range | Bio.Prelude |
rangeSize | Bio.Prelude |
Ratio | Bio.Prelude |
Rational | Bio.Prelude |
RatioZeroDenominator | Bio.Prelude |
raw_data | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Read | Bio.Prelude |
read | Bio.Prelude |
readBaiIndex | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
readBamIndex | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
readChan | Bio.Prelude |
readConstr | Bio.Prelude |
readDec | Bio.Prelude |
readEither | Bio.Prelude |
readFile | Bio.Prelude |
readFloat | Bio.Prelude |
readHex | Bio.Prelude |
readInt | Bio.Prelude |
readIO | Bio.Prelude |
readIORef | Bio.Prelude |
readList | Bio.Prelude |
readListPrec | Bio.Prelude |
readLitChar | Bio.Prelude |
readLn | Bio.Prelude |
readMaybe | Bio.Prelude |
readMd | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
ReadMode | Bio.Prelude |
readMVar | Bio.Prelude |
readOct | Bio.Prelude |
readOOM | Bio.Util.Numeric |
ReadP | Bio.Prelude |
readParen | Bio.Prelude |
ReadPrec | Bio.Prelude |
readPrec | Bio.Prelude |
readPrec_to_P | Bio.Prelude |
readPrec_to_S | Bio.Prelude |
readP_to_Prec | Bio.Prelude |
readP_to_S | Bio.Prelude |
ReadS | Bio.Prelude |
reads | Bio.Prelude |
readSigned | Bio.Prelude |
readsPrec | Bio.Prelude |
readSTRef | Bio.Prelude |
reads_mapq0 | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
readS_to_P | Bio.Prelude |
readS_to_Prec | Bio.Prelude |
readTabix | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
readTVar | Bio.Prelude |
readTVarIO | Bio.Prelude |
ReadWriteMode | Bio.Prelude |
read_depth | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
Real | Bio.Prelude |
RealFloat | Bio.Prelude |
RealFrac | Bio.Prelude |
realPart | Bio.Prelude |
realToFrac | Bio.Prelude |
RealWorld | Bio.Prelude |
RecConError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
recip | Bio.Prelude |
RecSelError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
RecUpdError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
Refl | Bio.Prelude |
Refs | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
Refseq | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
refseq | Bio.Bam.Regions, Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
refseq_bins | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
refseq_ckpoints | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
Region | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Regions, Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Regions, Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
Regions | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Regions |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Regions |
registerDelay | Bio.Prelude |
RelativeSeek | Bio.Prelude |
rem | Bio.Prelude |
removeWarts | Bio.Bam.Evan |
Rep' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
Rep1 | Bio.Prelude |
repConstr | Bio.Prelude |
repeat | Bio.Prelude |
repeats | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
repeatsM | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
replicate | Bio.Prelude |
replicateM | Bio.Prelude |
replicateM_ | Bio.Prelude |
replicates | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
reportError | Bio.Prelude |
reportHeapOverflow | Bio.Prelude |
reporting_level | Control.Monad.Log |
reportStackOverflow | Bio.Prelude |
resolution | Bio.Prelude |
ResourceBusy | Bio.Prelude |
ResourceExhausted | Bio.Prelude |
ResourceVanished | Bio.Prelude |
retry | Bio.Prelude |
return | Bio.Prelude |
returnA | Bio.Prelude |
reverse | Bio.Prelude |
reverseRange | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Right | Bio.Prelude |
right | Bio.Prelude |
rights | Bio.Prelude |
rmdup | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
RmdupException | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
rnfTyCon | Bio.Prelude |
rnfTypeRep | Bio.Prelude |
rotate | Bio.Prelude |
rotateL | Bio.Prelude |
rotateR | Bio.Prelude |
round | Bio.Prelude |
rtsSupportsBoundThreads | Bio.Prelude |
run | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
runHandlers | Bio.Prelude |
runIdentity | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
runInBoundThread | Bio.Prelude |
runInUnboundThread | Bio.Prelude |
runKleisli | Bio.Prelude |
runLogged | Control.Monad.Log |
runSparks | Bio.Prelude |
runST | Bio.Prelude |
r_length | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
r_pos | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
scalarMat | Bio.Adna |
scaleFloat | Bio.Prelude |
scanl | Bio.Prelude |
scanl' | Bio.Prelude |
scanl1 | Bio.Prelude |
scanr | Bio.Prelude |
scanr1 | Bio.Prelude |
sconcat | Bio.Prelude |
second | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
Seek | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
SeekFromEnd | Bio.Prelude |
SeekMode | Bio.Prelude |
Semigroup | Bio.Prelude |
separate | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
seq | Bio.Prelude |
sequence | Bio.Prelude |
sequenceA | Bio.Prelude |
sequenceA_ | Bio.Prelude |
SequenceHasGaps | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Fastq, Bio.Bam |
sequence_ | Bio.Prelude |
setAllocationCounter | Bio.Prelude |
setBit | Bio.Prelude |
setEnv | Bio.Prelude |
setHandler | Bio.Prelude |
setMD | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
setNumCapabilities | Bio.Prelude |
setQualFlag | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
setUncaughtExceptionHandler | Bio.Prelude |
shift | Bio.Prelude |
shiftL | Bio.Prelude |
shiftPosition | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
shiftR | Bio.Prelude |
shiftRange | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
Show | Bio.Prelude |
show | Bio.Prelude |
showAligned | Bio.Align |
showBamMeta | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
showChar | Bio.Prelude |
showConstr | Bio.Prelude |
showEFloat | Bio.Prelude |
showFFloat | Bio.Prelude |
showFFloatAlt | Bio.Prelude |
showFixed | Bio.Prelude |
showFloat | Bio.Prelude |
showGFloat | Bio.Prelude |
showGFloatAlt | Bio.Prelude |
showHex | Bio.Prelude |
showHFloat | Bio.Prelude |
showInt | Bio.Prelude |
showIntAtBase | Bio.Prelude |
showList | Bio.Prelude |
showLitChar | Bio.Prelude |
showMd | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
showNucleotide | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
showNucleotides | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
showNum | Bio.Util.Numeric |
showOct | Bio.Prelude |
showOOM | Bio.Util.Numeric |
showParen | Bio.Prelude |
ShowS | Bio.Prelude |
shows | Bio.Prelude |
showSigned | Bio.Prelude |
showsPrec | Bio.Prelude |
showString | Bio.Prelude |
showsTypeRep | Bio.Prelude |
showVersion | Bio.Prelude |
Signal | Bio.Prelude |
signalQSem | Bio.Prelude |
signalQSemN | Bio.Prelude |
significand | Bio.Prelude |
signum | Bio.Prelude |
sin | Bio.Prelude |
singleton | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
sinh | Bio.Prelude |
size | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
sizeOf | Bio.Prelude |
SMa | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
SMa' | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
snd | Bio.Prelude |
snd_np | Bio.Adna |
Soft | Bio.TwoBit |
some | Bio.Prelude |
SomeAsyncException | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
SomeException | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
sort | Bio.Prelude |
sortBy | Bio.Prelude |
sortOn | Bio.Prelude |
sortWith | Bio.Prelude |
Space | Bio.Prelude |
SpacingCombiningMark | Bio.Prelude |
span | Bio.Prelude |
splitAt | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
splitAt' | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
splitsAt | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
splitTyConApp | Bio.Prelude |
sqrt | Bio.Prelude |
sq_length | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
sq_name | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
sq_other_shit | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
ssd_delta | Bio.Adna |
ssd_kappa | Bio.Adna |
ssd_lambda | Bio.Adna |
ssd_sigma | Bio.Adna |
ST | Bio.Prelude |
StableName | Bio.Prelude |
StablePtr | Bio.Prelude |
StackOverflow | Bio.Prelude |
stackOverflow | Bio.Prelude |
start | Bio.Bam.Regions, Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
stderr | Bio.Prelude |
stdin | Bio.Prelude |
stdout | Bio.Prelude |
stimes | Bio.Prelude |
STM | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
Storable | Bio.Prelude |
Stream | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
stream2vector | Bio.Streaming.Vector |
stream2vectorN | Bio.Streaming.Vector |
streamBamRefseq | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
streamBamRegions | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
streamBamSubseq | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
streamBamUnaligned | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
streamBuild | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
streamFile | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
streamFold | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
streamHandle | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
streamInput | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
streamInputs | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
STRef | Bio.Prelude |
strictly | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
String | Bio.Prelude |
stripPrefix | Bio.Prelude |
stToIO | Bio.Prelude |
Subsequence | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Regions, Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Regions, Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
subsequences | Bio.Prelude |
Subst | Bio.Adna |
SubstitutionStats | Bio.Adna |
substs3 | Bio.Adna |
substs3cpg | Bio.Adna |
substs3d3 | Bio.Adna |
substs3d5 | Bio.Adna |
substs3dd | Bio.Adna |
substs5 | Bio.Adna |
substs5cpg | Bio.Adna |
substs5d3 | Bio.Adna |
substs5d5 | Bio.Adna |
substs5dd | Bio.Adna |
subtract | Bio.Prelude |
succ | Bio.Prelude |
Sum | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
3 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
sum | Bio.Prelude |
sum_mapq | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
sum_mapq_squared | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
Surrogate | Bio.Prelude |
swap | Bio.Prelude |
swapMVar | Bio.Prelude |
SystemError | Bio.Prelude |
tail | Bio.Prelude |
tails | Bio.Prelude |
take | Bio.Prelude |
takeMVar | Bio.Prelude |
takeOverlap | Bio.TwoBit |
takes | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
takeWhile | Bio.Prelude |
tan | Bio.Prelude |
tanh | Bio.Prelude |
TBF | Bio.TwoBit |
tbf_raw | Bio.TwoBit |
tbf_seqs | Bio.TwoBit |
TBS | Bio.TwoBit |
tbs_dna_offset | Bio.TwoBit |
tbs_dna_size | Bio.TwoBit |
tbs_m_blocks | Bio.TwoBit |
tbs_n_blocks | Bio.TwoBit |
testBit | Bio.Prelude |
testBitDefault | Bio.Prelude |
Text | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
ThreadBlocked | Bio.Prelude |
threadCapability | Bio.Prelude |
threadDelay | Bio.Prelude |
ThreadDied | Bio.Prelude |
ThreadFinished | Bio.Prelude |
ThreadId | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
ThreadKilled | Bio.Prelude |
ThreadRunning | Bio.Prelude |
ThreadStatus | Bio.Prelude |
threadStatus | Bio.Prelude |
threadWaitRead | Bio.Prelude |
threadWaitReadSTM | Bio.Prelude |
threadWaitWrite | Bio.Prelude |
threadWaitWriteSTM | Bio.Prelude |
throw | Bio.Prelude |
throwIO | Bio.Prelude |
throwM | Bio.Prelude |
throwSTM | Bio.Prelude |
throwTo | Bio.Prelude |
TimeExpired | Bio.Prelude |
timeout | Bio.Prelude |
TitlecaseLetter | Bio.Prelude |
TkBclSpecial | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkDecimal | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkDouble | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkEnd | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkEndRecord | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkEndRecordPart1 | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkEndRecordPart2 | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkFloat | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkLowLevel | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkMemCopy | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkMemFill | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkSetMark | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkString | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkWord16 | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkWord32 | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
TkWord8 | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
to1 | Bio.Prelude |
toByteStream | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
toByteStreamWith | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
toCigar | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
toConstr | Bio.Prelude |
toDyn | Bio.Prelude |
toECig | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
toEnum | Bio.Prelude |
toException | Bio.Prelude |
toInteger | Bio.Prelude |
toIntegralSized | Bio.Prelude |
toLazy | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
toList | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Bam.Regions |
toLower | Bio.Prelude |
toNucleotide | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
toNucleotides | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
toProb | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
toQual | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
toRational | Bio.Prelude |
toStrict | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
toTitle | Bio.Prelude |
touchForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
toUpper | Bio.Prelude |
trace | Bio.Prelude |
traceEvent | Bio.Prelude |
traceEventIO | Bio.Prelude |
traceId | Bio.Prelude |
traceIO | Bio.Prelude |
traceM | Bio.Prelude |
traceMarker | Bio.Prelude |
traceMarkerIO | Bio.Prelude |
traceShow | Bio.Prelude |
traceShowId | Bio.Prelude |
traceShowM | Bio.Prelude |
traceStack | Bio.Prelude |
Trailing | Bio.Adna |
transpose | Bio.Prelude |
Traversable | Bio.Prelude |
traverse | Bio.Prelude |
traverse_ | Bio.Prelude |
trim | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
trimBam | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
trim_3 | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
trim_3' | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
trim_low_quality | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
True | Bio.Prelude |
truncate | Bio.Prelude |
try | Bio.Prelude |
tryIOError | Bio.Prelude |
tryJust | Bio.Prelude |
tryPutMVar | Bio.Prelude |
tryReadMVar | Bio.Prelude |
tryTakeMVar | Bio.Prelude |
TVar | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
TwoBitFile | Bio.TwoBit |
TwoBitSequence | Bio.TwoBit |
TyCon | Bio.Prelude |
tyConFingerprint | Bio.Prelude |
tyConModule | Bio.Prelude |
tyconModule | Bio.Prelude |
tyConName | Bio.Prelude |
tyConPackage | Bio.Prelude |
tyconUQname | Bio.Prelude |
Typeable | Bio.Prelude |
TypeError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf1 | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf2 | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf3 | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf4 | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf5 | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf6 | Bio.Prelude |
typeOf7 | Bio.Prelude |
TypeRep | Bio.Prelude |
typeRep | Bio.Prelude |
typeRepArgs | Bio.Prelude |
typeRepFingerprint | Bio.Prelude |
typeRepTyCon | Bio.Prelude |
type_mask | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
unaln_off | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
uncons | Bio.Prelude |
uncurry | Bio.Prelude |
undefined | Bio.Prelude |
UndefinedElement | Bio.Prelude |
Underflow | Bio.Prelude |
unfold | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
unfoldr | Bio.Prelude |
Uni | Bio.Prelude |
uninterruptibleMask | Bio.Prelude |
uninterruptibleMask_ | Bio.Prelude |
union | Bio.Prelude |
unionBy | Bio.Prelude |
Unique | Bio.Prelude |
univDamage | Bio.Adna |
Unknown | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
UnknownDamage | Bio.Adna |
unknownMapq | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
unless | Bio.Prelude |
unlines | Bio.Prelude |
Unmasked | Bio.Prelude |
unN | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
unNs | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude, Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Unpack | Bio.Util.Text, Bio.Prelude |
unpack | Bio.Util.Text, Bio.Prelude |
unpackBam | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
unpackBamRec | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
unPr | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
unQ | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
unRefs | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
unRefseq | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
unsafeCoerce | Bio.Prelude |
unsafeDupablePerformIO | Bio.Prelude |
unsafeFixIO | Bio.Prelude |
unsafeInterleaveIO | Bio.Prelude |
unsafeIOToSTM | Bio.Prelude |
unsafePerformIO | Bio.Prelude |
unsafeShiftL | Bio.Prelude |
unsafeShiftR | Bio.Prelude |
UnsatisfiedConstraints | Bio.Prelude |
unseparate | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
unsetEnv | Bio.Prelude |
Unsorted | Bio.Bam.Header, Bio.Bam |
UnsortedInput | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
UnsupportedOperation | Bio.Prelude |
unsupportedOperation | Bio.Prelude |
untangle | Bio.Prelude |
until | Bio.Prelude |
untilJust | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
UnwantedTerminal | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
unwords | Bio.Prelude |
unwrapArrow | Bio.Prelude |
unwrapMonad | Bio.Prelude |
unzip | Bio.Prelude |
unzip3 | Bio.Prelude |
unzip4 | Bio.Prelude |
unzip5 | Bio.Prelude |
unzip6 | Bio.Prelude |
unzip7 | Bio.Prelude |
unzips | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
updateE | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
UppercaseLetter | Bio.Prelude |
used | Bio.Streaming.Bgzf |
UserError | Bio.Prelude |
userError | Bio.Prelude |
userErrorType | Bio.Prelude |
UserInterrupt | Bio.Prelude |
Vector_Nucs_half | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
Version | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
versionBranch | Bio.Prelude |
versionTags | Bio.Prelude |
virt_offset | Bio.Bam.Rec, Bio.Bam |
void | Bio.Prelude, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
V_Nuc | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
V_Nucs | |
1 (Type/Class) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
2 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
w2c | Bio.Util.Text, Bio.Prelude |
waitQSem | Bio.Prelude |
waitQSemN | Bio.Prelude |
want_progress | Control.Monad.Log |
Warning | Control.Monad.Log, Bio.Prelude |
when | Bio.Prelude |
wilson | Bio.Util.Numeric |
withADSeqs | Bio.Bam.Trim, Bio.Bam |
withArgs | Bio.Prelude |
withBinaryFile | Bio.Prelude |
withForeignPtr | Bio.Prelude |
withIndexedBam | Bio.Bam.Index, Bio.Bam |
withLogging | Control.Monad.Log |
withLogging_ | Control.Monad.Log |
WithMD | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
withMVar | Bio.Prelude |
withMVarMasked | Bio.Prelude |
WithoutMD | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
withOutputFile | Bio.Streaming.Bytes, Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
withProgName | Bio.Prelude |
Word | Bio.Prelude |
Word16 | Bio.Prelude |
Word32 | Bio.Prelude |
Word64 | Bio.Prelude |
Word8 | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
WordPtr | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
wordPtrToPtr | Bio.Prelude |
words | Bio.Prelude |
wrap | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
WrapArrow | Bio.Prelude |
WrapMonad | Bio.Prelude |
WrappedArrow | Bio.Prelude |
WrappedMonad | Bio.Prelude |
wrapRange | Bio.Base, Bio.Prelude |
wrapTo | Bio.Bam.Rmdup |
writeBamFile | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
writeBamHandle | Bio.Bam.Writer, Bio.Bam |
writeChan | Bio.Prelude |
writeFile | |
1 (Function) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Function) | Bio.Streaming.Bytes |
writeIORef | Bio.Prelude |
writeList2Chan | Bio.Prelude |
WriteMode | Bio.Prelude |
writeSTRef | Bio.Prelude |
writeTVar | Bio.Prelude |
xor | Bio.Prelude |
yield | Bio.Prelude |
yields | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
zeroArrow | Bio.Prelude |
zeroBits | Bio.Prelude |
zip | Bio.Prelude |
zip3 | Bio.Prelude |
zip4 | Bio.Prelude |
zip5 | Bio.Prelude |
zip6 | Bio.Prelude |
zip7 | Bio.Prelude |
ZipList | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Bio.Prelude |
2 (Type/Class) | Bio.Prelude |
zips | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
zipsWith | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
zipsWith' | Bio.Streaming, Bio.Bam |
zipWith | Bio.Prelude |
zipWith3 | Bio.Prelude |
zipWith4 | Bio.Prelude |
zipWith5 | Bio.Prelude |
zipWith6 | Bio.Prelude |
zipWith7 | Bio.Prelude |
zipWithM | Bio.Prelude |
zipWithM_ | Bio.Prelude |
\\ | Bio.Prelude |
^ | Bio.Prelude |
^<< | Bio.Prelude |
^>> | Bio.Prelude |
^^ | Bio.Prelude |
_pb_base | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
_pb_chunks | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
_pb_mapq | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
_pb_wait | Bio.Bam.Pileup |
|| | Bio.Prelude |
||| | Bio.Prelude |