module Bio.Iteratee.List (
,module Bio.Iteratee.Iteratee
import Bio.Iteratee.Iteratee
import Bio.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
isFinished :: Nullable s => Iteratee s m Bool
isFinished = liftI check
check c@(Chunk xs)
| nullC xs = liftI check
| otherwise = idone False c
check s@(EOF _) = idone True s
stream2list :: Monad m => Iteratee [el] m [el]
stream2list = liftM concat getChunks
stream2stream :: (Monad m, Nullable s, Monoid s) => Iteratee s m s
stream2stream = liftM mconcat getChunks
headStream :: Iteratee [el] m el
headStream = liftI step
step (Chunk [ ]) = icont step Nothing
step (Chunk (hd:tl)) = idone hd (Chunk tl)
step stream = icont step (Just (setEOF stream))
tryHead :: Iteratee [el] m (Maybe el)
tryHead = liftI step
step (Chunk [ ]) = liftI step
step (Chunk (hd:tl)) = idone (Just hd) (Chunk tl)
step stream = idone Nothing stream
lastStream :: Iteratee [el] m el
lastStream = liftI (step Nothing)
step l (Chunk xs)
| nullC xs = liftI (step l)
| otherwise = liftI $ step (Just $ last xs)
step l s@(EOF _) = case l of
Nothing -> icont (step l) . Just . setEOF $ s
Just x -> idone x s
heads :: (Monad m, Eq el) => [el] -> Iteratee [el] m Int
heads st | nullC st = return 0
heads st = loopE 0 st
loopE cnt xs
| nullC xs = return cnt
| otherwise = liftI (step cnt xs)
step cnt str (Chunk []) = liftI (step cnt str)
step cnt [ ] stream = idone cnt stream
step cnt (y:ys) s@(Chunk (x:xs))
| y == x = step (succ cnt) ys (Chunk xs)
| otherwise = idone cnt s
step cnt _ stream = idone cnt stream
peekStream :: Iteratee [el] m (Maybe el)
peekStream = liftI step
step (Chunk [ ]) = liftI step
step s@(Chunk (x:_)) = idone (Just x) s
step stream = idone Nothing stream
:: Monad m
=> Int
-> Int
-> Iteratee [el] m [[el]]
roll t d | t > d = liftI step
step (Chunk vec)
| length vec >= t =
idone [take t vec] (Chunk $ drop d vec)
| null vec = liftI step
| otherwise = liftI (step' vec)
step stream = idone empty stream
step' v1 (Chunk vec) = step . Chunk $ v1 `mappend` vec
step' v1 stream = idone [v1] stream
roll t d = do r <- joinI (takeStream t stream2stream)
dropStream (dt)
return [r]
dropStream :: Int -> Iteratee [el] m ()
dropStream 0 = idone () (Chunk emptyP)
dropStream n' = liftI (step n')
step n (Chunk str)
| length str < n = liftI (step (n length str))
| otherwise = idone () (Chunk (drop n str))
step _ stream = idone () stream
dropWhileStream :: (el -> Bool) -> Iteratee [el] m ()
dropWhileStream p = liftI step
step (Chunk str)
| null rest = liftI step
| otherwise = idone () (Chunk rest)
rest = dropWhile p str
step stream = idone () stream
lengthStream :: Num a => Iteratee [el] m a
lengthStream = liftI (step 0)
step !i (Chunk xs) = liftI (step $ i + fromIntegral (length xs))
step !i stream = idone i stream
chunkLength :: Iteratee [el] m (Maybe Int)
chunkLength = liftI step
step s@(Chunk xs) = idone (Just $ length xs) s
step stream = idone Nothing stream
takeFromChunk :: Int -> Iteratee [el] m [el]
takeFromChunk n | n <= 0 = idone emptyP (Chunk emptyP)
takeFromChunk n = liftI step
step (Chunk xs) = let (h,t) = splitAt n xs in idone h $ Chunk t
step stream = idone emptyP stream
breakStream :: (el -> Bool) -> Iteratee [el] m [el]
breakStream cpred = icont (step mempty) Nothing
step bfr (Chunk str)
| null str = icont (step bfr) Nothing
| otherwise = case break cpred str of
(str', tail')
| null tail' -> icont (step (bfr `mappend` str)) Nothing
| otherwise -> idone (bfr `mappend` str') (Chunk tail')
step bfr stream = idone bfr stream
breakE :: (el -> Bool) -> Enumeratee [el] [el] m a
breakE cpred = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step)
step k (Chunk s)
| null s = liftI (step k)
| otherwise = case break cpred s of
(str', tail')
| null tail' -> eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step) . k $ Chunk str'
| otherwise -> idone (k $ Chunk str') (Chunk tail')
step k stream = idone (liftI k) stream
takeStream ::
Monad m
=> Int
-> Enumeratee [el] [el] m a
takeStream n' iter
| n' <= 0 = return iter
| otherwise = Iteratee $ \od oc -> runIter iter (on_done od oc) (on_cont od oc)
on_done od oc x _ = runIter (dropStream n' >> return (return x)) od oc
on_cont od oc k Nothing = if n' == 0 then od (liftI k) (Chunk mempty)
else runIter (liftI (step n' k)) od oc
on_cont od oc _ (Just e) = runIter (dropStream n' >> throwErr e) od oc
step n k (Chunk str)
| null str = liftI (step n k)
| length str <= n = takeStream (n length str) $ k (Chunk str)
| otherwise = idone (k (Chunk s1)) (Chunk s2)
where (s1, s2) = splitAt n str
step _n k stream = idone (liftI k) stream
takeUpTo :: Monad m => Int -> Enumeratee [el] [el] m a
takeUpTo i iter
| i <= 0 = idone iter (Chunk emptyP)
| otherwise = Iteratee $ \od oc ->
runIter iter (onDone od oc) (onCont od oc)
onDone od oc x str = runIter (idone (return x) str) od oc
onCont od oc k Nothing = if i == 0 then od (liftI k) (Chunk mempty)
else runIter (liftI (step i k)) od oc
onCont od oc _ (Just e) = runIter (throwErr e) od oc
step n k (Chunk str)
| null str = liftI (step n k)
| length str < n = takeUpTo (n length str) $ k (Chunk str)
| otherwise =
let (s1, s2) = splitAt n str
in Iteratee $ \od' _ -> do
res <- runIter (k (Chunk s1)) (\a s -> return $ Left (a, s))
(\k' e -> return $ Right (k',e))
case res of
Left (a,Chunk s1') -> od' (return a)
(Chunk $ s1' ++ s2)
Left (a,s') -> od' (idone a s') (Chunk s2)
Right (k',e) -> od' (icont k' e) (Chunk s2)
step _ k stream = idone (liftI k) stream
takeWhileE :: (el -> Bool) -> Enumeratee [el] [el] m a
takeWhileE = breakE . (not .)
mapStream :: (el -> el') -> Enumeratee [el] [el'] m a
mapStream = mapChunks . map
concatMapStream :: Monoid t => (a -> t) -> Enumeratee [a] t m r
concatMapStream = mapChunks . foldMap
concatMapStreamM :: Monad m => (a -> m t) -> Enumeratee [a] t m r
concatMapStreamM f = eneeCheckIfDone (liftI . go)
go k (EOF mx) = idone (liftI k) (EOF mx)
go k (Chunk xs) | null xs = liftI (go k)
| otherwise = f (head xs) `mBind`
eneeCheckIfDone (flip go (Chunk (tail xs))) . k . Chunk
mapMaybeStream :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Enumeratee [a] [b] m r
mapMaybeStream = mapChunks . mapMaybe
filterStream :: (el -> Bool) -> Enumeratee [el] [el] m a
filterStream p = mapChunks (filter p)
filterStreamM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> Enumeratee [a] [a] m r
filterStreamM k = mapChunksM (go id)
go acc [ ] = return $! acc empty
go acc (h:t) = do p <- k h
let acc' = if p then (:) h . acc else acc
go acc' t
groupStreamOn :: (Monad m, Eq t1)
=> (e -> t1)
-> (t1 -> m (Iteratee [e] m t2))
-> Enumeratee [e] [(t1, t2)] m a
groupStreamOn proj inner = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step)
step outer (EOF mx) = idone (liftI outer) $ EOF mx
step outer (Chunk [ ]) = liftI $ step outer
step outer c@(Chunk (h:_)) = let x = proj h
in lift (inner x) >>= \i -> step' x i outer c
step' c it outer (Chunk as)
| null as = liftI $ step' c it outer
| (l,r) <- span ((==) c . proj) as, not (null l) =
let od a _str = idoneM a $ EOF Nothing
oc k Nothing = return $ k (Chunk l)
oc k m = icontM k m
in lift (runIter it od oc) >>= \it' -> step' c it' outer (Chunk r)
step' c it outer str =
lift (run it) >>= \b -> eneeCheckIfDone (`step` str) . outer $ Chunk [(c,b)]
groupStreamBy :: Monad m
=> (t -> t -> Bool)
-> m (Iteratee [t] m t2)
-> Enumeratee [t] [t2] m a
groupStreamBy cmp inner = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step)
step outer (EOF mx) = idone (liftI outer) $ EOF mx
step outer (Chunk [ ]) = liftI $ step outer
step outer c@(Chunk (h:_)) = lift inner >>= \i -> step' h i outer c
step' c it outer (Chunk as)
| null as = liftI $ step' c it outer
| (l,r) <- span (cmp c) as, not (null l) =
let od a _str = idoneM a $ EOF Nothing
oc k Nothing = return $ k (Chunk l)
oc k m = icontM k m
in lift (runIter it od oc) >>= \it' -> step' (head l) it' outer (Chunk r)
step' _ it outer str =
lift (run it) >>= \b -> eneeCheckIfDone (`step` str) . outer $ Chunk [b]
mergeStreams :: Monad m => (el1 -> el2 -> b) -> Enumeratee [el2] b (Iteratee [el1] m) a
mergeStreams f = convStream $ liftM2 f (lift headStream) headStream
mergeByChunks ::
Monad m
=> ([el1] -> [el2] -> c3)
-> ([el1] -> c3)
-> ([el2] -> c3)
-> Enumeratee [el2] c3 (Iteratee [el1] m) a
mergeByChunks f f1 f2 = unfoldConvStream iter (0 :: Int)
iter 1 = (\x -> (1,f1 x)) `liftM` lift getChunk
iter 2 = (\x -> (2,f2 x)) `liftM` getChunk
iter _ = do
ml1 <- lift chunkLength
ml2 <- chunkLength
case (ml1, ml2) of
(Just l1, Just l2) -> do
let tval = min l1 l2
c1 <- lift $ takeFromChunk tval
c2 <- takeFromChunk tval
return (0, f c1 c2)
(Just _, Nothing) -> iter 1
(Nothing, _) -> iter 2
foldStream :: (a -> el -> a) -> a -> Iteratee [el] m a
foldStream f i = liftI (step i)
step acc (Chunk xs)
| null xs = liftI (step acc)
| otherwise = liftI (step $! foldl' f acc xs)
step acc stream = idone acc stream
:: Monad m
=> Iteratee [el] m a
-> Iteratee [el] m b
-> Iteratee [el] m (a, b)
zipStreams x0 y0 = do
(a', x') <- lift $ runIter x0 od oc
(b', y') <- lift $ runIter y0 od oc
case checkDone a' b' of
Just (Right (a,b,s)) -> idone (a,b) s
Just (Left (Left a)) -> liftM ((,) a) y'
Just (Left (Right b)) -> liftM (flip (,) b) x'
Nothing -> liftI (step x' y')
step x y (Chunk xs) | nullC xs = liftI (step x y)
step x y (Chunk xs) = do
(a', x') <- lift $ (\i -> runIter i od oc) =<< enumPure1Chunk xs x
(b', y') <- lift $ (\i -> runIter i od oc) =<< enumPure1Chunk xs y
case checkDone a' b' of
Just (Right (a,b,s)) -> idone (a,b) s
Just (Left (Left a)) -> liftM ((,) a) y'
Just (Left (Right b)) -> liftM (flip (,) b) x'
Nothing -> liftI (step x' y')
step x y (EOF err) = joinIM $ case err of
Nothing -> (liftM2.liftM2) (,) (enumEof x) (enumEof y)
Just e -> (liftM2.liftM2) (,) (enumErr e x) (enumErr e y)
od a s = return (Just (a, s), idone a s)
oc k e = return (Nothing , icont k e)
checkDone r1 r2 = case (r1, r2) of
(Just (a, s1), Just (b,s2)) -> Just $ Right (a, b, shorter s1 s2)
(Just (a, _), Nothing) -> Just . Left $ Left a
(Nothing, Just (b, _)) -> Just . Left $ Right b
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
shorter c1@(Chunk xs) c2@(Chunk ys)
| length xs < length ys = c1
| otherwise = c2
shorter e@(EOF _) _ = e
shorter _ e@(EOF _) = e
:: Monad m
=> Iteratee [el] m a -> Iteratee [el] m b
-> Iteratee [el] m c -> Iteratee [el] m (a, b, c)
zipStreams3 a b c = zipStreams a (zipStreams b c) >>=
\(r1, (r2, r3)) -> return (r1, r2, r3)
:: Monad m
=> Iteratee [el] m a -> Iteratee [el] m b
-> Iteratee [el] m c -> Iteratee [el] m d
-> Iteratee [el] m (a, b, c, d)
zipStreams4 a b c d = zipStreams a (zipStreams3 b c d) >>=
\(r1, (r2, r3, r4)) -> return (r1, r2, r3, r4)
:: Monad m
=> Iteratee [el] m a -> Iteratee [el] m b
-> Iteratee [el] m c -> Iteratee [el] m d
-> Iteratee [el] m e -> Iteratee [el] m (a, b, c, d, e)
zipStreams5 a b c d e = zipStreams a (zipStreams4 b c d e) >>=
\(r1, (r2, r3, r4, r5)) -> return (r1, r2, r3, r4, r5)
:: Monad m
=> Iteratee [el] m a
-> Iteratee [el] m b
-> Iteratee [el] m (a, b)
enumWith i1 i2 = do
(a', x') <- lift $ runIter i1 od oc
(_, y') <- lift $ runIter i2 od oc
case a' of
Just (a, s) -> flip idone s =<< lift (liftM ((,) a) $ run i2)
Nothing -> go x' y'
od a s = return (Just (a, s), idone a s)
oc k e = return (Nothing , icont k e)
getUsed xs (Chunk ys) = take (length xs length ys) xs
getUsed xs (EOF _) = xs
go x y = liftI step
step (Chunk xs) | nullC xs = liftI step
step (Chunk xs) = do
(a', x') <- lift $ (\i -> runIter i od oc) =<< enumPure1Chunk xs x
case a' of
Just (a, s) -> do
b <- lift $ run =<< enumPure1Chunk (getUsed xs s) y
idone (a, b) s
Nothing -> lift (enumPure1Chunk xs y) >>= go x'
step (EOF err) = joinIM $ case err of
Nothing -> (liftM2.liftM2) (,) (enumEof x) (enumEof y)
Just e -> (liftM2.liftM2) (,) (enumErr e x) (enumErr e y)
:: Monad m
=> [Iteratee [el] m a]
-> Iteratee [el] m ()
sequenceStreams_ = self
self is = liftI step
step (Chunk xs) | null xs = liftI step
step s@(Chunk _) = do
is' <- lift $ mapM (enumChunk s) is
(done, notDone) <- lift $ partition fst `liftM` mapM enumCheckIfDone is'
if null notDone
then idone () <=< remainingStream $ map snd done
else self $ map snd notDone
step s@(EOF _) = do
s' <- remainingStream <=< lift $ mapM (enumChunk s) is
case s' of
EOF (Just e) -> throwErr e
_ -> idone () s'
remainingStream :: Monad m => [Iteratee [el] m a] -> Iteratee [el] m (Stream [el])
remainingStream is = lift $
return . foldl1 shorter <=< mapM (\i -> runIter i od oc) $ is
od _ s = return s
oc _ e = return $ case e of
Nothing -> mempty
_ -> EOF e
shorter c1@(Chunk xs) c2@(Chunk ys)
| length xs < length ys = c1
| otherwise = c2
shorter (EOF e1 ) (EOF e2 ) = EOF (e1 `mplus` e2)
shorter e@(EOF _) _ = e
shorter _ e@(EOF _) = e
countConsumed :: (Monad m, Integral n) => Iteratee [el] m a -> Iteratee [el] m (a, n)
countConsumed i = go 0 (const i) (Chunk emptyP)
go !n f str@(EOF _) = flip (,) n `liftM` f str
go !n f str@(Chunk c) = Iteratee rI
newLen = n + fromIntegral (length c)
rI od oc = runIter (f str) onDone onCont
onDone a str'@(Chunk c') =
od (a, newLen fromIntegral (length c')) str'
onDone a str'@(EOF _) = od (a, n) str'
onCont f' = oc (go newLen f')
enumPureNChunk :: Monad m => [el] -> Int -> Enumerator [el] m a
enumPureNChunk str n iter
| null str = return iter
| n > 0 = enum' str iter
| otherwise = error $ "enumPureNChunk called with n==" ++ show n
enum' str' iter'
| null str' = return iter'
| otherwise = let (s1, s2) = splitAt n str'
on_cont k Nothing = enum' s2 . k $ Chunk s1
on_cont k e = return $ icont k e
in runIter iter' idoneM on_cont
mapStreamM_ :: Monad m => (el -> m b) -> Iteratee [el] m ()
mapStreamM_ = mapChunksM_ . mapM_
mapStreamM :: Monad m => (el -> m el') -> Enumeratee [el] [el'] m a
mapStreamM = mapChunksM . mapM
foldStreamM :: Monad m => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> Iteratee [a] m b
foldStreamM = foldChunksM . foldM