{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Main bdo server. Accepts polling requests and such. Possibly the -- worst code I've ever written. I want a prize. module Main where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T import Http import Network import Network.URL import Paths_bdo import Prelude hiding (catch) import System.Environment import System.IO -- | Main entry point. main :: IO () main = do (listenPort:_) <- getArgs hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering clients <- newMVar [] listener <- listenOn (PortNumber (fromIntegral (read listenPort :: Int))) currentClient <- newMVar Nothing let printCurrentClient h = do cur <- readMVar currentClient case cur of Nothing -> T.hPutStrLn h "No current client" Just (client,link) -> T.hPutStrLn h $ "Current client is: " <> client <> ", updating link: " <> link update h client link = do clients <- readMVar clients case lookup client clients of Nothing -> T.hPutStrLn h "Unknown client. To see list of clients: clients" Just (links,Just h') | link `elem` links -> do T.hPutStrLn h "Sending link update ..." reply h' [] link hClose h' | otherwise -> T.hPutStrLn h "That link doesn't exist in the page. To see the page's links: clients" _ -> T.hPutStrLn h "That client isn't connected right now." updateCurrentClient h = do client <- readMVar currentClient case client of Nothing -> hPutStrLn h "No current client!" Just (client,link) -> update h client link printClients h = do clients <- readMVar clients mapM_ (\(referer,(links,_)) -> do T.hPutStrLn h (referer <> ":\n" <> T.intercalate "\n" (map (" "<>) links) <> "\n")) clients printCurrentClient h setClient h client link = do clients <- readMVar clients case lookup client clients of Nothing -> T.hPutStrLn h "No such client" Just{} -> do modifyMVar_ currentClient (const (return (Just (client,link)))) printCurrentClient h void $ forkIO $ flip finally (sClose listener) $ forever $ do (h,_,_) <- accept listener let closing m = finally m (hClose h) forkIO $ do hSetBuffering h NoBuffering headers <- getHeaders h case headers of ["update"] -> closing (updateCurrentClient h) [T.words -> ["update",client,link]] -> update h client link ["clients"] -> closing $ printClients h [T.words -> ["set",client,link]] -> closing $ setClient h client link [T.words -> [(importURL . T.unpack) -> Just client,(importURL . T.unpack) -> Just link]] -> closing $ do T.putStrLn "Updating from socket request." update h (T.pack (exportURL client)) (T.pack (exportURL link)) _ -> do case requestMethod headers of Just (method,url) -> dispatch h clients method url headers _ -> closing $ T.putStrLn $ "Request ignored: " <> T.pack (show headers) forever $ do line <- T.getLine case T.words line of ["clients"] -> printClients stdout ["update",client,link] -> update stdout client link ["update"] -> updateCurrentClient stdout ["set",client,link] -> setClient stdout client link _ -> T.putStrLn $ "Unknown command. Commands: clients, update , set (sets the current client/stylesheet), update (no args, uses current client)" dispatch :: Handle -> MVar [(Text,([Text],Maybe Handle))] -> Text -> URL -> [Text] -> IO () dispatch h cs method url headers = do logLn $ T.pack (show h) <> ": Client connected." go [("bdo",bdo) ,("links",links) ,("poll",poll)] where bdo = do getJs (fromMaybe "localhost" (lookupHeader "host" headers)) >>= replyJs h hClose h poll = modifyClient (\(links,_) -> (links,Just h)) links = do rest <- T.hGetContents h case requestBody headers rest of Nothing -> return () Just body -> case parsePost body of Nothing -> return () Just params -> case lookup "links" params of Nothing -> return () Just links -> do modifyClient (\(_links,handle) -> (T.lines links,handle)) logLn $ T.pack (show h) <> ": Links updated." reply h [] "Links updated." hClose h go handlers = case find ((`isPrefixOf` (url_path url)).fst) handlers of Just (_,handle) -> handle Nothing -> do logLn $ T.pack (show h) <> ": Unhandled request: " <> T.pack (show url) hClose h referer = fromMaybe "any" $ lookupHeader "referer" headers modifyClient f = modifyMVar_ cs (return . modify) where modify xs = case lookup referer xs of Nothing -> (referer,f (mempty,Nothing)) : xs Just x -> (referer,f x) : filter ((/=referer).fst) xs logLn :: Text -> IO () logLn = T.hPutStrLn stderr getJs :: Text -> IO Text getJs host = do js <- getDataFileName "bdo.js" >>= T.readFile return $ T.unlines [js ,"bdo.host = " <> T.pack (show ("http://" <> host <> "/" :: Text)) <> ";" ,"bdo.init();" ] replyJs h = reply h [("Content-Type","text/javascript; charset=utf-8")]