# Base64 ![Build Status](https://github.com/emilypi/base64/workflows/ci/badge.svg) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/base64.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base64) Base64 encoding and decodings. For the companion optics and pattern synonyms, see [base64-lens](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base64-lens). ### Summary The following types are supported for both std, padded url-safe, and unpadded url-safe alphabets: - `Data.ByteString` - `Data.ByteString.Lazy` - `Data.ByteString.Short` - `Data.Text` - `Data.Text.Lazy` - `Data.Text.Short` Additionally this library has - Better performance than `base64-bytestring` for encode and decode. - Optics for handling more complex structures with Base64 representations via the `base64-lens` package - Checks for both validity and correctness of Base64 and Base64url encodings - Rejects non-canonical encodings that do not roundtrip in other base64 libraries like `ZE==`. There are no dependencies aside from those bundled with GHC, `text-short`, and the `ghc-byteorder` re-export.