{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, UnicodeSyntax #-} {-| Module : Data.Ord.Unicode Copyright : 2009–2011 Roel van Dijk License : BSD3 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Roel van Dijk <vandijk.roel@gmail.com> -} module Data.Ord.Unicode ( (≤), (≥), (≮), (≯) ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base: import Data.Bool ( Bool ) import Data.Ord ( Ord, (<=), (>=) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fixities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- infix 4 ≤ infix 4 ≥ infix 4 ≮ infix 4 ≯ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| (≤) = ('<=') U+2264, LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO -} (≤) ∷ Ord α ⇒ α → α → Bool (≤) = (<=) {-# INLINE (≤) #-} {-| (≥) = ('>=') U+2265, GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO -} (≥) ∷ Ord α ⇒ α → α → Bool (≥) = (>=) {-# INLINE (≥) #-} {-| (≮) = ('>=') U+226E, NOT LESS-THAN -} (≮) ∷ Ord α ⇒ α → α → Bool (≮) = (>=) {-# INLINE (≮) #-} {-| (≯) = ('<=') U+226F, NOT GREATER-THAN -} (≯) ∷ Ord α ⇒ α → α → Bool (≯) = (<=) {-# INLINE (≯) #-}