# Changelog for [`base` package](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base) ## *Jul 2015* * Bundled with GHC 7.10.2 * `Lifetime` is now exported from `GHC.Event` * Implicit-parameter based source location support exposed in `GHC.SrcLoc`. See GHC User's Manual for more information. ## *Mar 2015* * Bundled with GHC 7.10.1 * Make `Applicative` a superclass of `Monad` * Add reverse application operator `Data.Function.(&)` * Add `Data.List.sortOn` sorting function * Add `System.Exit.die` * Deprecate `versionTags` field of `Data.Version.Version`. Add `makeVersion :: [Int] -> Version` constructor function to aid migration to a future `versionTags`-less `Version`. * Add `IsList Version` instance * Weaken RealFloat constraints on some `Data.Complex` functions * Add `Control.Monad.(<$!>)` as a strict version of `(<$>)` * The `Data.Monoid` module now has the `PolyKinds` extension enabled, so that the `Monoid` instance for `Proxy` are polykinded like `Proxy` itself is. * Make `abs` and `signum` handle (-0.0) correctly per IEEE-754. * Re-export `Data.Word.Word` from `Prelude` * Add `countLeadingZeros` and `countTrailingZeros` methods to `Data.Bits.FiniteBits` class * Add `Data.List.uncons` list destructor (#9550) * Export `Monoid(..)` from `Prelude` * Export `Foldable(..)` from `Prelude` (hiding `fold`, `foldl'`, `foldr'`, and `toList`) * Export `Traversable(..)` from `Prelude` * Set fixity for `Data.Foldable.{elem,notElem}` to match the conventional one set for `Data.List.{elem,notElem}` (#9610) * Turn `toList`, `elem`, `sum`, `product`, `maximum`, and `minimum` into `Foldable` methods (#9621) * Replace the `Data.List`-exported functions ``` all, and, any, concat, concatMap, elem, find, product, sum, mapAccumL, mapAccumR ``` by re-exports of their generalised `Data.Foldable`/`Data.Traversable` counterparts. In other words, unqualified imports of `Data.List` and `Data.Foldable`/`Data.Traversable` no longer lead to conflicting definitions. (#9586) * New (unofficial) module `GHC.OldList` containing only list-specialised versions of the functions from `Data.List` (in other words, `GHC.OldList` corresponds to `base-`'s `Data.List`) * Replace the `Control.Monad`-exported functions ``` sequence_, msum, mapM_, forM_, forM, mapM, sequence ``` by re-exports of their generalised `Data.Foldable`/`Data.Traversable` counterparts. In other words, unqualified imports of `Control.Monad` and `Data.Foldable`/`Data.Traversable` no longer lead to conflicting definitions. (#9586) * Generalise `Control.Monad.{when,unless,guard}` from `Monad` to `Applicative` and from `MonadPlus` to `Alternative` respectively. * Generalise `Control.Monad.{foldM,foldM_}` to `Foldable` * `scanr`, `mapAccumL` and `filterM` now take part in list fusion (#9355, #9502, #9546) * Remove deprecated `Data.OldTypeable` (#9639) * New module `Data.Bifunctor` providing the `Bifunctor(bimap,first,second)` class (previously defined in `bifunctors` package) (#9682) * New module `Data.Void` providing the canonical uninhabited type `Void` (previously defined in `void` package) (#9814) * Update Unicode class definitions to Unicode version 7.0 * Add `Alt`, an `Alternative` wrapper, to `Data.Monoid`. (#9759) * Add `isSubsequenceOf` to `Data.List` (#9767) * The arguments to `==` and `eq` in `Data.List.nub` and `Data.List.nubBy` are swapped, such that `Data.List.nubBy (<) [1,2]` now returns `[1]` instead of `[1,2]` (#2528, #3280, #7913) * New module `Data.Functor.Identity` (previously provided by `transformers` package). (#9664) * Add `scanl'`, a strictly accumulating version of `scanl`, to `Data.List` and `Data.OldList`. (#9368) * Add `fillBytes` to `Foreign.Marshal.Utils`. * Add new `displayException` method to `Exception` typeclass. (#9822) * Add `Data.Bits.toIntegralSized`, a size-checked version of `fromIntegral`. (#9816) * New module `Numeric.Natural` providing new `Natural` type representing non-negative arbitrary-precision integers. The `GHC.Natural` module exposes additional GHC-specific primitives. (#9818) * Add `(Storable a, Integeral a) => Storable (Ratio a)` instance (#9826) * Add `Storable a => Storable (Complex a)` instance (#9826) * New module `GHC.RTS.Flags` that provides accessors to runtime flags. * Expose functions for per-thread allocation counters and limits in `GHC.Conc` disableAllocationLimit :: IO () enableAllocationLimit :: IO () getAllocationCounter :: IO Int64 setAllocationCounter :: Int64 -> IO () together with a new exception `AllocationLimitExceeded`. * Make `read . show = id` for `Data.Fixed` (#9240) * Add `calloc` and `callocBytes` to `Foreign.Marshal.Alloc`. (#9859) * Add `callocArray` and `callocArray0` to `Foreign.Marshal.Array`. (#9859) * Restore invariant in `Data (Ratio a)` instance (#10011) * Add/expose `rnfTypeRep`, `rnfTyCon`, `typeRepFingerprint`, and `tyConFingerprint` helpers to `Data.Typeable`. * Define proper `MINIMAL` pragma for `class Ix`. (#10142) ## *Dec 2014* * Bundled with GHC 7.8.4 * Fix performance bug in `Data.List.inits` (#9345) * Fix handling of null bytes in `Debug.Trace.trace` (#9395) ## *Jul 2014* * Bundled with GHC 7.8.3 * Unhide `Foreign.ForeignPtr` in Haddock (#8475) * Fix recomputation of `TypeRep` in `Typeable` type-application instance (#9203) * Fix regression in Data.Fixed Read instance (#9231) * Fix `fdReady` to honor `FD_SETSIZE` (#9168) ## *Apr 2014* * Bundled with GHC 7.8.1 * Add `/Since: 4.[4567].0.0/` Haddock annotations to entities denoting the package version, when the given entity was introduced (or its type signature changed in a non-compatible way) * The `Control.Category` module now has the `PolyKinds` extension enabled, meaning that instances of `Category` no longer need be of kind `* -> * -> *`. * There are now `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances for `Either a`, `Const r`, and `(,) a`. * There are now `Show`, `Read`, `Eq`, `Ord`, `Monoid`, `Generic`, and `Generic1` instances for `Const`. * There is now a `Data` instance for `Data.Version`. * A new `Data.Bits.FiniteBits` class has been added to represent types with fixed bit-count. The existing `Bits` class is extended with a `bitSizeMaybe` method to replace the now obsolete `bitsize` method. * `Data.Bits.Bits` gained a new `zeroBits` method which completes the `Bits` API with a direct way to introduce a value with all bits cleared. * There are now `Bits` and `FiniteBits` instances for `Bool`. * There are now `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show`, `Read`, `Generic`. and `Generic1` instances for `ZipList`. * There are now `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show` and `Read` instances for `Down`. * There are now `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show`, `Read` and `Generic` instances for types in GHC.Generics (`U1`, `Par1`, `Rec1`, `K1`, `M1`, `(:+:)`, `(:*:)`, `(:.:)`). * `Data.Monoid`: There are now `Generic` instances for `Dual`, `Endo`, `All`, `Any`, `Sum`, `Product`, `First`, and `Last`; as well as `Generic1` instances for `Dual`, `Sum`, `Product`, `First`, and `Last`. * The `Data.Monoid.{Product,Sum}` newtype wrappers now have `Num` instances. * There are now `Functor` instances for `System.Console.GetOpt`'s `ArgOrder`, `OptDescr`, and `ArgDescr`. * A zero-width unboxed poly-kinded `Proxy#` was added to `GHC.Prim`. It can be used to make it so that there is no the operational overhead for passing around proxy arguments to model type application. * New `Data.Proxy` module providing a concrete, poly-kinded proxy type. * New `Data.Coerce` module which exports the new `Coercible` class together with the `coerce` primitive which provide safe coercion (wrt role checking) between types with same representation. * `Control.Concurrent.MVar` has a new implementation of `readMVar`, which fixes a long-standing bug where `readMVar` is only atomic if there are no other threads running `putMVar`. `readMVar` now is atomic, and is guaranteed to return the value from the first `putMVar`. There is also a new `tryReadMVar` which is a non-blocking version. * New `Control.Concurrent.MVar.withMVarMasked` which executes `IO` action with asynchronous exceptions masked in the same style as the existing `modifyMVarMasked` and `modifyMVarMasked_`. * New `threadWait{Read,Write}STM :: Fd -> IO (STM (), IO ())` functions added to `Control.Concurrent` for waiting on FD readiness with STM actions. * Expose `Data.Fixed.Fixed`'s constructor. * There are now byte endian-swapping primitives `byteSwap{16,32,64}` available in `Data.Word`, which use optimized machine instructions when available. * `Data.Bool` now exports `bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a`, analogously to `maybe` and `either` in their respective modules. * `Data.Either` now exports `isLeft, isRight :: Either a b -> Bool`. * `Debug.Trace` now exports `traceId`, `traceShowId`, `traceM`, and `traceShowM`. * `Data.Functor` now exports `($>)` and `void`. * Rewrote portions of `Text.Printf`, and made changes to `Numeric` (added `Numeric.showFFloatAlt` and `Numeric.showGFloatAlt`) and `GHC.Float` (added `formatRealFloatAlt`) to support it. The rewritten version is extensible to user types, adds a "generic" format specifier "`%v`", extends the `printf` spec to support much of C's `printf(3)` functionality, and fixes the spurious warnings about using `Text.Printf.printf` at `(IO a)` while ignoring the return value. These changes were contributed by Bart Massey. * The minimal complete definitions for all type-classes with cyclic default implementations have been explicitly annotated with the new `{-# MINIMAL #-}` pragma. * `Control.Applicative.WrappedMonad`, which can be used to convert a `Monad` to an `Applicative`, has now a `Monad m => Monad (WrappedMonad m)` instance. * There is now a `Generic` and a `Generic1` instance for `WrappedMonad` and `WrappedArrow`. * Handle `ExitFailure (-sig)` on Unix by killing process with signal `sig`. * New module `Data.Type.Bool` providing operations on type-level booleans. * Expose `System.Mem.performMinorGC` for triggering minor GCs. * New `System.Environment.{set,unset}Env` for manipulating environment variables. * Add `Typeable` instance for `(->)` and `RealWorld`. * Declare CPP header `` officially obsolete as GHC 7.8+ does not support hand-written `Typeable` instances anymore. * Remove (unmaintained) Hugs98 and NHC98 specific code. * Optimize `System.Timeout.timeout` for the threaded RTS. * Remove deprecated functions `unsafeInterleaveST`, `unsafeIOToST`, and `unsafeSTToIO` from `Control.Monad.ST`. * Add a new superclass `SomeAsyncException` for all asynchronous exceptions and makes the existing `AsyncException` and `Timeout` exception children of `SomeAsyncException` in the hierarchy. * Remove deprecated functions `blocked`, `unblock`, and `block` from `Control.Exception`. * Remove deprecated function `forkIOUnmasked` from `Control.Concurrent`. * Remove deprecated function `unsafePerformIO` export from `Foreign` (still available via `System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO`). * Various fixes and other improvements (see Git history for full details).