balanced-binary-search-tree- Type safe BST and AVL trees
Copyright(c) Nicolás Rodríguez 2021
MaintainerNicolás Rodríguez
Safe HaskellSafe



Interface for the main functions over type safe AVL trees implemented with the externalist approach.



emptyAVL :: AVL 'EmptyTree Source #

Empty AVL tree with the externalist implementation.

insertAVL :: (Insertable x a t, ProofIsBSTInsert x a t, ProofIsBalancedInsert x a t) => Proxy x -> a -> AVL t -> AVL (Insert x a t) Source #

Interface for the insertion algorithm in the externalist implementation. It calls insert over ITree, and proofIsBSTInsert and proofIsBalancedInsert for constructing the evidence that the new tree remains AVL.

lookupAVL :: (t ~ 'ForkTree l (Node n a1) r, Member x t t ~ 'True, Lookupable x a t) => Proxy x -> AVL t -> a Source #

Interface for the lookup algorithm in the externalist implementation of AVL.

deleteAVL :: (Deletable x t, ProofIsBSTDelete x t, ProofIsBalancedDelete x t) => Proxy x -> AVL t -> AVL (Delete x t) Source #

Interface for the deletion algorithm in the externalist implementation. It calls delete over ITree, and proofIsBSTDelete and proofIsBalancedDelete for constructing the evidence that the new tree remains AVL.