{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Numeric.Backprop.Op
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2018
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Provides the 'Op' type and combinators, which represent differentiable
-- functions/operations on values, and are used internally by the library
-- to perform back-propagation.
-- Users of the library can ignore this module for the most part. Library
-- authors defining backpropagatable primitives for their functions are
-- recommend to simply use 'op0', 'op1', 'op2', 'op3', which are
-- re-exported in "Numeric.Backprop".  However, authors who want more
-- options in defining their primtive functions might find some of these
-- functions useful.
-- Note that if your entire function is a single non-branching composition
-- of functions, 'Op' and its utility functions alone are sufficient to
-- differentiate/backprop.  However, this happens rarely in practice.

module Numeric.Backprop.Op (
  -- * Implementation
  -- $opdoc
  -- * Types
  -- ** Op and Synonyms
  -- ** Tuple Types#prod#
  -- $prod
  , Prod(..), Tuple, I(..)
  -- * Running
  -- ** Pure
  , runOp, evalOp, gradOp, gradOpWith
  -- * Creation
  , op0, opConst, idOp
  , opConst'
  -- ** Giving gradients directly
  , op1, op2, op3
  -- ** From Isomorphisms
  , opCoerce, opTup, opIso, opLens, opIsoN
  -- * Manipulation
  , composeOp, composeOp1, (~.)
  , composeOp', composeOp1'
  -- * Utility
  , pattern (:>), only, head'
  , pattern (::<), only_
  -- ** Numeric Ops#numops#
  -- $numops
  , (+.), (-.), (*.), negateOp, absOp, signumOp
  , (/.), recipOp
  , expOp, logOp, sqrtOp, (**.), logBaseOp
  , sinOp, cosOp, tanOp, asinOp, acosOp, atanOp
  , sinhOp, coshOp, tanhOp, asinhOp, acoshOp, atanhOp
  ) where

import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Type.Combinator
import           Data.Type.Conjunction
import           Data.Type.Index
import           Data.Type.Length
import           Data.Type.Product
import           Data.Type.Util
import           Lens.Micro
import           Lens.Micro.Extras
import           Type.Class.Higher
import           Type.Class.Known
import           Type.Class.Witness

-- $opdoc
-- 'Op's contain information on a function as well as its gradient, but
-- provides that information in a way that allows them to be "chained".
-- For example, for a function
-- \[
-- f : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}
-- \]
-- We might want to apply a function \(g\) to the result we get, to get
-- our "final" result:
-- \[
-- \eqalign{
-- y &= f(\mathbf{x})\cr
-- z &= g(y)
-- }
-- \]
-- Now, we might want the gradient \(\nabla z\) with respect to
-- \(\mathbf{x}\), or \(\nabla_\mathbf{x} z\).  Explicitly, this is:
-- \[
-- \nabla_\mathbf{x} z = \left< \frac{\partial z}{\partial x_1}, \frac{\partial z}{\partial x_2}, \ldots \right>
-- \]
-- We can compute that by multiplying the total derivative of \(z\) with
-- respect to \(y\) (that is, \(\frac{dz}{dy}\)) with the gradient of
-- \(f\)) itself:
-- \[
-- \eqalign{
-- \nabla_\mathbf{x} z &= \frac{dz}{dy} \left< \frac{\partial y}{\partial x_1}, \frac{\partial y}{\partial x_2}, \ldots \right>\cr
-- \nabla_\mathbf{x} z &= \frac{dz}{dy} \nabla_\mathbf{x} y
-- }
-- \]
-- So, to create an @'Op' as a@ with the 'Op' constructor, you give
-- a function that returns a tuple, containing:
--     1. An @a@: The result of the function
--     2. An @a -> Tuple as@:  A function that, when given
--     \(\frac{dz}{dy}\), returns the total gradient
--     \(\nabla_z \mathbf{x}\).
-- This is done so that 'Op's can easily be "chained" together, one after
-- the other.  If you have an 'Op' for \(f\) and an 'Op' for \(g\), you can
-- compute the gradient of \(f\) knowing that the result target is
-- \(g \circ f\).
-- Note that end users should probably never be required to construct an
-- 'Op' explicitly this way.  Instead, libraries should provide
-- carefuly pre-constructed ones, or provide ways to generate them
-- automatically (like 'op1', 'op2', and 'op3' here).
-- For examples of 'Op's implemented from scratch, see the implementations
-- of '+.', '-.', 'recipOp', 'sinOp', etc.
-- See "Numeric.Backprop.Op#prod" for a mini-tutorial on using 'Prod' and
-- 'Tuple'.

-- | An @'Op' as a@ describes a differentiable function from @as@ to @a@.
-- For example, a value of type
-- @
-- 'Op' '[Int, Bool] Double
-- @
-- is a function from an 'Int' and a 'Bool', returning a 'Double'.  It can
-- be differentiated to give a /gradient/ of an 'Int' and a 'Bool' if given
-- a total derivative for the @Double@.  If we call 'Bool' \(2\), then,
-- mathematically, it is akin to a:
-- \[
-- f : \mathbb{Z} \times 2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}
-- \]
-- See 'runOp', 'gradOp', and 'gradOpWith' for examples on how to run it,
-- and 'Op' for instructions on creating it.
-- It is simpler to not use this type constructor directly, and instead use
-- the 'op2', 'op1', 'op2', and 'op3' helper smart constructors.
-- See "Numeric.Backprop.Op#prod" for a mini-tutorial on using 'Prod' and
-- 'Tuple'.
newtype Op as a =
    -- | Construct an 'Op' by giving a function creating the
    -- result, and also a continuation on how to create the gradient, given
    -- the total derivative of @a@.
    -- See the module documentation for "Numeric.Backprop.Op" for more
    -- details on the function that this constructor and 'Op' expect.
    Op { -- | Run the function that the 'Op' encodes, returning
         -- a continuation to compute the gradient, given the total
         -- derivative of @a@.  See documentation for "Numeric.Backprop.Op"
         -- for more information.
         runOpWith :: Tuple as -> (a, a -> Tuple as)

-- | Helper wrapper used for the implementation of 'composeOp'.
newtype OpCont as a = OC { runOpCont :: a -> Tuple as }

-- | A version of 'composeOp' taking explicit 'Length', indicating the
-- number of inputs expected and their types.
-- Requiring an explicit 'Length' is mostly useful for rare "extremely
-- polymorphic" situations, where GHC can't infer the type and length of
-- the the expected input tuple.  If you ever actually explicitly write
-- down @as@ as a list of types, you should be able to just use
-- 'composeOp'.
    :: Every Num as
    => Length as
    -> Prod (Op as) bs   -- ^ 'Prod' of 'Op's taking @as@ and returning
                         --     different @b@ in @bs@
    -> Op bs c           -- ^ 'OpM' taking eac of the @bs@ from the
                         --     input 'Prod'.
    -> Op as c           -- ^ Composed 'Op'
composeOp' l os o = Op $ \xs ->
    let (ys, conts) = unzipP
                    . map1 ((\(x, c) -> I x :&: OC c) . flip runOpWith xs)
                    $ os
        (z, gFz) = runOpWith o ys
        gFunc g0 =
          let g1 = gFz g0
              g2s = toList (\(oc :&: I g) -> runOpCont oc g)
                  $ conts `zipP` g1
          in  imap1 (\i gs -> I (sum gs) \\ every @_ @Num i)
                 . foldr (\x -> map1 (uncurryFan (\(I y) -> (y:))) . zipP x)
                         (lengthProd [] l)
                 $ g2s
    in (z, gFunc)

-- | Compose 'Op's together, like 'sequence' for functions, or @liftAN@.
-- That is, given an @'Op' as b1@, an @'Op' as b2@, and an @'Op' as b3@, it
-- can compose them with an @'Op' '[b1,b2,b3] c@ to create an @'Op' as
-- c@.
    :: (Every Num as, Known Length as)
    => Prod (Op as) bs   -- ^ 'Prod' of 'Op's taking @as@ and returning
                         --     different @b@ in @bs@
    -> Op bs c           -- ^ 'Op' taking eac of the @bs@ from the
                         --     input 'Prod'.
    -> Op as c           -- ^ Composed 'Op'
composeOp = composeOp' known

-- | A version of 'composeOp1' taking explicit 'Length', indicating the
-- number of inputs expected and their types.
-- Requiring an explicit 'Length' is mostly useful for rare "extremely
-- polymorphic" situations, where GHC can't infer the type and length of
-- the the expected input tuple.  If you ever actually explicitly write
-- down @as@ as a list of types, you should be able to just use
-- 'composeOp1'.
    :: Every Num as
    => Length as
    -> Op as b
    -> Op '[b] c
    -> Op as c
composeOp1' l = composeOp' l . only

-- | Convenient wrapper over 'composeOp' for the case where the second
-- function only takes one input, so the two 'Op's can be directly piped
-- together, like for '.'.
    :: (Every Num as, Known Length as)
    => Op as b
    -> Op '[b] c
    -> Op as c
composeOp1 = composeOp1' known

-- | Convenient infix synonym for (flipped) 'composeOp1'.  Meant to be used
-- just like '.':
-- @
-- f :: 'Op' '[b]   c
-- g :: 'Op' '[a,a] b
-- f '~.' g :: Op '[a, a] c
-- @
infixr 9 ~.
    :: (Known Length as, Every Num as)
    => Op '[b] c
    -> Op as b
    -> Op as c
(~.) = flip composeOp1
{-# INLINE (~.) #-}

-- | Run the function that an 'Op' encodes, to get the result.
-- >>> runOp (op2 (*)) (3 ::< 5 ::< Ø)
-- 15
evalOp :: Op as a -> Tuple as -> a
evalOp o = fst . runOpWith o
{-# INLINE evalOp #-}

-- | Run the function that an 'Op' encodes, to get the resulting output and
-- also its gradient with respect to the inputs.
-- >>> gradOp' (op2 (*)) (3 ::< 5 ::< Ø)
-- (15, 5 ::< 3 ::< Ø)
runOp :: Num a => Op as a -> Tuple as -> (a, Tuple as)
runOp o = second ($ 1) . runOpWith o
{-# INLINE runOp #-}

-- | Get the gradient function that an 'Op' encodes, with a third argument
-- expecting the total derivative of the result.
-- See the module documentaiton for "Numeric.Backprop.Op" for more
-- information.
    :: Op as a      -- ^ 'Op' to run
    -> Tuple as     -- ^ Inputs to run it with
    -> a            -- ^ The total derivative of the result.
    -> Tuple as     -- ^ The gradient
gradOpWith o = snd . runOpWith o
{-# INLINE gradOpWith #-}

-- | Run the function that an 'Op' encodes, and get the gradient of the
-- output with respect to the inputs.
-- >>> gradOp (op2 (*)) (3 ::< 5 ::< Ø)
-- 5 ::< 3 ::< Ø
-- -- the gradient of x*y is (y, x)
-- @
-- 'gradOp' o xs = 'gradOpWith' o xs 1
-- @
gradOp :: Num a => Op as a -> Tuple as -> Tuple as
gradOp o i = gradOpWith o i 1
{-# INLINE gradOp #-}

-- | An 'Op' that coerces an item into another item whose type has the same
-- runtime representation.
-- >>> gradOp' opCoerce (Identity 5) :: (Int, Identity Int)
-- (5, Identity 1)
-- @
-- 'opCoerce' = 'opIso' 'coerced' 'coerce'
-- @
opCoerce :: Coercible a b => Op '[a] b
opCoerce = opIso coerce coerce
{-# INLINE opCoerce #-}

-- | An 'Op' that just returns whatever it receives.  The identity
-- function.
-- @
-- 'idOp' = 'opIso' 'id' 'id'
-- @
idOp :: Op '[a] a
idOp = op1 $ \x -> (x, id)
{-# INLINE idOp #-}

-- | An 'Op' that takes @as@ and returns exactly the input tuple.
-- >>> gradOp' opTup (1 ::< 2 ::< 3 ::< Ø)
-- (1 ::< 2 ::< 3 ::< Ø, 1 ::< 1 ::< 1 ::< Ø)
opTup :: Op as (Tuple as)
opTup = Op $ \xs -> (xs, id)
{-# INLINE opTup #-}

-- | An 'Op' that runs the input value through an isomorphism.
-- Warning: This is unsafe!  It assumes that the isomorphisms themselves
-- have derivative 1, so will break for things like
-- 'Numeric.Lens.exponentiating'.  Basically, don't use this for any
-- "numeric" isomorphisms.
opIso :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Op '[ a ] b
opIso to' from' = op1 $ \x -> (to' x, from')
{-# INLINE opIso #-}

-- | An 'Op' that runs the input value through an isomorphism between
-- a tuple of values and a value.
-- Warning: This is unsafe!  It assumes that the isomorphisms themselves
-- have derivative 1, so will break for things like
-- 'Numeric.Lens.exponentiating'.  Basically, don't use this for any
-- "numeric" isomorphisms.
-- @since
opIsoN :: (Tuple as -> b) -> (b -> Tuple as) -> Op as b
opIsoN to' from' = Op $ \xs -> (to' xs, from')
{-# INLINE opIsoN #-}

-- | An 'Op' that extracts a value from an input value using a 'Lens''.
-- Warning: This is unsafe!  It assumes that it extracts a specific value
-- unchanged, with derivative 1, so will break for things that numerically
-- manipulate things before returning them.
opLens :: Num a => Lens' a b -> Op '[ a ] b
opLens l = op1 $ \x -> (view l x, \d -> set l d 0)
{-# INLINE opLens #-}

-- | A version of 'opConst' taking explicit 'Length', indicating the
-- number of inputs and their types.
-- Requiring an explicit 'Length' is mostly useful for rare "extremely
-- polymorphic" situations, where GHC can't infer the type and length of
-- the the expected input tuple.  If you ever actually explicitly write
-- down @as@ as a list of types, you should be able to just use
-- 'opConst'.
opConst' :: Every Num as => Length as -> a -> Op as a
opConst' l x = Op $ const
    (x , const $ map1 ((0 \\) . every @_ @Num) (indices' l))
{-# INLINE opConst' #-}

-- | An 'Op' that ignores all of its inputs and returns a given constant
-- value.
-- >>> gradOp' (opConst 10) (1 ::< 2 ::< 3 ::< Ø)
-- (10, 0 ::< 0 ::< 0 ::< Ø)
opConst :: (Every Num as, Known Length as) => a -> Op as a
opConst = opConst' known
{-# INLINE opConst #-}

-- | Create an 'Op' that takes no inputs and always returns the given
-- value.
-- There is no gradient, of course (using 'gradOp' will give you an empty
-- tuple), because there is no input to have a gradient of.
-- >>> runOp (op0 10) Ø
-- (10, Ø)
-- For a constant 'Op' that takes input and ignores it, see 'opConst' and
-- 'opConst''.
op0 :: a -> Op '[] a
op0 x = Op $ \case
    Ø -> (x, const Ø)
{-# INLINE op0 #-}

-- | Create an 'Op' of a function taking one input, by giving its explicit
-- derivative.  The function should return a tuple containing the result of
-- the function, and also a function taking the derivative of the result
-- and return the derivative of the input.
-- If we have
-- \[
-- \eqalign{
-- f &: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\cr
-- y &= f(x)\cr
-- z &= g(y)
-- }
-- \]
-- Then the derivative \( \frac{dz}{dx} \), it would be:
-- \[
-- \frac{dz}{dx} = \frac{dz}{dy} \frac{dy}{dx}
-- \]
-- If our 'Op' represents \(f\), then the second item in the resulting
-- tuple should be a function that takes \(\frac{dz}{dy}\) and returns
-- \(\frac{dz}{dx}\).
-- As an example, here is an 'Op' that squares its input:
-- @
-- square :: Num a => 'Op' '[a] a
-- square = 'op1' $ \\x -> (x*x, \\d -> 2 * d * x
--                      )
-- @
-- Remember that, generally, end users shouldn't directly construct 'Op's;
-- they should be provided by libraries or generated automatically.
    :: (a -> (b, b -> a))
    -> Op '[a] b
op1 f = Op $ \case
    I x :< Ø ->
      let (y, dx) = f x
      in  (y, \(!d) -> only_ . dx $ d)
{-# INLINE op1 #-}

-- | Create an 'Op' of a function taking two inputs, by giving its explicit
-- gradient.  The function should return a tuple containing the result of
-- the function, and also a function taking the derivative of the result
-- and return the derivative of the input.
-- If we have
-- \[
-- \eqalign{
-- f &: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\cr
-- z &= f(x, y)\cr
-- k &= g(z)
-- }
-- \]
-- Then the gradient \( \left< \frac{\partial k}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial k}{\partial y} \right> \)
-- would be:
-- \[
-- \left< \frac{\partial k}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial k}{\partial y} \right> =
--  \left< \frac{dk}{dz} \frac{\partial z}{dx}, \frac{dk}{dz} \frac{\partial z}{dy} \right>
-- \]
-- If our 'Op' represents \(f\), then the second item in the resulting
-- tuple should be a function that takes \(\frac{dk}{dz}\) and returns
-- \( \left< \frac{\partial k}{dx}, \frac{\partial k}{dx} \right> \).
-- As an example, here is an 'Op' that multiplies its inputs:
-- @
-- mul :: Num a => 'Op' '[a, a] a
-- mul = 'op2'' $ \\x y -> (x*y, \\d -> (d*y, x*d)
--                      )
-- @
-- Remember that, generally, end users shouldn't directly construct 'Op's;
-- they should be provided by libraries or generated automatically.
    :: (a -> b -> (c, c -> (a, b)))
    -> Op '[a,b] c
op2 f = Op $ \case
    I x :< I y :< Ø ->
      let (z, dxdy) = f x y
      in  (z, (\(!dx,!dy) -> dx ::< dy ::< Ø) . dxdy)
{-# INLINE op2 #-}

-- | Create an 'Op' of a function taking three inputs, by giving its explicit
-- gradient.  See documentation for 'op2' for more details.
    :: (a -> b -> c -> (d, d -> (a, b, c)))
    -> Op '[a,b,c] d
op3 f = Op $ \case
    I x :< I y :< I z :< Ø ->
      let (q, dxdydz) = f x y z
      in  (q, (\(!dx, !dy, !dz) -> dx ::< dy ::< dz ::< Ø) . dxdydz)
{-# INLINE op3 #-}

instance (Known Length as, Every Num as, Num a) => Num (Op as a) where
    o1 + o2       = composeOp (o1 :< o2 :< Ø) (+.)
    {-# INLINE (+) #-}
    o1 - o2       = composeOp (o1 :< o2 :< Ø) (-.)
    {-# INLINE (-) #-}
    o1 * o2       = composeOp (o1 :< o2 :< Ø) (*.)
    {-# INLINE (*) #-}
    negate o      = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       negateOp
    {-# INLINE negate #-}
    signum o      = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       signumOp
    {-# INLINE signum #-}
    abs    o      = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       absOp
    {-# INLINE abs #-}
    fromInteger x = opConst (fromInteger x)
    {-# INLINE fromInteger #-}

instance (Known Length as, Every Fractional as, Every Num as, Fractional a) => Fractional (Op as a) where
    o1 / o2        = composeOp (o1 :< o2 :< Ø) (/.)
    recip o        = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       recipOp
    {-# INLINE recip #-}
    fromRational x = opConst (fromRational x)
    {-# INLINE fromRational #-}

instance (Known Length as, Every Floating as, Every Fractional as, Every Num as, Floating a) => Floating (Op as a) where
    pi            = opConst pi
    {-# INLINE pi #-}
    exp   o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       expOp
    {-# INLINE exp #-}
    log   o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       logOp
    {-# INLINE log #-}
    sqrt  o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       sqrtOp
    {-# INLINE sqrt #-}
    o1 ** o2      = composeOp (o1 :< o2 :< Ø) (**.)
    {-# INLINE (**) #-}
    logBase o1 o2 = composeOp (o1 :< o2 :< Ø) logBaseOp
    {-# INLINE logBase #-}
    sin   o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       sinOp
    {-# INLINE sin #-}
    cos   o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       cosOp
    {-# INLINE cos #-}
    tan   o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       tanOp
    {-# INLINE tan #-}
    asin  o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       asinOp
    {-# INLINE asin #-}
    acos  o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       acosOp
    {-# INLINE acos #-}
    atan  o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       atanOp
    {-# INLINE atan #-}
    sinh  o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       sinhOp
    {-# INLINE sinh #-}
    cosh  o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       coshOp
    {-# INLINE cosh #-}
    tanh  o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       tanhOp
    {-# INLINE tanh #-}
    asinh o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       asinhOp
    {-# INLINE asinh #-}
    acosh o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       acoshOp
    {-# INLINE acosh #-}
    atanh o       = composeOp (o  :< Ø)       atanhOp
    {-# INLINE atanh #-}

-- $numops
-- Built-in ops for common numeric operations.
-- Note that the operators (like '+.') are meant to be used in prefix
-- form, like:
-- @
-- 'Numeric.Backprop.liftOp2' ('.+') v1 v2
-- @

-- | 'Op' for addition
(+.) :: Num a => Op '[a, a] a
(+.) = op2 $ \x y -> (x + y, \g -> (g, g))
{-# INLINE (+.) #-}

-- | 'Op' for subtraction
(-.) :: Num a => Op '[a, a] a
(-.) = op2 $ \x y -> (x - y, \g -> (g, -g))
{-# INLINE (-.) #-}

-- | 'Op' for multiplication
(*.) :: Num a => Op '[a, a] a
(*.) = op2 $ \x y -> (x * y, \g -> (y*g, x*g))
{-# INLINE (*.) #-}

-- | 'Op' for division
(/.) :: Fractional a => Op '[a, a] a
(/.) = op2 $ \x y -> (x / y, \g -> (g/y, -g*x/(y*y)))
{-# INLINE (/.) #-}

-- | 'Op' for exponentiation
(**.) :: Floating a => Op '[a, a] a
(**.) = op2 $ \x y -> ( x ** y
                      , let dx = y*x**(y-1)
                            dy = x**y*log x
                        in  \g -> (g*dx, g*dy)
{-# INLINE (**.) #-}

-- | 'Op' for negation
negateOp :: Num a => Op '[a] a
negateOp = op1 $ \x -> (negate x, negate)
{-# INLINE negateOp  #-}

-- | 'Op' for 'signum'
signumOp :: Num a => Op '[a] a
signumOp = op1 $ \x -> (signum x, const 0)
{-# INLINE signumOp  #-}

-- | 'Op' for absolute value
absOp :: Num a => Op '[a] a
absOp = op1 $ \x -> (abs x, (* signum x))
{-# INLINE absOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for multiplicative inverse
recipOp :: Fractional a => Op '[a] a
recipOp = op1 $ \x -> (recip x, (/(x*x)) . negate)
{-# INLINE recipOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for 'exp'
expOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
expOp = op1 $ \x -> (exp x, (exp x *))
{-# INLINE expOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for the natural logarithm
logOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
logOp = op1 $ \x -> (log x, (/x))
{-# INLINE logOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for square root
sqrtOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
sqrtOp = op1 $ \x -> (sqrt x, (/ (2 * sqrt x)))
{-# INLINE sqrtOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for 'logBase'
logBaseOp :: Floating a => Op '[a, a] a
logBaseOp = op2 $ \x y -> ( logBase x y
                          , let dx = - logBase x y / (log x * x)
                            in  \g -> (g*dx, g/(y * log x))
{-# INLINE logBaseOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for sine
sinOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
sinOp = op1 $ \x -> (sin x, (* cos x))
{-# INLINE sinOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for cosine
cosOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
cosOp = op1 $ \x -> (cos x, (* (-sin x)))
{-# INLINE cosOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for tangent
tanOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
tanOp = op1 $ \x -> (tan x, (/ cos x^(2::Int)))
{-# INLINE tanOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for arcsine
asinOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
asinOp = op1 $ \x -> (asin x, (/ sqrt(1 - x*x)))
{-# INLINE asinOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for arccosine
acosOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
acosOp = op1 $ \x -> (acos x, (/ sqrt (1 - x*x)) . negate)
{-# INLINE acosOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for arctangent
atanOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
atanOp = op1 $ \x -> (atan x, (/ (x*x + 1)))
{-# INLINE atanOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for hyperbolic sine
sinhOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
sinhOp = op1 $ \x -> (sinh x, (* cosh x))
{-# INLINE sinhOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for hyperbolic cosine
coshOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
coshOp = op1 $ \x -> (cosh x, (* sinh x))
{-# INLINE coshOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for hyperbolic tangent
tanhOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
tanhOp = op1 $ \x -> (tanh x, (/ cosh x^(2::Int)))
{-# INLINE tanhOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for hyperbolic arcsine
asinhOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
asinhOp = op1 $ \x -> (asinh x, (/ sqrt (x*x + 1)))
{-# INLINE asinhOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for hyperbolic arccosine
acoshOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
acoshOp = op1 $ \x -> (acosh x, (/ sqrt (x*x - 1)))
{-# INLINE acoshOp #-}

-- | 'Op' for hyperbolic arctangent
atanhOp :: Floating a => Op '[a] a
atanhOp = op1 $ \x -> (atanh x, (/ (1 - x*x)))
{-# INLINE atanhOp #-}

-- $prod
-- 'Prod', from the <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/type-combinators
-- type-combinators> library (in "Data.Type.Product") is a heterogeneous
-- list/tuple type, which allows you to tuple together multiple values of
-- different types and operate on them generically.
-- A @'Prod' f '[a, b, c]@ contains an @f a@, an @f b@, and an @f c@, and
-- is constructed by consing them together with ':<' (using 'Ø' as nil):
-- @
-- 'I' "hello" ':<' I True :< I 7.8 :< Ø    :: 'Prod' 'I' '[String, Bool, Double]
-- 'C' "hello" :< C "world" :< C "ok" :< Ø  :: 'Prod' ('C' String) '[a, b, c]
-- 'Proxy' :< Proxy :< Proxy :< Ø           :: 'Prod' 'Proxy' '[a, b, c]
-- @
-- ('I' is the identity functor, and 'C' is the constant functor)
-- So, in general:
-- @
-- x :: f a
-- y :: f b
-- z :: f c
-- x :< y :< z :< Ø :: Prod f '[a, b, c]
-- @
-- If you're having problems typing 'Ø', you can use 'only':
-- @
-- only z           :: Prod f '[c]
-- x :< y :< only z :: Prod f '[a, b, c]
-- @
-- 'Tuple' is provided as a convenient type synonym for 'Prod' 'I', and has
-- a convenient pattern synonym '::<' (and 'only_'), which can also be used
-- for pattern matching:
-- @
-- x :: a
-- y :: b
-- z :: c
-- 'only_' z             :: 'Tuple' '[c]
-- x '::<' y ::< z ::< Ø :: 'Tuple' '[a, b, c]
-- x ::< y ::< only_ z :: 'Tuple' '[a, b, c]
-- @