{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}

module Data.Type.Util (
  , unzipP
  , zipP
  , indexP
  , vecToProd
  , prodToVec'
  , prodAlong
  , lengthProd
  , prodLength
  , vecLength
  , finIndex
  , replLen
  , replWit
  , itraverse1_
  , ifor1
  , ifor1_
  , for1
  , for1_
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Monoid hiding    (Sum)
import           Data.Type.Conjunction
import           Data.Type.Fin
import           Data.Type.Index
import           Data.Type.Length
import           Data.Type.Nat
import           Data.Type.Product
import           Data.Type.Sum
import           Data.Type.Vector
import           Lens.Micro
import           Type.Class.Higher
import           Type.Class.Known
import           Type.Class.Witness
import           Type.Family.List
import           Type.Family.Nat

-- | @'Replicate' n a@ is a list of @a@s repeated @n@ times.
-- >>> :kind! Replicate N3 Int
-- '[Int, Int, Int]
-- >>> :kind! Replicate N5 Double
-- '[Double, Double, Double, Double, Double]
type family Replicate (n :: N) (a :: k) = (as :: [k]) | as -> n where
    Replicate 'Z     a = '[]
    Replicate ('S n) a = a ': Replicate n a

    :: VecT n f a
    -> Prod f (Replicate n a)
vecToProd = \case
    ØV      -> Ø
    x :* xs -> x :< vecToProd xs

    :: Nat n
    -> Prod f (Replicate n a)
    -> VecT n f a
prodToVec' = \case
    Z_   -> \case
      Ø       -> ØV
    S_ n -> \case
      x :< xs -> x :* prodToVec' n xs

    :: VecT n f b
    -> Prod f (Replicate n a)
    -> VecT n f a
prodAlong = \case
    ØV -> \case
      Ø       -> ØV
    _ :* v -> \case
      x :< xs -> x :* prodAlong v xs

    :: Fin n
    -> Index (Replicate n a) a
finIndex = \case
    FZ   -> IZ
    FS f -> IS (finIndex f)

    :: (Applicative h, Traversable1 t)
    => (forall a. f a -> h ())
    -> t f b
    -> h ()
traverse1_ f = ($ pure ())
             . appEndo
             . getConst
             . foldMap1 (\y -> Const (Endo (f y *>)))

    :: (Applicative h, IxFoldable1 i t)
    => (forall a. i b a -> f a -> h ())
    -> t f b
    -> h ()
itraverse1_ f = ($ pure ())
              . appEndo
              . getConst
              . ifoldMap1 (\i y -> Const (Endo (f i y *>)))

    :: (Applicative h, Traversable1 t)
    => t f b
    -> (forall a. f a -> h (g a))
    -> h (t g b)
for1 x f = traverse1 f x

    :: (Applicative h, Traversable1 t)
    => t f b
    -> (forall a. f a -> h ())
    -> h ()
for1_ x f = traverse1_ f x

    :: (Applicative h, IxTraversable1 i t)
    => t f b
    -> (forall a. i b a -> f a -> h (g a))
    -> h (t g b)
ifor1 x f = itraverse1 f x

    :: (Applicative h, IxFoldable1 i t)
    => t f b
    -> (forall a. i b a -> f a -> h ())
    -> h ()
ifor1_ x f = itraverse1_ f x

    :: Prod f as
    -> Prod g as
    -> Prod (f :&: g) as
zipP = \case
    Ø -> \case
      Ø       -> Ø
    x :< xs -> \case
      y :< ys -> x :&: y :< zipP xs ys

    :: Prod (f :&: g) as
    -> (Prod f as, Prod g as)
unzipP = \case
    Ø               -> (Ø, Ø)
    (x :&: y) :< zs -> bimap (x :<) (y :<) (unzipP zs)

indexP :: Index as a -> Lens' (Prod g as) (g a)
indexP = \case
    IZ   -> \f -> \case
      x :< xs -> (:< xs) <$> f x
    IS i -> \f -> \case
      x :< xs -> (x :<) <$> indexP i f xs

    :: Prod f as
    -> Length as
prodLength = \case
    Ø       -> LZ
    _ :< xs -> LS (prodLength xs)

    :: forall n f a. ()
    => VecT n f a
    -> Nat n
vecLength = \case
    ØV      -> Z_
    _ :* xs -> S_ (vecLength xs)

    :: Prod f as
    -> Sum g as
    -> Sum (f :&: g) as
tagSum = \case
    Ø       -> \case
    x :< xs -> \case
      InL y  -> InL (x :&: y)
      InR ys -> InR (tagSum xs ys)

    :: Nat n
    -> Wit (c a)
    -> Wit (Every c (Replicate n a))
replWit = \case
    Z_   -> \case
      Wit -> Wit
    S_ n -> \case
      c@Wit -> case replWit n c of
        Wit -> Wit

    :: forall n a. ()
    => Nat n
    -> Length (Replicate n a)
replLen = \case
    Z_   -> LZ
    S_ n -> LS (replLen @_ @a n)

    :: (forall a. f a)
    -> Length as
    -> Prod f as
lengthProd x = \case
    LZ   -> Ø
    LS l -> x :< lengthProd x l