-- |
-- Module : Web.WindowsAzure.ServiceBus.SBTypes
-- Description : Haskell Types for interacting with ServiceBus
-- Copyright : (c) Hemanth Kapila, 2014
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : saihemanth@gmail.com
-- Stability  : Experimental
-- Provides Types used across the rest of the API.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Web.WindowsAzure.ServiceBus.SBTypes 

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Int

import Web.WindowsAzure.ACS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Network.HTTP.Conduit hiding (requestBodySource)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit hiding (httpLbs)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (methodDelete, methodPost)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header

import Network.Connection (TLSSettings (..))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative

-- | 'SBInfo' is encapsulation of Connection Information needed to connect to a Service Bus Namespace.
-- This information is typically found when you click on the /Connection Information/ link on the azure portal and comprises of
-- * ServiceBus namespace
-- * Issuer Name
-- * Issuer Key
data SBInfo = SBInfo String C.ByteString C.ByteString
              deriving (Show)

-- | Abstract type representing the service bus context.
data SBContext = SBContext String Manager AcsContext 

-- | a convenience function, where issuer name is owner
simpleSBInfo :: String -> String -> SBInfo
simpleSBInfo ns key = SBInfo ns (C.pack "owner") (C.pack key)

-- | Create SB Context from 'SBInfo'
sbContext :: SBInfo -> IO SBContext 
sbContext (SBInfo ns name key) = do
  aContext <- acsContext $ AcsInfo (ns ++ "-sb") (C.pack $ "http://" ++ ns ++ ".servicebus.windows.net") name key
  manager <- newManagerSettings (mkManagerSettings (TLSSettingsSimple True False False) Nothing) 
  return $ SBContext ("https://" ++ ns ++ ".servicebus.windows.net") manager aContext

-- | BrokerProperties
data BrokerProperties = BrokerProperties {
    deliveryCount :: Int,
    enqueuedSeqNumber :: Integer,
    enqueuedTimeUtc :: String,
    lockToken :: String,
    lockedUntilUtc :: String,
    bpMessageId :: String,
    bpSequenceNumber :: Integer,
    bpState :: String,
    bpTimeToLive :: Integer
 deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON BrokerProperties where
    parseJSON (Object v) = BrokerProperties <$>
                            v .: "DeliveryCount" <*>
                            v .: "EnqueuedSequenceNumber" <*>
                            v .: "EnqueuedTimeUtc" <*>
                            v .: "LockToken" <*>
                            v .: "LockedUntilUtc" <*>
                            v .: "MessageId" <*>
                            v .: "SequenceNumber" <*> 
                            v .: "State" <*>
                            v .: "TimeToLive"
    parseJSON _           = mempty

instance ToJSON BrokerProperties where
    toJSON (BrokerProperties dc esq etc lt luu msgId sn stt ttl) = object [
                                        "DeliveryCount" .= dc,
                                        "EnqueuedSequenceNumber" .= esq,
                                        "EnqueuedTimeUtc" .= etc,
                                        "LockToken" .= lt,
                                        "LockedUntilUtc" .= luu,
                                        "MessageId" .= msgId,
                                        "SequenceNumber" .= sn,
                                        "State" .= stt,
                                        "TimeToLive" .= ttl

emptyBP = BrokerProperties 0 0 "" "" "" "" 0 "" 0