
Module      : Azubi.Module.Runable
Description : deploy 'run' command
Copyright   : (c) Ingolf Wagner, 2017
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : azubi@ingolf-wagner.de
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

module Azubi.Module.Runable where

import Azubi.Core.Model


creates a 'State' that will run a command of your choice.

run :: RunCommand -> State
run (Once command arguments result) =
    fullCommand = unwords $ command : arguments
    fileContent = [ "This is a Azubi cache file"
                  , "You can delete or edit it to make the following command run again"
                  , ""
                  , fullCommand ]
    [ HasFileContent result fileContent ]
    [ Run command arguments $ Just $ unwords $ [ "run command" , command ] ++ arguments
    , FileContent result fileContent ]

run (Always command arguments) =
  [ Not AlwaysYes ]
  [ Run command arguments $ Just $ unwords $ [ "run command",   command ] ++ arguments ]


The way a command should be run. See 'run'

data RunCommand =
  -- | run command every time
  Always String [Argument]
  -- | run command and creates a file to prevent to run again
  | Once String [Argument] Path