{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import qualified Urbit.Azimuth as A import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob -- A simple test endpoint. You'll probably want to set up your own. infura :: String infura = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/b7d2af9f01534031ba773374f766ef65" -- A simple example of setting up an endpoint, fetching the Azimuth contracts, -- getting a private key from a BIP39 mnemonic and HD path, and fetching ~zod's -- public information. main :: IO () main = do endpoint <- A.defaultSettings infura contracts <- A.runWeb3 endpoint A.getContracts let zod = Ob.patp 0 nec = Ob.patp 1 -- fetch ~zod's public info, using endpoint's default account zodInfo <- A.runWeb3 endpoint $ A.runAzimuth contracts () $ A.getPoint zod -- to use an account.. -- use a test mnemonic let mnem = "benefit crew supreme gesture quantum " <> "web media hazard theory mercy wing kitten" -- and a standard HD path let hdpath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" :: A.DerivPath let account = case A.toPrivateKey mnem mempty hdpath of Left _ -> error "bogus creds" Right acc -> acc -- fetch ~nec's public info, using a local account necInfo <- A.runWeb3 endpoint $ A.runAzimuth contracts account $ A.getPoint zod -- print the details print zodInfo print necInfo