# Changelog for aws-lambda-haskell-runtime-wai ## 2.0.1 * Using version `4.1.0` of `aws-lambda-haskell-runtime` that fixes [#101](https://github.com/theam/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime/issues/101). ## 2.0.0 * Using version [`4.0.0`](https://github.com/theam/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime/pull/97) of `aws-lambda-haskell-runtime`. * New handler types that allow you to support ALB or even API Gateway + ALB at once. ## 1.0.3 * Now taking the Wai request path from API Gateway's 'proxy' path parameter. This prevents the resource path from messing up your Wai application routing. ## 1.0.2 * Switched to aws-lambda-haskell-runtime 3.0.3 ## 1.0.1 * Removed forgotten print statements * Applied a [temporary hotfix](https://github.com/eir-forsakring/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime-wai/pull/4) for handling query parameters