# Changelog ## 7.0.4 (2020-09-11) - Escape `+` that can occasionally appear in package names. ## 7.0.3 (2020-05-27) - Bumped `http-client` bounds. ## 7.0.2 (2020-05-26) #### Changed - Bumped `aeson` bounds. ## 7.0.1 (2020-05-11) #### Changed - Bumped `tasty` bounds. ## 7.0.0 (2020-04-22) #### Added - The `AurError` type to account for the API change described below. #### Changed - The `servant` dependency has been dropped in favour of vanilla `http-client`. - `info` and `search` now return the custom `AurError` type instead of servant's `ClientError`. #### Removed - The reexport of `ClientError` from servant. ## 6.3.1 - Rewiden `servant` bounds. ## 6.3.0 - `servant-0.17` support. ## - Relax `http-client` bounds. ## 6.2.0 - `info` and `search` now return in `Either`. - Everything has been combined into a single module. - Hard requirement on `servant ^>= 0.16`. ## - Massaged various bounds for future-proofing. ## 6.1.0 - RPC functions now return in `Maybe`, for occasions where connection to the AUR was impossible. Previously, that case would result in an empty list. - RPC functions now return in a monomorphized `IO`, instead of the previous polymorphic `MonadIO`.