# 1.4.1 * add viewport, charset, and async to auto generate API document # 1.4.0 * remove Data.Apiary.Compat module * remove bytestring-lexing(and alex) dependency # 1.3.0 * new router(web-routing package) * new dictionary insert -\> add NotMember -\> (\ focus focus -\> [delete] * change boolean query behaviour old: ?key == fail new: ?key == true # 1.2.3 * fix haddock documentation. # 1.2.2 * export getReqBody. # 1.2.1 * reduce dependencies. * relax version restriction of monad-control. * move pure capture function. * export hoistActionT, focus', noExtension. # 1.2.0 * good bye wai-2. * add Web.Apiary.Develop module for develop static file. * *change* response body function behaviour(append to set). * add append* functions. * remove MonadHas class. add MonadExt class. * add action vault for extension. * change binary package to cereal package. ## apiary-websockets * fix actionWithWebSockets don't exec action. ## apiary-session/apiary-clientsession/apiary-authenticate * new session system. # 1.1.4 * enhance API documentation. * add MonadHas class. * add devFile action. # 1.1.3 * wildcard, parameter Accept header. ## apiary-mongoDB(1.1.1) * MongoAccess class ## apiary-logger(1.1.1) * Logging class ## apiary-persistent(1.1.1) * RunSQL class # 1.1.2 * re-export Web.Apiary from Web.Apiary.Heroku. # 1.1.1 * add request test to web API documentation. # 1.1.0 * Added Extension class. now Extension can add middleware. * Added apiary-helics submodule. # 1.0.0 * included named parameter. motivation: changing filter order `filterA . filterB . action $ \a b -> act` to `filterB . filterA . action $ \b a -> act` ~~~ changes argument order. it's too bad... * simplified Strategy type class. * removed DEPRECATED functions. * changed runner type. * changed module structure. * API freeze. I'll pay attention to compatibility, maybe... # 0.17.2 * send 302 if file not midified. # 0.17.1 * relax switchQuery. old new key True True key=true False True key=false False False # 0.17.0 * fix not accept in multi Accept header. * add greedy path capture('\*\*'). * add switchQuery filter. * add Heroku module. * add google analytics support to API documentation. ## Extension API * change interface. * fix bug which immediately finalize. * deprecate preAction. * Category initializer only ghc-7.8+. ## new extensions * apiary-mongoDB * apiary-memcached # 0.16.0 * new Extension API. * add middleware function. * remove Typeable restriction from Path/Query class. * add Optional strategy, (=?!:) query fetcher. * add accept filter. * add Path/Query instances to Day. # 0.15.2 * you can set status and response headers anywhere. * deprecate lbs. * add bytes, lazyBytes(~ lbs), text, lazyText, showing, string, char request body functions. these functions **append** request body. * add reset function to reset request body to empty. # 0.15.1 * enhance performance(especially parsing parameter). # 0.15.0 * enhance performance(new router). * add anyPath function. # 0.14.0 * change First Strategy behaviour(check first param only). * merge method and stdMethod function. * rename function (response -> rawResponse) * add apiary-purescript ## documentation * changed how to generate documentation. use defaultDocumentationAction action. * now, condition which is after document function, will be documented. use noDoc function. * abolish ':' query document api. use (??) function. * deprecated () route decument api. use []. # 0.13.0 * Option that generate full embed documentation. * Add precondition, rpHtml functions. ## API documentation page * precondition * multi action * use route string as id of html # 0.12.8 * Option that doesn't generate documentation. * Change fail of ActionT behaviour. ( Pass next action -> return 500 error immediately.) ## API documentation page * collapse # 0.12.5 * Enhance API documentation. * Description using variable. # 0.12.0 * Automatically generate API documentation. * Remove Functor restriction from ApiaryT. # 0.11.1 * Generalize proxy. * Fix capture behaviour. * Add endPath function. # 0.11.0 * Change capture internal implimentation. * Add path, fetch pure capture function. ## apiary-clientsession * Add prefix SessionConfig fields. # 0.10.0 * wai-3.0. * Add response function. * Add MonadCatch, MonadMask instances to ActionT.