{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}

  This module is part of Antisplice.
  Copyleft (c) 2014 Marvin Cohrs

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  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

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-- | Provides a general graph.
module Game.Antisplice.Utils.Graph where

import Game.Antisplice.Utils.BST
import Game.Antisplice.Utils.AVL

-- | Phantom type for a node ID
newtype NodeId = NodeId Int deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- | A general graph
data Graph a b = Graph { nodes :: AVL (Node a), edges :: [Edge b], nextId :: NodeId }

-- | A node for the graph
data Node a = Node { nodeMarked :: Bool, nodeContent :: a, nodeId :: NodeId }

-- | An edge for the graph
data Edge b = Edge { fromNode :: NodeId, toNode :: NodeId, weight :: Int, label :: b }

instance Indexable (Node a) NodeId (Node a) where
  type IndexOf (Node a) = NodeId
  type ValueOf (Node a) = Node a  
  indexOf = nodeId
  valueOf = id

--instance (Show a,Show b) => Show (Graph a b) where
--  show (Graph ns es _) = unlines (map show (reverse ns) ++ map show es)
instance (Show a) => Show (Node a) where
  show (Node _ c i) = concat [show i, ": ", show c]

instance (Show b) => Show (Edge b) where
  show (Edge f t w l) = concat [show f, " --", show l, "-> ", show t, " [", show w, "]"]

-- | Increment a NodeId
incId :: NodeId -> NodeId
incId (NodeId i) = NodeId (i+1)

-- | An empty graph
emptyGraph :: Graph a b
emptyGraph = Graph EmptyAVL [] (NodeId 0)

-- | Add a node to the graph
addNode :: a -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addNode x = snd . addNode' x

-- | Add a node to the graph and also return its ID
addNode' :: a -> Graph a b -> (NodeId,Graph a b)
addNode' x (Graph ns es nid) = (nid, Graph (avlInsert (Node False x nid) ns) es (incId nid))

-- | Add a bunch of nodes
addNodes :: [a] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addNodes xs = snd . addNodes' xs

-- | Add a bunch of nodes and also return their IDs
addNodes' :: [a] -> Graph a b -> ([NodeId],Graph a b)
addNodes' [] g = ([],g)
addNodes' (p:ps) g = let (ls, g'') = addNodes' ps g'
                         (l, g') = addNode' p g
                     in (l:ls, g'')

-- | Return all nodes
allNodes :: Graph a b -> [Node a]
allNodes = avlInorder . nodes

-- | Return the node in the AVL tree's root
rootNode :: Graph a b -> NodeId
rootNode = nodeId . avlRoot . nodes

-- | Add a unidirectional edge to the graph (provide both nodes, a weight and a label)
addEdge :: NodeId -> NodeId -> Int -> b -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addEdge f t w l = addEdge' (Edge f t w l)

-- | Add a unidirectional edge to the graph (provide the 'Edge')
addEdge' :: Edge b -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addEdge' e g = g{edges=e:edges g}

-- | Add a bidirectional edge to the graph (provide both nodes, a weight and a label)
addMutualEdge :: NodeId -> NodeId -> Int -> b -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addMutualEdge f t w l = addEdge f t w l . addEdge t f w l

-- | Add a bunch of edges unidirectionally (provide both nodes, a weight and a label)
addEdges :: [(NodeId,NodeId,Int,b)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addEdges es g = foldr (addEdge' . (\(f,t,w,l) -> Edge f t w l)) g es

-- | Add a bunch of edges unidirectionally (provide the 'Edge's)
addEdges' :: [Edge b] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addEdges' = flip $ foldr addEdge'

-- | Add a bunch of edges bidirectionally (provide both nodes, a weight and a label)
addMutualEdges :: [(NodeId,NodeId,Int,b)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
addMutualEdges es = addEdges es . addEdges (map (\(f,t,w,l) -> (t,f,w,l)) es)

-- | Get the node's content from its ID
getNode :: NodeId -> Graph a b -> a
getNode n = nodeContent . getNode' n

-- | Get the 'Node' object from its ID
getNode' :: NodeId -> Graph a b -> Node a
getNode' n = (\(Just x) -> x) . avlLookup n . nodes

-- | Set the node's content by its ID
setNode :: NodeId -> a -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
setNode n a g@(Graph ns _ _) = g{nodes=fmap setNode' ns}
  where setNode' (Node m c i) = if i == n then Node m a i else Node m c i

-- | Mark a node by its ID
markNode :: NodeId -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
markNode n g@(Graph ns _ _) = g{nodes=fmap markNode' ns}
  where markNode' (Node m c i) = if i == n then Node True c i else Node m c i 

-- | Follow an edge by its source node and label
followEdge :: Eq b => NodeId -> b -> Graph a b -> Maybe NodeId
followEdge n l g = case filter ((==l).label) $ filter ((==n).fromNode) $ edges g of
  [] -> Nothing
  (x:_) -> Just (toNode x)

-- | List all edges from the given node
listEdges :: NodeId -> Graph a b -> [(b,NodeId)]
listEdges n g = fmap (\(Edge _ t _ l) -> (l,t)) $ filter ((==n).fromNode) $ edges g