antisplice- An engine for text-based dungeons.

Safe HaskellNone



Provides prototypes for common entities (rooms, objects, mobs).



ctorRoom :: ChAtoms m => String -> String -> RoomT m () Source

Construct a simple room from a title and a description.

ctorSign :: (ChAtoms m, MonadVocab m, MonadError SplErr m) => String -> [String] -> ObjectT m () Source

Construct a sign from a text and some attributes.

ctorMob :: MonadVocab m => String -> [String] -> String -> [String] -> ObjectT m () Source

Construct a mob from a title, some names, a description and some attributes.

ctorRoute :: (Monad m, Functor m) => [NodeId] -> Integer -> ObjectT m () Source

Construct a mob route from some room IDs and a time delay in milliseconds.

ctorRoomNesting :: MonadVocab m => String -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> NodeId -> ObjectT m () Source

Construct a room nesting object from a title, a description, some names, some attributes and the target room ID.

ctorAcq :: MonadVocab m => String -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> ObjectT m () Source

Construct an acquirable object from a title, a description, some names and some attributes.

addRoomDesc :: ChAtoms m => String -> RoomT m ObjectId Source

Add a room descriptor object to the current room