{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

  This module is part of Antisplice.
  Copyleft (c) 2014 Marvin Cohrs

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-- | Provides a monad that collects vocab during dungeon construction and
-- reproduces it later.
module Game.Antisplice.Monad.Vocab where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Game.Antisplice.Utils.TST
import Game.Antisplice.Utils.Hetero

-- | Algebraic type for primitive and complex tokens.
data Token = Unintellegible String
           | Verb String
           | Prep String
           | Noun String
           | Adj String
           | Ordn Int String
           | Fixe String
           | Skilln String
           | Nounc [String] (Maybe Int) String
             -- ^ Complex noun, with attributes and maybe ordinal index.
             deriving Eq

instance Show Token where
  show (Unintellegible s) = "[?] " ++ s
  show (Verb s) = "[verb] " ++ s
  show (Prep s) = "[prep] " ++ s
  show (Noun s) = "[noun] " ++ s
  show (Adj s) = "[adj] " ++ s
  show (Ordn i s) = "[#" ++ show i ++ "] " ++ s
  show (Fixe s) = "[fix] " ++ s
  show (Skilln s) = "[skill] " ++ s
  show (Nounc [] Nothing s) = "[noun+] "++s
  show (Nounc as Nothing s) = "[noun+] "++unwords as++" "++s
  show (Nounc [] (Just i) s) = "[noun #"++show i++"] "++s
  show (Nounc as (Just i) s) = "[noun #"++show i++"] "++unwords as++" "++s

instance Tuplify Token Token where
  tuplify = id

-- | The vocab monad. Carries the currently noun vocab as its state.
newtype VocabT m a = Vocab { runVocabT :: TST Token -> m (a,TST Token) }

instance Functor m => Functor (VocabT m) where
  fmap f a = Vocab $ \s -> fmap (first f) $ runVocabT a s

instance Monad m => Monad (VocabT m) where
  return a = Vocab $ \s -> return (a,s)
  m >>= f = Vocab $ \s -> do (a,s') <- runVocabT m s; runVocabT (f a) s'

instance MonadTrans VocabT where
  lift m = Vocab $ \s -> do a <- m; return (a,s)

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (VocabT m) where
  liftIO = lift . liftIO

-- | Tyepclass for all vocab-memorizing monads.
class Monad m => MonadVocab m where
  -- | Lookup a word and return its token.
  lookupVocab :: String -> m Token
  -- | Learn a new word.
  insertVocab :: String -> (String -> Token) -> m ()
  -- | Check if a word is already known.
  vocabKnown :: String -> m Bool

instance Monad m => MonadVocab (VocabT m) where
  lookupVocab k = Vocab $ \s -> case tstLookup k s of
    Just t -> return (t,s)
    Nothing -> return (Unintellegible k,s)
  insertVocab k tc = Vocab $ \s -> return ((),tstInsert k (tc k) s)
  vocabKnown k = Vocab $ \s -> return (tstContains k s,s)