# Changelog for located-exception ## Unreleased changes ## - [#13](https://github.com/parsonsmatt/annotated-exception/pull/13) - Fixed a bug in `UnliftIO.catches` where it would infinitely recurse. ## - [#12](https://github.com/parsonsmatt/annotated-exception/pull/12) - Removed the `Eq` instance for `Annotation` as well as the `Eq` constraint in `AnnC`. These instances were only used for testing, and prevented the natural use of `CallStack` in a `[Annotation]`. - Removed the `Eq` instance for `AnnotatedException` as a consequence of dropping the `Eq` instance on `Annotation`. - Removed the `new` function. Use `pure` or `exceptionWithCallStack` instead. - Fixed a double-annotation bug in `checkpointCallStackWith`. - `checkpointCallStack` appends to the call-site list. - Pretty much everything now merges the `CallStack`s together. `throw` includes a `CallStack`, as do `checkpoint` and `checkpointMany`. ## - [#8](https://github.com/parsonsmatt/annotated-exception/pull/8) - There was a bug where catching or trying to catch an exception of the wrong type would trigger an infinite loop as the `fromException` method kept digging and digging and would be unable to make things work out. The `fromException` code no longer tries to flatten out these exceptions. However, `toException` *does* flatten it, so all tests still pass. ## - [#6](https://github.com/parsonsmatt/annotated-exception/pull/6) - Add `Control.Exception.Annotated.UnliftIO` that uses `MonadUnliftIO` instead of `MonadCatch` and `MonadThrow`. - Actually expose `catches` ## - [#4](https://github.com/parsonsmatt/annotated-exception/pull/4) - Add `catches` - Replace `Control.Exception.Safe.try` with `try` that can get an `AnnotatedException e` or a regular, un-`Annotated` `e`. ## - Initial Release