{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Data.Conduit (($$)) import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceHandle) import Data.Text (pack) import Network.AWS import Network.AWS.Data.Text (fromText) import Network.AWS.S3.CreateMultipartUpload import Network.AWS.S3.StreamingUpload import System.Environment import System.IO (BufferMode (BlockBuffering), hSetBuffering, stdin) main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of (region:profile:credfile:bucket:key:file:_) -> case (,,,) <$> (FromFile <$> fromText (pack profile) <*> pure credfile) <*> fromText (pack region) <*> fromText (pack bucket) <*> fromText (pack key) of Right (creds,reg,buck,ky) -> do #if !MIN_VERSION_amazonka(1,4,4) env <- newEnv reg creds #else env <- newEnv creds #endif hSetBuffering stdin (BlockBuffering Nothing) res <- runResourceT . runAWS env $ case file of -- Stream data from stdin "-" -> sourceHandle stdin $$ streamUpload (createMultipartUpload buck ky) -- Read from a file _ -> concurrentUpload (FP file) $ createMultipartUpload buck ky print res Left err -> print err >> usage ("abort":region:profile:credfile:bucket:_) -> case (,,) <$> (FromFile <$> fromText (pack profile) <*> pure credfile) <*> fromText (pack region) <*> fromText (pack bucket) of Right (creds,reg,buck) -> do #if !MIN_VERSION_amazonka(1,4,4) env <- newEnv reg creds #else env <- newEnv creds #endif res <- runResourceT . runAWS env . abortAllUploads $ buck print res Left err -> print err >> usage _ -> usage usage :: IO () usage = putStrLn . unlines $ [ "Usage: \n" , " Upload file:" , " s3upload " , " Abort all unfinished uploads for bucket:" , " s3upload abort \n" , "all arguments must be supplied - the region will be obtained from the AWS_REGION env var" , "if compiled with amazonka > 1.4.4, but must still be supplied (making an option parsing library" , "a dependency of this package seemed overkill)" ]