{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.Lambda.UpdateFunctionConfiguration -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | Updates the configuration parameters for the specified Lambda function by -- using the values provided in the request. You provide only the parameters you -- want to change. This operation must only be used on an existing Lambda -- function and cannot be used to update the function's code. -- -- This operation requires permission for the 'lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration' -- action. -- -- module Network.AWS.Lambda.UpdateFunctionConfiguration ( -- * Request UpdateFunctionConfiguration -- ** Request constructor , updateFunctionConfiguration -- ** Request lenses , ufcDescription , ufcFunctionName , ufcHandler , ufcMemorySize , ufcRole , ufcTimeout -- * Response , UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse -- ** Response constructor , updateFunctionConfigurationResponse -- ** Response lenses , ufcrCodeSize , ufcrConfigurationId , ufcrDescription , ufcrFunctionARN , ufcrFunctionName , ufcrHandler , ufcrLastModified , ufcrMemorySize , ufcrMode , ufcrRole , ufcrRuntime , ufcrTimeout ) where import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request.RestJSON import Network.AWS.Lambda.Types import qualified GHC.Exts data UpdateFunctionConfiguration = UpdateFunctionConfiguration { _ufcDescription :: Maybe Text , _ufcFunctionName :: Text , _ufcHandler :: Maybe Text , _ufcMemorySize :: Maybe Nat , _ufcRole :: Maybe Text , _ufcTimeout :: Maybe Nat } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'UpdateFunctionConfiguration' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ufcDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcFunctionName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcHandler' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcMemorySize' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Natural' -- -- * 'ufcRole' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcTimeout' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Natural' -- updateFunctionConfiguration :: Text -- ^ 'ufcFunctionName' -> UpdateFunctionConfiguration updateFunctionConfiguration p1 = UpdateFunctionConfiguration { _ufcFunctionName = p1 , _ufcRole = Nothing , _ufcHandler = Nothing , _ufcDescription = Nothing , _ufcTimeout = Nothing , _ufcMemorySize = Nothing } -- | A short user-defined function description. Lambda does not use this value. -- Assign a meaningful description as you see fit. ufcDescription :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text) ufcDescription = lens _ufcDescription (\s a -> s { _ufcDescription = a }) -- | The name of the Lambda function. ufcFunctionName :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration Text ufcFunctionName = lens _ufcFunctionName (\s a -> s { _ufcFunctionName = a }) -- | The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function. For Node.js, -- it is the /module-name.export/ value in your function. ufcHandler :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text) ufcHandler = lens _ufcHandler (\s a -> s { _ufcHandler = a }) -- | The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. Lambda uses this -- memory size to infer the amount of CPU allocated to your function. Your -- function use-case determines your CPU and memory requirements. For example, a -- database operation might need less memory compared to an image processing -- function. The default value is 128 MB. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB. ufcMemorySize :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Natural) ufcMemorySize = lens _ufcMemorySize (\s a -> s { _ufcMemorySize = a }) . mapping _Nat -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda will assume when -- it executes your function. ufcRole :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text) ufcRole = lens _ufcRole (\s a -> s { _ufcRole = a }) -- | The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. -- Because the execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this -- value based on your expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds. ufcTimeout :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Natural) ufcTimeout = lens _ufcTimeout (\s a -> s { _ufcTimeout = a }) . mapping _Nat data UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse = UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse { _ufcrCodeSize :: Maybe Integer , _ufcrConfigurationId :: Maybe Text , _ufcrDescription :: Maybe Text , _ufcrFunctionARN :: Maybe Text , _ufcrFunctionName :: Maybe Text , _ufcrHandler :: Maybe Text , _ufcrLastModified :: Maybe Text , _ufcrMemorySize :: Maybe Nat , _ufcrMode :: Maybe Mode , _ufcrRole :: Maybe Text , _ufcrRuntime :: Maybe Runtime , _ufcrTimeout :: Maybe Nat } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ufcrCodeSize' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'ufcrConfigurationId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcrDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcrFunctionARN' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcrFunctionName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcrHandler' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcrLastModified' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcrMemorySize' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Natural' -- -- * 'ufcrMode' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Mode' -- -- * 'ufcrRole' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ufcrRuntime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Runtime' -- -- * 'ufcrTimeout' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Natural' -- updateFunctionConfigurationResponse :: UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse updateFunctionConfigurationResponse = UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse { _ufcrFunctionName = Nothing , _ufcrFunctionARN = Nothing , _ufcrConfigurationId = Nothing , _ufcrRuntime = Nothing , _ufcrRole = Nothing , _ufcrHandler = Nothing , _ufcrMode = Nothing , _ufcrCodeSize = Nothing , _ufcrDescription = Nothing , _ufcrTimeout = Nothing , _ufcrMemorySize = Nothing , _ufcrLastModified = Nothing } -- | The size, in bytes, of the function .zip file you uploaded. ufcrCodeSize :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Integer) ufcrCodeSize = lens _ufcrCodeSize (\s a -> s { _ufcrCodeSize = a }) -- | A Lambda-assigned unique identifier for the current function code and related -- configuration. ufcrConfigurationId :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) ufcrConfigurationId = lens _ufcrConfigurationId (\s a -> s { _ufcrConfigurationId = a }) -- | The user-provided description. ufcrDescription :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) ufcrDescription = lens _ufcrDescription (\s a -> s { _ufcrDescription = a }) -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function. ufcrFunctionARN :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) ufcrFunctionARN = lens _ufcrFunctionARN (\s a -> s { _ufcrFunctionARN = a }) -- | The name of the function. ufcrFunctionName :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) ufcrFunctionName = lens _ufcrFunctionName (\s a -> s { _ufcrFunctionName = a }) -- | The function Lambda calls to begin executing your function. ufcrHandler :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) ufcrHandler = lens _ufcrHandler (\s a -> s { _ufcrHandler = a }) -- | The timestamp of the last time you updated the function. ufcrLastModified :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) ufcrLastModified = lens _ufcrLastModified (\s a -> s { _ufcrLastModified = a }) -- | The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple -- of 64 MB. ufcrMemorySize :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Natural) ufcrMemorySize = lens _ufcrMemorySize (\s a -> s { _ufcrMemorySize = a }) . mapping _Nat -- | The type of the Lambda function you uploaded. ufcrMode :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Mode) ufcrMode = lens _ufcrMode (\s a -> s { _ufcrMode = a }) -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it -- executes your function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) -- resources. ufcrRole :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) ufcrRole = lens _ufcrRole (\s a -> s { _ufcrRole = a }) -- | The runtime environment for the Lambda function. ufcrRuntime :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Runtime) ufcrRuntime = lens _ufcrRuntime (\s a -> s { _ufcrRuntime = a }) -- | The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. -- Because the execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this -- value based on your expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds. ufcrTimeout :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Natural) ufcrTimeout = lens _ufcrTimeout (\s a -> s { _ufcrTimeout = a }) . mapping _Nat instance ToPath UpdateFunctionConfiguration where toPath UpdateFunctionConfiguration{..} = mconcat [ "/2014-11-13/functions/" , toText _ufcFunctionName , "/configuration" ] instance ToQuery UpdateFunctionConfiguration where toQuery UpdateFunctionConfiguration{..} = mconcat [ "Role" =? _ufcRole , "Handler" =? _ufcHandler , "Description" =? _ufcDescription , "Timeout" =? _ufcTimeout , "MemorySize" =? _ufcMemorySize ] instance ToHeaders UpdateFunctionConfiguration instance ToJSON UpdateFunctionConfiguration where toJSON = const (toJSON Empty) instance AWSRequest UpdateFunctionConfiguration where type Sv UpdateFunctionConfiguration = Lambda type Rs UpdateFunctionConfiguration = UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse request = put response = jsonResponse instance FromJSON UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse where parseJSON = withObject "UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse" $ \o -> UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse <$> o .:? "CodeSize" <*> o .:? "ConfigurationId" <*> o .:? "Description" <*> o .:? "FunctionARN" <*> o .:? "FunctionName" <*> o .:? "Handler" <*> o .:? "LastModified" <*> o .:? "MemorySize" <*> o .:? "Mode" <*> o .:? "Role" <*> o .:? "Runtime" <*> o .:? "Timeout"