{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Network.AWS.Kinesis.Types.Product
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2016 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Network.AWS.Kinesis.Types.Product where

import           Network.AWS.Kinesis.Types.Sum
import           Network.AWS.Lens
import           Network.AWS.Prelude

-- | The range of possible hash key values for the shard, which is a set of
-- ordered contiguous positive integers.
-- /See:/ 'hashKeyRange' smart constructor.
data HashKeyRange = HashKeyRange'
    { _hkrStartingHashKey :: !Text
    , _hkrEndingHashKey   :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'HashKeyRange' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'hkrStartingHashKey'
-- * 'hkrEndingHashKey'
    :: Text -- ^ 'hkrStartingHashKey'
    -> Text -- ^ 'hkrEndingHashKey'
    -> HashKeyRange
hashKeyRange pStartingHashKey_ pEndingHashKey_ =
    { _hkrStartingHashKey = pStartingHashKey_
    , _hkrEndingHashKey = pEndingHashKey_

-- | The starting hash key of the hash key range.
hkrStartingHashKey :: Lens' HashKeyRange Text
hkrStartingHashKey = lens _hkrStartingHashKey (\ s a -> s{_hkrStartingHashKey = a});

-- | The ending hash key of the hash key range.
hkrEndingHashKey :: Lens' HashKeyRange Text
hkrEndingHashKey = lens _hkrEndingHashKey (\ s a -> s{_hkrEndingHashKey = a});

instance FromJSON HashKeyRange where
          = withObject "HashKeyRange"
              (\ x ->
                 HashKeyRange' <$>
                   (x .: "StartingHashKey") <*> (x .: "EndingHashKey"))

instance Hashable HashKeyRange

-- | Represents the output for 'PutRecords'.
-- /See:/ 'putRecordsRequestEntry' smart constructor.
data PutRecordsRequestEntry = PutRecordsRequestEntry'
    { _prreExplicitHashKey :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _prreData            :: !Base64
    , _prrePartitionKey    :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'PutRecordsRequestEntry' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'prreExplicitHashKey'
-- * 'prreData'
-- * 'prrePartitionKey'
    :: ByteString -- ^ 'prreData'
    -> Text -- ^ 'prrePartitionKey'
    -> PutRecordsRequestEntry
putRecordsRequestEntry pData_ pPartitionKey_ =
    { _prreExplicitHashKey = Nothing
    , _prreData = _Base64 # pData_
    , _prrePartitionKey = pPartitionKey_

-- | The hash value used to determine explicitly the shard that the data
-- record is assigned to by overriding the partition key hash.
prreExplicitHashKey :: Lens' PutRecordsRequestEntry (Maybe Text)
prreExplicitHashKey = lens _prreExplicitHashKey (\ s a -> s{_prreExplicitHashKey = a});

-- | The data blob to put into the record, which is base64-encoded when the
-- blob is serialized. When the data blob (the payload before
-- base64-encoding) is added to the partition key size, the total size must
-- not exceed the maximum record size (1 MB).
-- /Note:/ This 'Lens' automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data,
-- despite what the AWS documentation might say.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This 'Lens' accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
prreData :: Lens' PutRecordsRequestEntry ByteString
prreData = lens _prreData (\ s a -> s{_prreData = a}) . _Base64;

-- | Determines which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to.
-- Partition keys are Unicode strings with a maximum length limit of 256
-- characters for each key. Amazon Kinesis uses the partition key as input
-- to a hash function that maps the partition key and associated data to a
-- specific shard. Specifically, an MD5 hash function is used to map
-- partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data
-- records to shards. As a result of this hashing mechanism, all data
-- records with the same partition key map to the same shard within the
-- stream.
prrePartitionKey :: Lens' PutRecordsRequestEntry Text
prrePartitionKey = lens _prrePartitionKey (\ s a -> s{_prrePartitionKey = a});

instance Hashable PutRecordsRequestEntry

instance ToJSON PutRecordsRequestEntry where
        toJSON PutRecordsRequestEntry'{..}
          = object
                 [("ExplicitHashKey" .=) <$> _prreExplicitHashKey,
                  Just ("Data" .= _prreData),
                  Just ("PartitionKey" .= _prrePartitionKey)])

-- | Represents the result of an individual record from a 'PutRecords'
-- request. A record that is successfully added to your Amazon Kinesis
-- stream includes SequenceNumber and ShardId in the result. A record that
-- fails to be added to your Amazon Kinesis stream includes ErrorCode and
-- ErrorMessage in the result.
-- /See:/ 'putRecordsResultEntry' smart constructor.
data PutRecordsResultEntry = PutRecordsResultEntry'
    { _prreSequenceNumber :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _prreErrorCode      :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _prreErrorMessage   :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _prreShardId        :: !(Maybe Text)
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'PutRecordsResultEntry' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'prreSequenceNumber'
-- * 'prreErrorCode'
-- * 'prreErrorMessage'
-- * 'prreShardId'
    :: PutRecordsResultEntry
putRecordsResultEntry =
    { _prreSequenceNumber = Nothing
    , _prreErrorCode = Nothing
    , _prreErrorMessage = Nothing
    , _prreShardId = Nothing

-- | The sequence number for an individual record result.
prreSequenceNumber :: Lens' PutRecordsResultEntry (Maybe Text)
prreSequenceNumber = lens _prreSequenceNumber (\ s a -> s{_prreSequenceNumber = a});

-- | The error code for an individual record result. 'ErrorCodes' can be
-- either 'ProvisionedThroughputExceededException' or 'InternalFailure'.
prreErrorCode :: Lens' PutRecordsResultEntry (Maybe Text)
prreErrorCode = lens _prreErrorCode (\ s a -> s{_prreErrorCode = a});

-- | The error message for an individual record result. An 'ErrorCode' value
-- of 'ProvisionedThroughputExceededException' has an error message that
-- includes the account ID, stream name, and shard ID. An 'ErrorCode' value
-- of 'InternalFailure' has the error message
-- '\"Internal Service Failure\"'.
prreErrorMessage :: Lens' PutRecordsResultEntry (Maybe Text)
prreErrorMessage = lens _prreErrorMessage (\ s a -> s{_prreErrorMessage = a});

-- | The shard ID for an individual record result.
prreShardId :: Lens' PutRecordsResultEntry (Maybe Text)
prreShardId = lens _prreShardId (\ s a -> s{_prreShardId = a});

instance FromJSON PutRecordsResultEntry where
          = withObject "PutRecordsResultEntry"
              (\ x ->
                 PutRecordsResultEntry' <$>
                   (x .:? "SequenceNumber") <*> (x .:? "ErrorCode") <*>
                     (x .:? "ErrorMessage")
                     <*> (x .:? "ShardId"))

instance Hashable PutRecordsResultEntry

-- | The unit of data of the Amazon Kinesis stream, which is composed of a
-- sequence number, a partition key, and a data blob.
-- /See:/ 'record' smart constructor.
data Record = Record'
    { _rApproximateArrivalTimestamp :: !(Maybe POSIX)
    , _rSequenceNumber              :: !Text
    , _rData                        :: !Base64
    , _rPartitionKey                :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Record' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'rApproximateArrivalTimestamp'
-- * 'rSequenceNumber'
-- * 'rData'
-- * 'rPartitionKey'
    :: Text -- ^ 'rSequenceNumber'
    -> ByteString -- ^ 'rData'
    -> Text -- ^ 'rPartitionKey'
    -> Record
record pSequenceNumber_ pData_ pPartitionKey_ =
    { _rApproximateArrivalTimestamp = Nothing
    , _rSequenceNumber = pSequenceNumber_
    , _rData = _Base64 # pData_
    , _rPartitionKey = pPartitionKey_

-- | The approximate time that the record was inserted into the stream.
rApproximateArrivalTimestamp :: Lens' Record (Maybe UTCTime)
rApproximateArrivalTimestamp = lens _rApproximateArrivalTimestamp (\ s a -> s{_rApproximateArrivalTimestamp = a}) . mapping _Time;

-- | The unique identifier of the record in the stream.
rSequenceNumber :: Lens' Record Text
rSequenceNumber = lens _rSequenceNumber (\ s a -> s{_rSequenceNumber = a});

-- | The data blob. The data in the blob is both opaque and immutable to the
-- Amazon Kinesis service, which does not inspect, interpret, or change the
-- data in the blob in any way. When the data blob (the payload before
-- base64-encoding) is added to the partition key size, the total size must
-- not exceed the maximum record size (1 MB).
-- /Note:/ This 'Lens' automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data,
-- despite what the AWS documentation might say.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This 'Lens' accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
rData :: Lens' Record ByteString
rData = lens _rData (\ s a -> s{_rData = a}) . _Base64;

-- | Identifies which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to.
rPartitionKey :: Lens' Record Text
rPartitionKey = lens _rPartitionKey (\ s a -> s{_rPartitionKey = a});

instance FromJSON Record where
          = withObject "Record"
              (\ x ->
                 Record' <$>
                   (x .:? "ApproximateArrivalTimestamp") <*>
                     (x .: "SequenceNumber")
                     <*> (x .: "Data")
                     <*> (x .: "PartitionKey"))

instance Hashable Record

-- | The range of possible sequence numbers for the shard.
-- /See:/ 'sequenceNumberRange' smart constructor.
data SequenceNumberRange = SequenceNumberRange'
    { _snrEndingSequenceNumber   :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _snrStartingSequenceNumber :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SequenceNumberRange' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'snrEndingSequenceNumber'
-- * 'snrStartingSequenceNumber'
    :: Text -- ^ 'snrStartingSequenceNumber'
    -> SequenceNumberRange
sequenceNumberRange pStartingSequenceNumber_ =
    { _snrEndingSequenceNumber = Nothing
    , _snrStartingSequenceNumber = pStartingSequenceNumber_

-- | The ending sequence number for the range. Shards that are in the OPEN
-- state have an ending sequence number of 'null'.
snrEndingSequenceNumber :: Lens' SequenceNumberRange (Maybe Text)
snrEndingSequenceNumber = lens _snrEndingSequenceNumber (\ s a -> s{_snrEndingSequenceNumber = a});

-- | The starting sequence number for the range.
snrStartingSequenceNumber :: Lens' SequenceNumberRange Text
snrStartingSequenceNumber = lens _snrStartingSequenceNumber (\ s a -> s{_snrStartingSequenceNumber = a});

instance FromJSON SequenceNumberRange where
          = withObject "SequenceNumberRange"
              (\ x ->
                 SequenceNumberRange' <$>
                   (x .:? "EndingSequenceNumber") <*>
                     (x .: "StartingSequenceNumber"))

instance Hashable SequenceNumberRange

-- | A uniquely identified group of data records in an Amazon Kinesis stream.
-- /See:/ 'shard' smart constructor.
data Shard = Shard'
    { _sAdjacentParentShardId :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _sParentShardId         :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _sShardId               :: !Text
    , _sHashKeyRange          :: !HashKeyRange
    , _sSequenceNumberRange   :: !SequenceNumberRange
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Shard' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'sAdjacentParentShardId'
-- * 'sParentShardId'
-- * 'sShardId'
-- * 'sHashKeyRange'
-- * 'sSequenceNumberRange'
    :: Text -- ^ 'sShardId'
    -> HashKeyRange -- ^ 'sHashKeyRange'
    -> SequenceNumberRange -- ^ 'sSequenceNumberRange'
    -> Shard
shard pShardId_ pHashKeyRange_ pSequenceNumberRange_ =
    { _sAdjacentParentShardId = Nothing
    , _sParentShardId = Nothing
    , _sShardId = pShardId_
    , _sHashKeyRange = pHashKeyRange_
    , _sSequenceNumberRange = pSequenceNumberRange_

-- | The shard Id of the shard adjacent to the shard\'s parent.
sAdjacentParentShardId :: Lens' Shard (Maybe Text)
sAdjacentParentShardId = lens _sAdjacentParentShardId (\ s a -> s{_sAdjacentParentShardId = a});

-- | The shard Id of the shard\'s parent.
sParentShardId :: Lens' Shard (Maybe Text)
sParentShardId = lens _sParentShardId (\ s a -> s{_sParentShardId = a});

-- | The unique identifier of the shard within the Amazon Kinesis stream.
sShardId :: Lens' Shard Text
sShardId = lens _sShardId (\ s a -> s{_sShardId = a});

-- | The range of possible hash key values for the shard, which is a set of
-- ordered contiguous positive integers.
sHashKeyRange :: Lens' Shard HashKeyRange
sHashKeyRange = lens _sHashKeyRange (\ s a -> s{_sHashKeyRange = a});

-- | The range of possible sequence numbers for the shard.
sSequenceNumberRange :: Lens' Shard SequenceNumberRange
sSequenceNumberRange = lens _sSequenceNumberRange (\ s a -> s{_sSequenceNumberRange = a});

instance FromJSON Shard where
          = withObject "Shard"
              (\ x ->
                 Shard' <$>
                   (x .:? "AdjacentParentShardId") <*>
                     (x .:? "ParentShardId")
                     <*> (x .: "ShardId")
                     <*> (x .: "HashKeyRange")
                     <*> (x .: "SequenceNumberRange"))

instance Hashable Shard

-- | Represents the output for < DescribeStream>.
-- /See:/ 'streamDescription' smart constructor.
data StreamDescription = StreamDescription'
    { _sdStreamName           :: !Text
    , _sdStreamARN            :: !Text
    , _sdStreamStatus         :: !StreamStatus
    , _sdShards               :: ![Shard]
    , _sdHasMoreShards        :: !Bool
    , _sdRetentionPeriodHours :: !Nat
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'StreamDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'sdStreamName'
-- * 'sdStreamARN'
-- * 'sdStreamStatus'
-- * 'sdShards'
-- * 'sdHasMoreShards'
-- * 'sdRetentionPeriodHours'
    :: Text -- ^ 'sdStreamName'
    -> Text -- ^ 'sdStreamARN'
    -> StreamStatus -- ^ 'sdStreamStatus'
    -> Bool -- ^ 'sdHasMoreShards'
    -> Natural -- ^ 'sdRetentionPeriodHours'
    -> StreamDescription
streamDescription pStreamName_ pStreamARN_ pStreamStatus_ pHasMoreShards_ pRetentionPeriodHours_ =
    { _sdStreamName = pStreamName_
    , _sdStreamARN = pStreamARN_
    , _sdStreamStatus = pStreamStatus_
    , _sdShards = mempty
    , _sdHasMoreShards = pHasMoreShards_
    , _sdRetentionPeriodHours = _Nat # pRetentionPeriodHours_

-- | The name of the stream being described.
sdStreamName :: Lens' StreamDescription Text
sdStreamName = lens _sdStreamName (\ s a -> s{_sdStreamName = a});

-- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream being described.
sdStreamARN :: Lens' StreamDescription Text
sdStreamARN = lens _sdStreamARN (\ s a -> s{_sdStreamARN = a});

-- | The current status of the stream being described.
-- The stream status is one of the following states:
-- -   'CREATING' - The stream is being created. Amazon Kinesis immediately
--     returns and sets 'StreamStatus' to 'CREATING'.
-- -   'DELETING' - The stream is being deleted. The specified stream is in
--     the 'DELETING' state until Amazon Kinesis completes the deletion.
-- -   'ACTIVE' - The stream exists and is ready for read and write
--     operations or deletion. You should perform read and write operations
--     only on an 'ACTIVE' stream.
-- -   'UPDATING' - Shards in the stream are being merged or split. Read
--     and write operations continue to work while the stream is in the
--     'UPDATING' state.
sdStreamStatus :: Lens' StreamDescription StreamStatus
sdStreamStatus = lens _sdStreamStatus (\ s a -> s{_sdStreamStatus = a});

-- | The shards that comprise the stream.
sdShards :: Lens' StreamDescription [Shard]
sdShards = lens _sdShards (\ s a -> s{_sdShards = a}) . _Coerce;

-- | If set to 'true', more shards in the stream are available to describe.
sdHasMoreShards :: Lens' StreamDescription Bool
sdHasMoreShards = lens _sdHasMoreShards (\ s a -> s{_sdHasMoreShards = a});

-- | The current retention period, in hours.
sdRetentionPeriodHours :: Lens' StreamDescription Natural
sdRetentionPeriodHours = lens _sdRetentionPeriodHours (\ s a -> s{_sdRetentionPeriodHours = a}) . _Nat;

instance FromJSON StreamDescription where
          = withObject "StreamDescription"
              (\ x ->
                 StreamDescription' <$>
                   (x .: "StreamName") <*> (x .: "StreamARN") <*>
                     (x .: "StreamStatus")
                     <*> (x .:? "Shards" .!= mempty)
                     <*> (x .: "HasMoreShards")
                     <*> (x .: "RetentionPeriodHours"))

instance Hashable StreamDescription

-- | Metadata assigned to the stream, consisting of a key-value pair.
-- /See:/ 'tag' smart constructor.
data Tag = Tag'
    { _tagValue :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _tagKey   :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Tag' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tagValue'
-- * 'tagKey'
    :: Text -- ^ 'tagKey'
    -> Tag
tag pKey_ =
    { _tagValue = Nothing
    , _tagKey = pKey_

-- | An optional string, typically used to describe or define the tag.
-- Maximum length: 256 characters. Valid characters: Unicode letters,
-- digits, white space, _ . \/ = + - % \'
tagValue :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
tagValue = lens _tagValue (\ s a -> s{_tagValue = a});

-- | A unique identifier for the tag. Maximum length: 128 characters. Valid
-- characters: Unicode letters, digits, white space, _ . \/ = + - % \'
tagKey :: Lens' Tag Text
tagKey = lens _tagKey (\ s a -> s{_tagKey = a});

instance FromJSON Tag where
          = withObject "Tag"
              (\ x -> Tag' <$> (x .:? "Value") <*> (x .: "Key"))

instance Hashable Tag