{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports    #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Network.AWS.CognitoSync
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2017 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay+amazonka@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- __Amazon Cognito Sync__
-- Amazon Cognito Sync provides an AWS service and client library that enable cross-device syncing of application-related user data. High-level client libraries are available for both iOS and Android. You can use these libraries to persist data locally so that it's available even if the device is offline. Developer credentials don't need to be stored on the mobile device to access the service. You can use Amazon Cognito to obtain a normalized user ID and credentials. User data is persisted in a dataset that can store up to 1 MB of key-value pairs, and you can have up to 20 datasets per user identity.
-- With Amazon Cognito Sync, the data stored for each identity is accessible only to credentials assigned to that identity. In order to use the Cognito Sync service, you need to make API calls using credentials retrieved with <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognitoidentity/latest/APIReference/Welcome.html Amazon Cognito Identity service> .
-- If you want to use Cognito Sync in an Android or iOS application, you will probably want to make API calls via the AWS Mobile SDK. To learn more, see the <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforandroid/developerguide/cognito-sync.html Developer Guide for Android> and the <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforios/developerguide/cognito-sync.html Developer Guide for iOS> .
module Network.AWS.CognitoSync
    -- * Service Configuration

    -- * Errors
    -- $errors

    -- ** InvalidParameterException
    , _InvalidParameterException

    -- ** NotAuthorizedException
    , _NotAuthorizedException

    -- ** InternalErrorException
    , _InternalErrorException

    -- ** InvalidConfigurationException
    , _InvalidConfigurationException

    -- ** DuplicateRequestException
    , _DuplicateRequestException

    -- ** LambdaThrottledException
    , _LambdaThrottledException

    -- ** AlreadyStreamedException
    , _AlreadyStreamedException

    -- ** InvalidLambdaFunctionOutputException
    , _InvalidLambdaFunctionOutputException

    -- ** TooManyRequestsException
    , _TooManyRequestsException

    -- ** ConcurrentModificationException
    , _ConcurrentModificationException

    -- ** ResourceConflictException
    , _ResourceConflictException

    -- ** ResourceNotFoundException
    , _ResourceNotFoundException

    -- ** LimitExceededException
    , _LimitExceededException

    -- * Waiters
    -- $waiters

    -- * Operations
    -- $operations

    -- ** DescribeDataset
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DescribeDataset

    -- ** SetCognitoEvents
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.SetCognitoEvents

    -- ** DescribeIdentityPoolUsage
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DescribeIdentityPoolUsage

    -- ** GetBulkPublishDetails
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.GetBulkPublishDetails

    -- ** ListIdentityPoolUsage
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.ListIdentityPoolUsage

    -- ** SetIdentityPoolConfiguration
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.SetIdentityPoolConfiguration

    -- ** DeleteDataset
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DeleteDataset

    -- ** GetCognitoEvents
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.GetCognitoEvents

    -- ** DescribeIdentityUsage
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DescribeIdentityUsage

    -- ** RegisterDevice
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.RegisterDevice

    -- ** SubscribeToDataset
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.SubscribeToDataset

    -- ** GetIdentityPoolConfiguration
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.GetIdentityPoolConfiguration

    -- ** ListRecords
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.ListRecords

    -- ** UnsubscribeFromDataset
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.UnsubscribeFromDataset

    -- ** UpdateRecords
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.UpdateRecords

    -- ** ListDatasets
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.ListDatasets

    -- ** BulkPublish
    , module Network.AWS.CognitoSync.BulkPublish

    -- * Types

    -- ** BulkPublishStatus
    , BulkPublishStatus (..)

    -- ** Operation
    , Operation (..)

    -- ** Platform
    , Platform (..)

    -- ** StreamingStatus
    , StreamingStatus (..)

    -- ** CognitoStreams
    , CognitoStreams
    , cognitoStreams
    , csStreamingStatus
    , csStreamName
    , csRoleARN

    -- ** Dataset
    , Dataset
    , dataset
    , dLastModifiedDate
    , dNumRecords
    , dDataStorage
    , dDatasetName
    , dCreationDate
    , dLastModifiedBy
    , dIdentityId

    -- ** IdentityPoolUsage
    , IdentityPoolUsage
    , identityPoolUsage
    , ipuLastModifiedDate
    , ipuIdentityPoolId
    , ipuDataStorage
    , ipuSyncSessionsCount

    -- ** IdentityUsage
    , IdentityUsage
    , identityUsage
    , iuLastModifiedDate
    , iuIdentityPoolId
    , iuDatasetCount
    , iuDataStorage
    , iuIdentityId

    -- ** PushSync
    , PushSync
    , pushSync
    , psApplicationARNs
    , psRoleARN

    -- ** Record
    , Record
    , record
    , rSyncCount
    , rDeviceLastModifiedDate
    , rLastModifiedDate
    , rValue
    , rKey
    , rLastModifiedBy

    -- ** RecordPatch
    , RecordPatch
    , recordPatch
    , rpDeviceLastModifiedDate
    , rpValue
    , rpOp
    , rpKey
    , rpSyncCount
    ) where

import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.BulkPublish
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DeleteDataset
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DescribeDataset
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DescribeIdentityPoolUsage
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.DescribeIdentityUsage
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.GetBulkPublishDetails
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.GetCognitoEvents
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.GetIdentityPoolConfiguration
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.ListDatasets
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.ListIdentityPoolUsage
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.ListRecords
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.RegisterDevice
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.SetCognitoEvents
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.SetIdentityPoolConfiguration
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.SubscribeToDataset
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.Types
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.UnsubscribeFromDataset
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.UpdateRecords
import Network.AWS.CognitoSync.Waiters

{- $errors
Error matchers are designed for use with the functions provided by
<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens/docs/Control-Exception-Lens.html Control.Exception.Lens>.
This allows catching (and rethrowing) service specific errors returned
by 'CognitoSync'.

{- $operations
Some AWS operations return results that are incomplete and require subsequent
requests in order to obtain the entire result set. The process of sending
subsequent requests to continue where a previous request left off is called
pagination. For example, the 'ListObjects' operation of Amazon S3 returns up to
1000 objects at a time, and you must send subsequent requests with the
appropriate Marker in order to retrieve the next page of results.

Operations that have an 'AWSPager' instance can transparently perform subsequent
requests, correctly setting Markers and other request facets to iterate through
the entire result set of a truncated API operation. Operations which support
this have an additional note in the documentation.

Many operations have the ability to filter results on the server side. See the
individual operation parameters for details.

{- $waiters
Waiters poll by repeatedly sending a request until some remote success condition
configured by the 'Wait' specification is fulfilled. The 'Wait' specification
determines how many attempts should be made, in addition to delay and retry strategies.