# algebraic-graphs-io This package collects I/O utilities for `algebraic-graphs` : parsers and serializers for common graph data interchange formats, as well as functionality for downloading and caching larger datasets. ## Formats Currently the following formats are supported : * GML : used by a few common graph software packages (NetworkX, Gephi, graphviz, and others) * .tsv : tab-separated list of edge data, used e.g. for the Graph Challenge dataset [1] ## Datasets The package contains some small example datasets (e.g. "lesmiserables" and "karateclub"); these are provided ready for consumption in `Algebra.Graph.IO.Datasets`. There are also bindings to larger datasets, such as the ones provided by the LINQS group [2] (e.g. "citeseer"). ## Contributing PRs and contributions welcome! ## References [1] GraphChallenge https://graphchallenge.mit.edu/data-sets [2] LINQS http://www.cs.umd.edu/~sen/lbc-proj/LBC.html