{ -- Issue #71 -- reported 2015-10-20 by Ian Duncan -- fixed 2020-01-22 by Andreas Abel -- -- Problem was: -- DFA minimization crashed with "Prelude head: empty list" because -- empty set of non-accepting states was treated as empty equivalence -- class of states. -- -- Issue #258, 2024-02-27, Andreas Abel: -- Since GHC 9.4, type 'Symbol' conflicts with 'GHC.Exts.Symbol' -- which was imported by alex <= -- because of an unqualified import of 'GHC.Exts'. module Main (main) where import System.Exit } %wrapper "posn" %token "Symbol" $whitespace = [\ \n\t] @whitespaces = $whitespace* :- @whitespaces { \ _ _ -> Whitespaces } "a" { \ _ _ -> A } { -- Calling the token type 'Symbol' will trigger a clash with GHC.Exts.Symbol -- if the lexer is built with alex <= data Symbol = Whitespaces | A deriving (Eq, Show) input = "aa \n\taa \t \n a" expected_result = [A,A,Whitespaces,A,A,Whitespaces,A] main :: IO () main -- Since the whitespaces token is nullable, Alex -- will recognize an infinite number of those -- at the end of file. This behavior is problematic, -- but we don't fix it here. -- We just test here whether the expected result -- is a prefix of the produced result. | take (length expected_result) result == expected_result = do exitWith ExitSuccess | otherwise = do print $ take 20 result exitFailure where result = alexScanTokens input }