# Alex: A Lexical Analyser Generator [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/simonmar/alex.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/simonmar/alex) Alex is a Lex-like tool for generating Haskell scanners. For complete documentation, see the doc directory. - - Alex is covered by a BSD-Style licence; see the licence file in the `doc` directory for details. The sources are in the `src` directory and the documentation in the `doc` directory; various examples are in the `examples` subdirectory. The source code in the `src` and `examples` directories is intended to work with GHC >= 7.0. ## Build Instructions If you just want to *use* Alex, you can download or install (via `cabal install alex`) an [Alex release from Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/alex); also note that distributions such as the [Haskell Platform](https://www.haskell.org/platform/) and other package manager-based distributions provide packages for Alex. Moreover, recent versions of `cabal` will automatically install the required version of `alex` based on [`build-tools`/`build-tool-depends` declarations](http://cabal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developing-packages.html#pkg-field-build-tool-depends). Read on if you want to build Alex directly from Git. Alex is built using GHC & Cabal; so first install [GHC](https://www.haskell.org/ghc) and [`cabal-install-2.0`](https://www.haskell.org/cabal) (or later). Since Alex itself is implemented in terms of an Alex scanner, bootstrapping Alex is a bit tricky: You need to have the build-tools `alex` and `happy` manually installed; either via your system package manager distribution, the Haskell Platform, or e.g. via (run this outside the Git repository!): $ cabal install alex happy which installs them into `${HOME}/.cabal/bin` by default (make sure they are in your `$PATH` for the next steps!). ### Variant A You can install `alex` simply by invoking $ cabal install from inside the Git folder. ### Variant B Alternatively, you can use the `Makefile` which automates the steps of producing a self-contained pre-bootstrapped source distribution with pre-generated lexer/scanners: $ make sdist $ cabal install dist/alex-*.tar.gz For convenience, there is also a `make sdist-test` target which builds the source source tarball and runs the test-suite from within the source dist. ## Contributing & Reporting Issues Please report any bugs or comments at https://github.com/simonmar/alex/issues Share and enjoy, Chris Dornan: cdornan@arm.com Isaac Jones: ijones@syntaxpolice.org Simon Marlow: simonmar@microsoft.com and [recent contributors](https://github.com/simonmar/alex/graphs/contributors). ## Current Maintainers - John Ericson (@Ericson2314) - Simon Marlow (@simonmar)