{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Base.InfoView
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2012-2017, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 8.0.1
-- The module defines 'InfoView' that shows the description of series.

module Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Base.InfoView
        defaultInfoView) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Concurrent.MVar

import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid

import Simulation.Aivika
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Types
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Base.WebPageRenderer
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Base.ExperimentWriter
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Base.HtmlWriter
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Concurrent.MVar

-- | Defines the 'View' that shows the description of series.
data InfoView =
  InfoView { infoTitle        :: String,
             -- ^ This is a title for the view.
             infoDescription  :: String,
             -- ^ This is a text description used in HTML.
             infoTransform    :: ResultTransform,
             -- ^ The transform applied to the results before receiving series.
             infoSeries       :: ResultTransform, 
             -- ^ It defines the series for which the description is shown.
             infoLocalisation :: ResultLocalisation
             -- ^ It specifies the localisation.
-- | The default description view.  
defaultInfoView :: InfoView
defaultInfoView = 
  InfoView { infoTitle        = "Information",
             infoDescription  = "It shows the information about simulation entities:",
             infoTransform    = id,
             infoSeries       = id,
             infoLocalisation = englishResultLocalisation }

instance ExperimentView InfoView (WebPageRenderer a) where
  outputView v = 
    let reporter exp renderer dir =
          do st <- newInfo v exp dir
             let context =
                   WebPageContext $
                   WebPageWriter { reporterWriteTOCHtml = infoTOCHtml st,
                                   reporterWriteHtml    = infoHtml st }
             return ExperimentReporter { reporterInitialise = return (),
                                         reporterFinalise   = return (),
                                         reporterSimulate   = simulateInfo st,
                                         reporterContext    = context }
    in ExperimentGenerator { generateReporter = reporter }
-- | The state of the view.
data InfoViewState =
  InfoViewState { infoView       :: InfoView,
                  infoExperiment :: Experiment,
                  infoResults    :: MVar (Maybe InfoResults) }

-- | The information table.
data InfoResults =
  InfoResults { infoNames  :: [String],
                infoValues :: [String] }
-- | Create a new state of the view.
newInfo :: InfoView -> Experiment -> FilePath -> ExperimentWriter InfoViewState
newInfo view exp dir =
  do r <- liftIO $ newMVar Nothing
     return InfoViewState { infoView       = view,
                            infoExperiment = exp,
                            infoResults    = r }
-- | Create a new information table.
newInfoResults :: [ResultSource] -> ResultLocalisation -> Experiment -> IO InfoResults
newInfoResults sources loc exp =
  do let xs =
           flip map sources $ \source ->
           case source of
             ResultItemSource (ResultItem x) ->
               [(resultItemName x, loc $ resultItemId x)]
             ResultObjectSource x ->
               [(resultObjectName x, loc $ resultObjectId x)]
             ResultVectorSource x ->
               [(resultVectorName x, loc $ resultVectorId x)]
             ResultSeparatorSource x ->
         (names, values) = unzip $ concat xs
     return InfoResults { infoNames  = names,
                          infoValues = values }

-- | Require to return the unique information table associated with the specified state. 
requireInfoResults :: InfoViewState -> [ResultSource] -> IO InfoResults
requireInfoResults st sources =
  let view = infoView st
      loc  = infoLocalisation view
      exp  = infoExperiment st
  in maybePutMVar (infoResults st)
     (newInfoResults sources loc exp) $ \results ->
  do let xs =
           flip map sources $ \source ->
           case source of
             ResultItemSource (ResultItem x) ->
               [resultItemName x]
             ResultObjectSource x ->
               [resultObjectName x]
             ResultVectorSource x ->
               [resultVectorName x]
             ResultSeparatorSource x ->
     let names = concat xs
     if (names /= infoNames results)
       then error "Series with different names are returned for different runs: requireInfoResults"
       else return results
-- | Simulate the specified series.
simulateInfo :: InfoViewState -> ExperimentData -> Composite ()
simulateInfo st expdata =
  do let view    = infoView st
         rs      = infoSeries view $
                   infoTransform view $
                   experimentResults expdata
         sources = resultSourceList rs
     liftIO $ requireInfoResults st sources
     return ()

-- | Get the HTML code.     
infoHtml :: InfoViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
infoHtml st index =
  do header st index
     results <- liftIO $ readMVar (infoResults st)
     case results of
       Nothing -> return ()
       Just results ->
         do let names  = infoNames results
                values = infoValues results
            writeHtmlList $
              forM_ (zip names values) $ \(name, value) ->
              writeHtmlListItem $
              do writeHtmlText name
                 writeHtmlText " - "
                 writeHtmlText value

header :: InfoViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
header st index =
  do writeHtmlHeader3WithId ("id" ++ show index) $ 
       writeHtmlText (infoTitle $ infoView st)
     let description = infoDescription $ infoView st
     unless (null description) $
       writeHtmlParagraph $ 
       writeHtmlText description

-- | Get the TOC item.
infoTOCHtml :: InfoViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
infoTOCHtml st index =
  writeHtmlListItem $
  writeHtmlLink ("#id" ++ show index) $
  writeHtmlText (infoTitle $ infoView st)