{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | -- An abstract interface for maps from JSON keys to values. module Data.Aeson.KeyMap ( -- * Map Type KeyMap, -- * Query null, lookup, size, member, -- * Construction empty, singleton, -- ** Insertion insert, -- * Deletion delete, -- * Update alterF, -- * Combine difference, union, unionWith, unionWithKey, intersection, intersectionWith, intersectionWithKey, alignWith, alignWithKey, -- * Lists fromList, fromListWith, toList, toAscList, elems, -- * Maps fromHashMap, toHashMap, fromHashMapText, toHashMapText, coercionToHashMap, fromMap, toMap, fromMapText, toMapText, coercionToMap, -- * Traversal -- ** Map map, mapWithKey, mapKeyVal, traverse, traverseWithKey, -- * Folds foldr, foldr', foldl, foldl', foldMapWithKey, foldrWithKey, -- * Conversions keys, -- * Filter filter, filterWithKey, mapMaybe, mapMaybeWithKey, -- * Key Type Key, ) where -- Import stuff from Prelude explicitly import Prelude (Eq(..), Ord((>)), Int, Bool(..), Maybe(..)) import Prelude ((.), ($)) import Prelude (Functor(fmap), Monad(..)) import Prelude (Show, showsPrec, showParen, shows, showString) import Control.Applicative (Applicative) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..)) import Data.Aeson.Key (Key) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..)) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>))) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.These (These (..)) import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion (..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Text.Read (Read (..), Lexeme(..), readListPrecDefault, prec, lexP, parens) import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Traversable as T import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import qualified Data.Foldable.WithIndex as WI (FoldableWithIndex (..)) import qualified Data.Functor.WithIndex as WI (FunctorWithIndex (..)) import qualified Data.Traversable.WithIndex as WI (TraversableWithIndex (..)) import qualified Data.Semialign as SA import qualified Data.Semialign.Indexed as SAI import qualified GHC.Exts import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import qualified Witherable as W #ifdef USE_ORDEREDMAP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A map from JSON key type 'Key' to 'v'. newtype KeyMap v = KeyMap { unKeyMap :: Map Key v } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Functor) -- | Construct an empty map. empty :: KeyMap v empty = KeyMap M.empty -- | Is the map empty? null :: KeyMap v -> Bool null = M.null . unKeyMap -- | Return the number of key-value mappings in this map. size :: KeyMap v -> Int size = M.size . unKeyMap -- | Construct a map with a single element. singleton :: Key -> v -> KeyMap v singleton k v = KeyMap (M.singleton k v) -- | Is the key a member of the map? member :: Key -> KeyMap a -> Bool member t (KeyMap m) = M.member t m -- | Remove the mapping for the specified key from this map if present. delete :: Key -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v delete k (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (M.delete k m) -- | 'alterF' can be used to insert, delete, or update a value in a map. alterF :: Functor f => (Maybe v -> f (Maybe v)) -> Key -> KeyMap v -> f (KeyMap v) #if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,8) alterF f k = fmap KeyMap . M.alterF f k . unKeyMap #else alterF f k m = fmap g (f mv) where g r = case r of Nothing -> case mv of Nothing -> m Just _ -> delete k m Just v' -> insert k v' m mv = lookup k m #endif -- | Return the value to which the specified key is mapped, -- or Nothing if this map contains no mapping for the key. lookup :: Key -> KeyMap v -> Maybe v lookup t tm = M.lookup t (unKeyMap tm) -- | Associate the specified value with the specified key -- in this map. If this map previously contained a mapping -- for the key, the old value is replaced. insert :: Key -> v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v insert k v tm = KeyMap (M.insert k v (unKeyMap tm)) -- | Map a function over all values in the map. map :: (a -> b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b map = fmap -- | Map a function over all values in the map. -- -- @since mapWithKey :: (Key -> a -> b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b mapWithKey f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (M.mapWithKey f m) foldMapWithKey :: Monoid m => (Key -> a -> m) -> KeyMap a -> m foldMapWithKey f (KeyMap m) = M.foldMapWithKey f m foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldr f z (KeyMap m) = M.foldr f z m foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldr' f z (KeyMap m) = M.foldr' f z m foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldl f z (KeyMap m) = M.foldl f z m foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldl' f z (KeyMap m) = M.foldl' f z m -- | Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all -- elements, using the given starting value (typically the -- right-identity of the operator). foldrWithKey :: (Key -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> KeyMap v -> a foldrWithKey f a = M.foldrWithKey f a . unKeyMap -- | Perform an Applicative action for each key-value pair -- in a 'KeyMap' and produce a 'KeyMap' of all the results. traverse :: Applicative f => (v1 -> f v2) -> KeyMap v1 -> f (KeyMap v2) traverse f = fmap KeyMap . T.traverse f . unKeyMap -- | Perform an Applicative action for each key-value pair -- in a 'KeyMap' and produce a 'KeyMap' of all the results. traverseWithKey :: Applicative f => (Key -> v1 -> f v2) -> KeyMap v1 -> f (KeyMap v2) traverseWithKey f = fmap KeyMap . M.traverseWithKey f . unKeyMap -- | Construct a map from a list of elements. Uses the -- provided function, f, to merge duplicate entries with -- (f newVal oldVal). fromListWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> [(Key, v)] -> KeyMap v fromListWith op = KeyMap . M.fromListWith op -- | Construct a map with the supplied mappings. If the -- list contains duplicate mappings, the later mappings take -- precedence. fromList :: [(Key, v)] -> KeyMap v fromList = KeyMap . M.fromList -- | Return a list of this map's keys and elements. -- -- The order is not stable. Use 'toAscList' for stable ordering. toList :: KeyMap v -> [(Key, v)] toList = M.toList . unKeyMap -- | Return a list of this map' elements. -- -- @since elems :: KeyMap v -> [v] elems = M.elems . unKeyMap -- | Return a list of this map's elements in ascending order -- based of the textual key. toAscList :: KeyMap v -> [(Key, v)] toAscList = M.toAscList . unKeyMap -- | Difference of two maps. Return elements of the first -- map not existing in the second. difference :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v' -> KeyMap v difference tm1 tm2 = KeyMap (M.difference (unKeyMap tm1) (unKeyMap tm2)) -- The (left-biased) union of two maps. It prefers the first map when duplicate -- keys are encountered, i.e. ('union' == 'unionWith' 'const'). union :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v union (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (M.union x y) -- | The union with a combining function. unionWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v unionWith f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (M.unionWith f x y) -- | The union with a combining function. unionWithKey :: (Key -> v -> v -> v) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v unionWithKey f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (M.unionWithKey f x y) -- | The (left-biased) intersection of two maps (based on keys). intersection :: KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap a intersection (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (M.intersection x y) -- | The intersection with a combining function. intersectionWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap c intersectionWith f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (M.intersectionWith f x y) -- | The intersection with a combining function. intersectionWithKey :: (Key -> a -> b -> c) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap c intersectionWithKey f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (M.intersectionWithKey f x y) -- | Return a list of this map's keys. keys :: KeyMap v -> [Key] keys = M.keys . unKeyMap -- | Convert a 'KeyMap' to a 'HashMap'. toHashMap :: KeyMap v -> HashMap Key v toHashMap = H.fromList . toList -- | Convert a 'HashMap' to a 'KeyMap'. fromHashMap :: HashMap Key v -> KeyMap v fromHashMap = fromList . H.toList -- | Convert a 'KeyMap' to a 'Map'. toMap :: KeyMap v -> Map Key v toMap = unKeyMap -- | Convert a 'Map' to a 'KeyMap'. fromMap :: Map Key v -> KeyMap v fromMap = KeyMap coercionToHashMap :: Maybe (Coercion (HashMap Key v) (KeyMap v)) coercionToHashMap = Nothing {-# INLINE coercionToHashMap #-} coercionToMap :: Maybe (Coercion (Map Key v) (KeyMap v)) coercionToMap = Just Coercion {-# INLINE coercionToMap #-} -- | Transform the keys and values of a 'KeyMap'. mapKeyVal :: (Key -> Key) -> (v1 -> v2) -> KeyMap v1 -> KeyMap v2 mapKeyVal fk kv = foldrWithKey (\k v -> insert (fk k) (kv v)) empty {-# INLINE mapKeyVal #-} -- | Filter all keys/values that satisfy some predicate. filter :: (v -> Bool) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v filter f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (M.filter f m) -- | Filter all keys/values that satisfy some predicate. filterWithKey :: (Key -> v -> Bool) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v filterWithKey f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (M.filterWithKey f m) -- | Map values and collect the Just results. mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b mapMaybe f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (M.mapMaybe f m) -- | Map values and collect the Just results. mapMaybeWithKey :: (Key -> v -> Maybe u) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap u mapMaybeWithKey f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (M.mapMaybeWithKey f m) #else ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HashMap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Prelude (fst) -- | A map from JSON key type 'Key' to 'v'. newtype KeyMap v = KeyMap { unKeyMap :: HashMap Key v } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Functor) -- | Construct an empty map. empty :: KeyMap v empty = KeyMap H.empty -- | Is the map empty? null :: KeyMap v -> Bool null = H.null . unKeyMap -- | Return the number of key-value mappings in this map. size :: KeyMap v -> Int size = H.size . unKeyMap -- | Construct a map with a single element. singleton :: Key -> v -> KeyMap v singleton k v = KeyMap (H.singleton k v) -- | Is the key a member of the map? member :: Key -> KeyMap a -> Bool member t (KeyMap m) = H.member t m -- | Remove the mapping for the specified key from this map if present. delete :: Key -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v delete k (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (H.delete k m) -- | 'alterF' can be used to insert, delete, or update a value in a map. alterF :: Functor f => (Maybe v -> f (Maybe v)) -> Key -> KeyMap v -> f (KeyMap v) alterF f k = fmap KeyMap . H.alterF f k . unKeyMap -- | Return the value to which the specified key is mapped, -- or Nothing if this map contains no mapping for the key. lookup :: Key -> KeyMap v -> Maybe v lookup t tm = H.lookup t (unKeyMap tm) -- | Associate the specified value with the specified key -- in this map. If this map previously contained a mapping -- for the key, the old value is replaced. insert :: Key -> v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v insert k v tm = KeyMap (H.insert k v (unKeyMap tm)) -- | Map a function over all values in the map. map :: (a -> b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b map = fmap -- | Map a function over all values in the map. -- -- @since mapWithKey :: (Key -> a -> b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b mapWithKey f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (H.mapWithKey f m) foldMapWithKey :: Monoid m => (Key -> a -> m) -> KeyMap a -> m foldMapWithKey f (KeyMap m) = H.foldMapWithKey f m foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldr f z (KeyMap m) = H.foldr f z m foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldr' f z (KeyMap m) = H.foldr' f z m foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldl f z (KeyMap m) = H.foldl f z m foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> KeyMap a -> b foldl' f z (KeyMap m) = H.foldl' f z m -- | Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all -- elements, using the given starting value (typically the -- right-identity of the operator). foldrWithKey :: (Key -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> KeyMap v -> a foldrWithKey f a = H.foldrWithKey f a . unKeyMap -- | Perform an Applicative action for each key-value pair -- in a 'KeyMap' and produce a 'KeyMap' of all the results. traverse :: Applicative f => (v1 -> f v2) -> KeyMap v1 -> f (KeyMap v2) traverse f = fmap KeyMap . T.traverse f . unKeyMap -- | Perform an Applicative action for each key-value pair -- in a 'KeyMap' and produce a 'KeyMap' of all the results. traverseWithKey :: Applicative f => (Key -> v1 -> f v2) -> KeyMap v1 -> f (KeyMap v2) traverseWithKey f = fmap KeyMap . H.traverseWithKey f . unKeyMap -- | Construct a map from a list of elements. Uses the -- provided function, f, to merge duplicate entries with -- (f newVal oldVal). fromListWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> [(Key, v)] -> KeyMap v fromListWith op = KeyMap . H.fromListWith op -- | Construct a map with the supplied mappings. If the -- list contains duplicate mappings, the later mappings take -- precedence. fromList :: [(Key, v)] -> KeyMap v fromList = KeyMap . H.fromList -- | Return a list of this map's elements. -- -- The order is not stable. Use 'toAscList' for stable ordering. toList :: KeyMap v -> [(Key, v)] toList = H.toList . unKeyMap -- | Return a list of this map' elements. -- -- @since elems :: KeyMap v -> [v] elems = H.elems . unKeyMap -- | Return a list of this map's elements in ascending order -- based of the textual key. toAscList :: KeyMap v -> [(Key, v)] toAscList = sortBy (comparing fst) . toList -- | Difference of two maps. Return elements of the first -- map not existing in the second. difference :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v' -> KeyMap v difference tm1 tm2 = KeyMap (H.difference (unKeyMap tm1) (unKeyMap tm2)) -- The (left-biased) union of two maps. It prefers the first map when duplicate -- keys are encountered, i.e. ('union' == 'unionWith' 'const'). union :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v union (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (H.union x y) -- | The union with a combining function. unionWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v unionWith f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (H.unionWith f x y) -- | The union with a combining function. unionWithKey :: (Key -> v -> v -> v) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v unionWithKey f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (H.unionWithKey f x y) -- | The (left-biased) intersection of two maps (based on keys). intersection :: KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap a intersection (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (H.intersection x y) -- | The intersection with a combining function. intersectionWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap c intersectionWith f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (H.intersectionWith f x y) -- | The intersection with a combining function. intersectionWithKey :: (Key -> a -> b -> c) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap c intersectionWithKey f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (H.intersectionWithKey f x y) -- | Return a list of this map's keys. keys :: KeyMap v -> [Key] keys = H.keys . unKeyMap -- | Convert a 'KeyMap' to a 'HashMap'. toHashMap :: KeyMap v -> HashMap Key v toHashMap = unKeyMap -- | Convert a 'HashMap' to a 'KeyMap'. fromHashMap :: HashMap Key v -> KeyMap v fromHashMap = KeyMap -- | Convert a 'KeyMap' to a 'Map'. toMap :: KeyMap v -> Map Key v toMap = M.fromList . toList -- | Convert a 'Map' to a 'KeyMap'. fromMap :: Map Key v -> KeyMap v fromMap = fromList . M.toList coercionToHashMap :: Maybe (Coercion (HashMap Key v) (KeyMap v)) coercionToHashMap = Just Coercion {-# INLINE coercionToHashMap #-} coercionToMap :: Maybe (Coercion (Map Key v) (KeyMap v)) coercionToMap = Nothing {-# INLINE coercionToMap #-} -- | Transform the keys and values of a 'KeyMap'. mapKeyVal :: (Key -> Key) -> (v1 -> v2) -> KeyMap v1 -> KeyMap v2 mapKeyVal fk kv = foldrWithKey (\k v -> insert (fk k) (kv v)) empty {-# INLINE mapKeyVal #-} -- | Filter all keys/values that satisfy some predicate. filter :: (v -> Bool) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v filter f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (H.filter f m) -- | Filter all keys/values that satisfy some predicate. filterWithKey :: (Key -> v -> Bool) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v filterWithKey f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (H.filterWithKey f m) -- | Map values and collect the Just results. mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b mapMaybe f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (H.mapMaybe f m) -- | Map values and collect the Just results. mapMaybeWithKey :: (Key -> v -> Maybe u) -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap u mapMaybeWithKey f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (H.mapMaybeWithKey f m) #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- combinators using existing abstractions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Generalized union with combining function. alignWith :: (These a b -> c) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap c alignWith f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (SA.alignWith f x y) -- | Generalized union with combining function. alignWithKey :: (Key -> These a b -> c) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap c alignWithKey f (KeyMap x) (KeyMap y) = KeyMap (SAI.ialignWith f x y) -- | Convert a 'KeyMap' to a @'HashMap' 'Text'@. toHashMapText :: KeyMap v -> HashMap Text v toHashMapText = H.fromList . L.map (first Key.toText) . toList -- | Convert a @'HashMap' 'Text'@to a 'KeyMap'. fromHashMapText :: HashMap Text v -> KeyMap v fromHashMapText = fromList . L.map (first Key.fromText) . H.toList -- | Convert a 'KeyMap' to a @'Map' 'Text'@. -- -- @since toMapText :: KeyMap v -> Map Text v toMapText = M.fromList . L.map (first Key.toText) . toList -- | Convert a @'Map' 'Text'@to a 'KeyMap'. -- -- @since fromMapText :: Map Text v -> KeyMap v fromMapText = fromList . L.map (first Key.fromText) . M.toList ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This are defined using concrete combinators above. instance Read v => Read (KeyMap v) where readPrec = parens $ prec 10 $ do Ident "fromList" <- lexP xs <- readPrec return (fromList xs) readListPrec = readListPrecDefault instance Show v => Show (KeyMap v) where showsPrec d m = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "fromList " . shows (toAscList m) instance F.Foldable KeyMap where foldMap f = foldMapWithKey (\ _k v -> f v) {-# INLINE foldMap #-} foldr = foldr foldr' = foldr' foldl = foldl foldl' = foldl' null = null length = size instance T.Traversable KeyMap where traverse = traverse instance Semigroup (KeyMap v) where (<>) = union instance Monoid (KeyMap v) where mempty = empty mappend = (<>) -- | @since instance GHC.Exts.IsList (KeyMap v) where type Item (KeyMap v) = (Key, v) fromList = fromList toList = toAscList ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- template-haskell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TH.Lift v => TH.Lift (KeyMap v) where lift m = [| fromList m' |] where m' = toList m #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0) liftTyped = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce . TH.lift #elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0) liftTyped = TH.unsafeTExpCoerce . TH.lift #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hashable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Hashable v => Hashable (KeyMap v) where #ifdef USE_ORDEREDMAP hashWithSalt salt (KeyMap m) = M.foldlWithKey' (\acc k v -> acc `hashWithSalt` k `hashWithSalt` v) (hashWithSalt salt (M.size m)) m #else hashWithSalt salt (KeyMap hm) = hashWithSalt salt hm #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- deepseq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance NFData v => NFData (KeyMap v) where rnf (KeyMap hm) = rnf hm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- indexed-traversable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance WI.FunctorWithIndex Key KeyMap where imap = mapWithKey instance WI.FoldableWithIndex Key KeyMap where ifoldr = foldrWithKey instance WI.TraversableWithIndex Key KeyMap where itraverse = traverseWithKey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- semialign ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance SA.Zip KeyMap where zipWith = intersectionWith instance SAI.ZipWithIndex Key KeyMap where izipWith = intersectionWithKey instance SA.Semialign KeyMap where alignWith = alignWith instance SAI.SemialignWithIndex Key KeyMap where ialignWith = alignWithKey instance SA.Align KeyMap where nil = empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- witherable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance W.Filterable KeyMap where filter = filter mapMaybe = mapMaybe instance W.Witherable KeyMap where instance W.FilterableWithIndex Key KeyMap where ifilter = filterWithKey imapMaybe = mapMaybeWithKey instance W.WitherableWithIndex Key KeyMap where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- QuickCheck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | @since instance QC.Arbitrary1 KeyMap where liftArbitrary a = fmap fromList (QC.liftArbitrary (QC.liftArbitrary a)) liftShrink shr m = fmap fromList (QC.liftShrink (QC.liftShrink shr) (toList m)) -- | @since instance QC.Arbitrary v => QC.Arbitrary (KeyMap v) where arbitrary = QC.arbitrary1 shrink = QC.shrink1 -- | @since instance QC.CoArbitrary v => QC.CoArbitrary (KeyMap v) where coarbitrary = QC.coarbitrary . toList -- | @since instance QC.Function v => QC.Function (KeyMap v) where function = QC.functionMap toList fromList