# adaptive-cubature *Adaptive integration of a multivariate function on an axis-aligned hyperrectangle.* ___ This package is powered by the C library [cubature](https://github.com/stevengj/cubature). Follow the link for details. ### Usage ```haskell cubature :: Char -- ^ cubature version, 'h' or 'p' -> ([Double] -> Double) -- ^ integrand -> Int -- ^ dimension (number of variables) -> [Double] -- ^ lower limits of integration -> [Double] -- ^ upper limits of integration -> Double -- ^ desired relative error -> IO Result -- ^ output: integral value and error estimate ``` ### Example ```haskell fExample :: [Double] -> Double fExample x = exp (-0.5 * (sum $ zipWith (*) x x)) example :: IO Result -- should give 2pi ≈ 6.283185307179586 example = cubature 'h' fExample 2 [-6, -6] [6, 6] 1e-10 -- Result {_integral = 6.283185282383672, _error = 6.280185128024888e-10} ```