4.5.3 [2023.01.21] ------------------ * Support building with GHC 9.6. 4.5.2 [2022.06.17] ------------------ * Fix a bug that would cause `Numeric.AD.Mode.Reverse.diff` and `Numeric.AD.Mode.Reverse.Double.diff` to compute different answers under certain circumstances when `ad` was compiled with the `+ffi` flag. 4.5.1 [2022.05.18] ------------------ * Allow building with `transformers-0.6.*`. 4.5 [2021.11.07] ---------------- * The build-type has been changed from `Custom` to `Simple`. To achieve this, the `doctests` test suite has been removed in favor of using [`cabal-docspec`](https://github.com/phadej/cabal-extras/tree/master/cabal-docspec) to run the doctests. * Expose `Dense` mode AD again. * Add a `Dense.Representable` mode, which is a variant of `Dense` that exploits `Representable` functors rather than `Traversable` functors. * `Representable` can now also be useful as it can allow us to `unjet` to convert a value of type `Jet f a` safely back into `Cofree f a`. * Improve `Reverse.Double` mode performance by increasing strictness and using an FFI-based tape. * Reverse mode AD uses `reifyTypeable` internally. This means the region parameter/infinitesimals that mark each tape are `Typeable`, allowing you to do things like define instances of `Exception` that name the region parameter and perform similar shenanigans. * Drastically reduce code duplication in `Double`-based modes, enabling more of them. * Fixed a number of modes that were handling `(**)` improperly due to the aforementioned code duplication problem. * Add a `Tower.Double` mode (internally) that uses lazy lists of strict doubles. * Add a `Kahn.Double` mode (internally) that holds strict doubles in the graph. * Switch to using pattern synonyms internally for detecting "known" zeros. * Drop support for versions of GHC before 8.0 * The `.Double` modes have been modified to exploit the fact that we can definitely check a Double for equality with 0. In future releases we may require a typeclass that offers the ability to check for known zeroes for all types you process. This will allow us to improve the quality of the results, but may require you to either write an small instance declaration if you are processing some esoteric data type of your own, or put on/off a newtype that indicates to skip known zero optimizations or to use Eq. If there are particularly common types with tricky cases, a future `ad-instances` package might be the right way forward for them to find a home. * Add `Numeric.AD.Double`, which tries to mix and match between all the different AD modes to produce optimal results but uses the various `.Double` specializations to reduce the amount of boxing and indirection on the heap. * Add `Numeric.AD.Halley.Double`. * Removed the `fooNoEq` variants from `Newton.Double`, `Double`s always have an `Eq` instance. 4.4.1 [2020.10.13] ------------------ * Change the fixity of `:-` in `Numeric.AD.Jet` to be right-associative. Previously, it was `infixl`, which made things like `x :- y :- z` nearly unusable. * Fix backpropagation error in Kahn mode. * Fix bugs in the `Erf` instance for `ForwardDouble`. * Add `Numeric.AD.Mode.Reverse.Double`, a variant of `Numeric.AD.Mode.Reverse` that is specialized to `Double`. * Re-export `Jet(..)`, `headJet`, `tailJet` and `jet` from `Numeric.AD`. 4.4 [2020.02.03] ---------------- * Generalize the type of `stochasticGradientDescent`: ```diff -stochasticGradientDescent :: (Traversable f, Fractional a, Ord a) => (forall s. Reifies s Tape => f (Scalar a) -> f (Reverse s a) -> Reverse s a) -> [f (Scalar a)] -> f a -> [f a] +stochasticGradientDescent :: (Traversable f, Fractional a, Ord a) => (forall s. Reifies s Tape => e -> f (Reverse s a) -> Reverse s a) -> [e] -> f a -> [f a] ``` 4.3.6 [2019.02.28] ------------------ * Make the test suite pass when built against `musl` `libc`. 4.3.5 [2018.01.18] ------------------ * Add `Semigroup` instance for `Id`. 4.3.4 ----- * Support `doctest-0.12` 4.3.3 ----- * Revamp `Setup.hs` to use `cabal-doctest`. This makes it build with `Cabal-2.0`, and makes the `doctest`s work with `cabal new-build` and sandboxes. ----- * GHC 8 support * Fix Kahn mode's `**` implementation * Fix multiple problems in Erf and InvErf methods 4.3.2 ----- * Added `NoEq` versions of several combinators that can be used when `Eq` isn't available on the numeric type involved. 4.3.1 ----- * Further improvements have been made in the performance of `Sparse` mode, at least asymptotically, when used on functions with many variables. Since this is the target use-case for `Sparse` in the first place, this seems like a good trade-off. Note: this results in an API change, but only in the API of an `Internal` module, so this is treated as a minor version bump. 4.3 --- * Made drastic improvements in the performance of `Tower` and `Sparse` modes thanks to the help of Björn von Sydow. * Added constrained convex optimization. * Incorporated some suggestions from [herbie](http://herbie.uwplse.org/z) for improving floating point accuracy. 4.2.4 ----- * Added `Newton.Double` modules for performance. 4.2.3 ----- * `reflection` 2 support 4.2.2 ----- * *Major* bug fix for `grads`, `jacobians`, and anything that uses `Sparse` mode in `Numeric.AD`. Derivatives after the first two were previously incorrect. ------- * Support `nats` version 1 4.2.1 ----- * Added `stochasticGradientDescent`. 4.2 --- * Removed broken `Directed` mode. * Added `Numeric.AD.Rank1` combinators and moved most infinitesimal handling back out of the modes and into an `AD` wrapper. 4.1 --- * Fixed a bug in the type of `conjugateGradientAscent` and `conjugateGradientDescent` that prevent users from being able to ever call it. ------- * Added the missing `instances.h` header file to `extra-source-files`. 4.0 --- * An overhaul permitting monomorphic modes was completed by @alang9. * Add a `ForwardDouble` monomorphic mode 3.4 --- * Added support for `erf` and `inverf`, etc. from `Data.Number.Erf`. * Split the infinitesimal and mode into two separate parameters to facilitate inlining and easier extension of the API. 3.3.1 ----- * Build system improvements * Removed unused LANGUAGE pragmas * Added HLint configuration * We now use exactly the same versions of the packages used to build `ad` when running the doctests. 3.3 --- * Renamed `Reverse` to `Kahn` and `Wengert` to `Reverse`. We use Arthur Kahn's topological sorting algorithm to sort the tape after the fact in Kahn mode, while the stock Reverse mode builds a Wengert list as it goes, which is more efficient in practice. 3.2.2 ----- * Export of the `conjugateGradientDescent` and `gradientDescent` from `Numeric.AD` 3.2.1 --- * `conjugateGradientDescent` now stops before it starts returning NaN results. 3.2 --- * Renamed `Chain` to `Wengert` to reflect its use of Wengert lists for reverse mode. * Renamed `lift` to `auto` to avoid conflict with the more prevalent `transformers` library. * Fixed a bug in `Numeric.AD.Forward.gradWith'`, which caused it to return the wrong value for the primal. 3.1.4 ----- * Added a better "convergence" test for `findZero` * Compute `tan` and `tanh` derivatives directly. 3.1.3 ----- * Added `conjugateGradientDescent` and `conjugateGradientAscent` to `Numeric.AD.Newton`. 3.1.2 ----- * Dependency bump 3.1 --- * Added `Chain` mode, which is `Reverse` using a linear tape that doesn't need to be sorted. * Added a suite of doctests. * Bug fix in `Forward` mode. It was previously yielding incorrect results for anything that used `bind` or `bind'` internally. 3.0 --- * Moved the contents of `Numeric.AD.Mode.Mixed` into `Numeric.AD` * Split off `Numeric.AD.Variadic` for the variadic combinators * Removed the `UU`, `FU`, `UF`, and `FF` type aliases. * Stopped exporting the types for `Mode` and `AD` from almost every module. Import `Numeric.AD.Types` if necessary. * Renamed `Tensors` to `Jet` * Dependency bump to be compatible with ghc 7.4.1 and mtl 2.1 * More aggressive zero tracking. * `diff (**n) 0` for constant n and `diff (0**)` both now yield the correct answer for all modes.