{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Test.Prelude.Permute ( test_permute ) where import Prelude as P import Data.Label import Data.Maybe import Data.Typeable import Control.Monad import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Config import Test.Base import QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Array import Data.Array.Accelerate as A import Data.Array.Accelerate.IO as A import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar ( rank ) import Data.Array.Accelerate.Examples.Internal as A import Data.Array.ST ( runSTArray ) import Data.Array.Unboxed ( IArray, UArray ) import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as IArray import qualified Data.Array.MArray as M -- -- Forward permutation --------------------------------------------------------- -- test_permute :: Backend -> Config -> Test test_permute backend opt = testGroup "permute" $ catMaybes [ testIntegralElt configInt8 (undefined :: Int8) , testIntegralElt configInt16 (undefined :: Int16) , testIntegralElt configInt32 (undefined :: Int32) , testIntegralElt configInt64 (undefined :: Int64) , testIntegralElt configWord8 (undefined :: Word8) , testIntegralElt configWord16 (undefined :: Word16) , testIntegralElt configWord32 (undefined :: Word32) , testIntegralElt configWord64 (undefined :: Word64) , testFloatingElt configFloat (undefined :: Float) , testFloatingElt configDouble (undefined :: Double) ] where testIntegralElt :: forall e. (P.Integral e, A.Integral e, A.FromIntegral e Int, Arbitrary e, Similar e, IArray UArray e) => (Config :-> Bool) -> e -> Maybe Test testIntegralElt ok _ | P.not (get ok opt) = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ testGroup (show (typeOf (undefined :: e))) [ test_fill (undefined :: e) , testProperty "scatter" (test_scatter :: e -> Property) -- , testProperty "scatterIf" (test_scatterIf :: e -> Property) , testProperty "histogram" (test_histogram A.fromIntegral P.fromIntegral :: Vector e -> Property) ] testFloatingElt :: forall e. (P.RealFrac e, A.RealFrac e, Arbitrary e, Similar e, IArray UArray e) => (Config :-> Bool) -> e -> Maybe Test testFloatingElt ok _ | P.not (get ok opt) = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ testGroup (show (typeOf (undefined :: e))) [ test_fill (undefined :: e) , testProperty "scatter" (test_scatter :: e -> Property) -- , testProperty "scatterIf" (test_scatterIf :: e -> Property) , testProperty "histogram" (test_histogram A.floor P.floor :: Vector e -> Property) ] -- Test is permutation works by just copying elements directly from one -- array to the other. Does not attempt to use elements from the defaults -- array. Additionally, works for any dimension. (c.f. Issue #93) -- test_fill :: forall e. (P.Num e, A.Num e, Arbitrary e, Similar e) => e -> Test test_fill _ = testGroup "fill" [ -- testDim dim0 -- Accelerate issue #87 testDim dim1 , testDim dim2 ] where testDim :: forall sh. (Shape sh, P.Eq sh, Arbitrary (Array sh e)) => sh -> Test testDim sh = testProperty ("DIM" P.++ show (rank sh)) (push_fill :: Array sh e -> Property) where push_fill :: Array sh e -> Property push_fill xs = run1 backend go xs ~?= xs where go arr = permute const (A.fill (A.shape arr) (constant 0)) id arr -- Test if the combining operation for forward permutation works, by -- building a histogram. Often tricky for parallel backends. -- test_histogram :: (P.Num e, A.Num e, Similar e, IArray UArray e) => (Exp e -> Exp Int) -> (e -> Int) -> Vector e -> Property test_histogram f g xs = forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive n) -> run2 backend (histogramAcc f) (scalar n) xs ~?= histogramRef n g xs histogramAcc :: A.Num e => (Exp e -> Exp Int) -> Acc (Scalar Int) -> Acc (Vector e) -> Acc (Vector e) histogramAcc f n xs = let zeros = A.fill (index1 $ the n) 0 ones = A.fill (shape xs) 1 in permute (+) zeros (\ix -> index1 $ f (xs A.! ix) `mod` the n) ones histogramRef :: forall e. (Elt e, P.Num e, IArray UArray e) => Int -> (e -> Int) -> Vector e -> Vector e histogramRef n f xs = let arr :: IArray.UArray Int e arr = IArray.accumArray (+) 0 (0, n-1) [ (f e `mod` n, 1) | e <- toList xs ] in fromIArray arr -- Test for scattering functions -- test_scatter :: forall e. (Elt e, Similar e, Arbitrary e) => e -> Property test_scatter _ = forAll (sized $ \n -> choose (0,n)) $ \k -> let m = 2*k in forAll (arbitraryArray (Z:.m+1)) $ \defaultV -> forAll (arbitraryUniqueVectorOf (choose (0, m))) $ \mapV -> let n = arraySize (arrayShape mapV) in forAll (arbitraryArray (Z:.n)) $ \(inputV :: Vector e) -> toList (run3 backend A.scatter mapV defaultV inputV) ~?= IArray.elems (scatterRef (toIArray mapV) (toIArray defaultV) (toIArray inputV)) -- test_scatterIf :: forall e. (Elt e, Similar e, Arbitrary e) => e -> Property -- test_scatterIf _ = -- forAll (sized $ \n -> choose (0,n)) $ \k -> let m = 2*k in -- forAll (arbitraryArray (Z:.m+1)) $ \defaultV -> -- forAll (arbitraryUniqueVectorOf (choose (0, m))) $ \mapV -> let n = arraySize (arrayShape mapV) in -- forAll (arbitraryArray (Z:.n)) $ \(maskV :: Vector Int) -> -- forAll (arbitraryArray (Z:.n)) $ \(inputV :: Vector e) -> -- toList (run4 backend (\p v d x -> A.scatterIf p v A.even d x) mapV maskV defaultV inputV) -- ~?= -- IArray.elems (scatterIfRef (toIArray mapV) (toIArray maskV) P.even (toIArray defaultV) (toIArray inputV)) -- Reference Implementation -- ------------------------ scatterRef :: IArray.UArray Int Int -> IArray.Array Int e -> IArray.Array Int e -> IArray.Array Int e scatterRef mapV defaultV inputV = runSTArray $ do mu <- M.thaw defaultV forM_ (IArray.assocs mapV) $ \(inIx, outIx) -> M.writeArray mu outIx (inputV IArray.! inIx) return mu -- scatterIfRef -- :: IArray.UArray Int Int -- -> IArray.Array Int e -- -> (e -> Bool) -- -> IArray.Array Int t -- -> IArray.Array Int t -- -> IArray.Array Int t -- scatterIfRef mapV maskV f defaultV inputV -- = runSTArray -- $ do mu <- M.thaw defaultV -- forM_ (IArray.assocs mapV) $ \(inIx, outIx) -> -- when (f (maskV IArray.! inIx)) $ -- M.writeArray mu outIx (inputV IArray.! inIx) -- return mu