{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} -- | -- Module : Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty.Print -- Copyright : [2008..2011] Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Sean Lee -- [2009..2012] Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Trevor L. McDonell -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Manuel M T Chakravarty -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty.Print ( -- * Pretty printing functions PrettyAcc, prettyPreAcc, prettyOpenAcc, prettyPreExp, prettyExp, prettyPreAfun, prettyAfun, prettyPreFun, prettyFun, prettyPrim, noParens ) where -- standard libraries import Prelude hiding ( exp ) import Data.List import Text.PrettyPrint -- friends import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar import Data.Array.Accelerate.Tuple import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type -- Pretty printing -- --------------- -- The type of pretty printing functions for array computations. -- type PrettyAcc acc = forall aenv t. Int -> (Doc -> Doc) -> acc aenv t -> Doc -- Pretty print an array expression -- prettyOpenAcc :: PrettyAcc OpenAcc prettyOpenAcc alvl wrap (OpenAcc acc) = prettyPreAcc prettyOpenAcc alvl wrap acc prettyPreAcc :: forall acc aenv arrs. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -- level of array variables -> (Doc -> Doc) -- apply to compound expressions -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs -> Doc prettyPreAcc prettyAcc alvl wrap = pp where ppE :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv e -> Doc ppE = prettyPreExp prettyAcc 0 alvl parens ppF :: PreOpenFun acc env aenv f -> Doc ppF = parens . prettyPreFun prettyAcc alvl ppA :: acc aenv a -> Doc ppA = prettyAcc alvl parens ppAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv f -> Doc ppAF = parens . prettyPreAfun prettyAcc alvl ppB :: forall sh e. Elt e => {-dummy-} acc aenv (Array sh e) -> Boundary (EltRepr e) -> Doc ppB _ Clamp = text "Clamp" ppB _ Mirror = text "Mirror" ppB _ Wrap = text "Wrap" ppB _ (Constant e) = parens $ text "Constant" <+> text (show (toElt e :: e)) -- pretty print a named array operation with its arguments name .$ docs = wrap $ hang (text name) 2 (sep docs) -- The main pretty-printer -- ----------------------- -- pp :: PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs -> Doc pp (Alet acc1 acc2) | not (isAlet acc1') && isAlet acc2' = wrap $ vcat [ text "let" <+> a <+> equals <+> acc1' <+> text "in", acc2' ] | otherwise = wrap $ vcat [ hang (text "let" <+> a <+> equals) 2 acc1', text "in" <+> acc2' ] where -- TLM: derp, can't unwrap into a PreOpenAcc to pattern match on Alet isAlet doc = "let" `isPrefixOf` render doc acc1' = prettyAcc alvl noParens acc1 acc2' = prettyAcc (alvl+1) noParens acc2 a = char 'a' <> int alvl pp (Awhile p afun acc) = "awhile" .$ [ppAF p, ppAF afun, ppA acc] pp (Atuple tup) = prettyAtuple prettyAcc alvl tup pp (Avar idx) = text $ 'a' : show (alvl - idxToInt idx - 1) pp (Aprj ix arrs) = wrap $ char '#' <> prettyTupleIdx ix <+> ppA arrs pp (Apply afun acc) = wrap $ sep [ ppAF afun, ppA acc ] pp (Acond e acc1 acc2) = wrap $ sep [ ppE e, text "?|", tuple [ppA acc1, ppA acc2] ] pp (Slice _ty acc ix) = wrap $ sep [ ppA acc, char '!', prettyPreExp prettyAcc 0 alvl noParens ix ] pp (Use arrs) = "use" .$ [ prettyArrays (arrays (undefined :: arrs)) arrs ] pp (Unit e) = "unit" .$ [ ppE e ] pp (Generate sh f) = "generate" .$ [ ppE sh, ppF f ] pp (Transform sh ix f acc) = "transform" .$ [ ppE sh, ppF ix, ppF f, ppA acc ] pp (Reshape sh acc) = "reshape" .$ [ ppE sh, ppA acc ] pp (Replicate _ty ix acc) = "replicate" .$ [ prettyPreExp prettyAcc 0 alvl noParens ix, ppA acc ] pp (Map f acc) = "map" .$ [ ppF f, ppA acc ] pp (ZipWith f acc1 acc2) = "zipWith" .$ [ ppF f, ppA acc1, ppA acc2 ] pp (Fold f e acc) = "fold" .$ [ ppF f, ppE e, ppA acc ] pp (Fold1 f acc) = "fold1" .$ [ ppF f, ppA acc ] pp (FoldSeg f e acc1 acc2) = "foldSeg" .$ [ ppF f, ppE e, ppA acc1, ppA acc2 ] pp (Fold1Seg f acc1 acc2) = "fold1Seg" .$ [ ppF f, ppA acc1, ppA acc2 ] pp (Scanl f e acc) = "scanl" .$ [ ppF f, ppE e, ppA acc ] pp (Scanl' f e acc) = "scanl'" .$ [ ppF f, ppE e, ppA acc ] pp (Scanl1 f acc) = "scanl1" .$ [ ppF f, ppA acc ] pp (Scanr f e acc) = "scanr" .$ [ ppF f, ppE e, ppA acc ] pp (Scanr' f e acc) = "scanr'" .$ [ ppF f, ppE e, ppA acc ] pp (Scanr1 f acc) = "scanr1" .$ [ ppF f, ppA acc ] pp (Permute f dfts p acc) = "permute" .$ [ ppF f, ppA dfts, ppF p, ppA acc ] pp (Backpermute sh p acc) = "backpermute" .$ [ ppE sh, ppF p, ppA acc ] pp (Aforeign ff _afun acc) = "aforeign" .$ [ text (strForeign ff), {- ppAf afun, -} ppA acc ] pp (Stencil sten bndy acc) = "stencil" .$ [ ppF sten, ppB acc bndy, ppA acc ] pp (Stencil2 sten bndy1 acc1 bndy2 acc2) = "stencil2" .$ [ ppF sten, ppB acc1 bndy1, ppA acc1, ppB acc2 bndy2, ppA acc2 ] -- Pretty print a function over array computations. -- prettyAfun :: Int -> OpenAfun aenv t -> Doc prettyAfun = prettyPreAfun prettyOpenAcc prettyPreAfun :: forall acc aenv fun. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv fun -> Doc prettyPreAfun pp alvl fun = let (n, bodyDoc) = count n fun in char '\\' <> hsep [text $ 'a' : show idx | idx <- [0..n]] <+> text "->" <+> bodyDoc where count :: Int -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv' fun' -> (Int, Doc) count lvl (Abody body) = (-1, pp (lvl + alvl + 1) noParens body) count lvl (Alam fun') = let (n, body) = count lvl fun' in (1 + n, body) -- Pretty print a function over scalar expressions. -- prettyFun :: Int -> OpenFun env aenv fun -> Doc prettyFun = prettyPreFun prettyOpenAcc prettyPreFun :: PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv fun -> Doc prettyPreFun pp = prettyPreOpenFun pp 0 prettyPreOpenFun :: forall acc env aenv fun. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> Int -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv fun -> Doc prettyPreOpenFun pp lvl alvl fun = let (n, bodyDoc) = count n fun in char '\\' <> hsep [text $ 'x' : show idx | idx <- [lvl..n]] <+> text "->" <+> bodyDoc where count :: Int -> PreOpenFun acc env' aenv' fun' -> (Int, Doc) count l (Body body) = (lvl-1, prettyPreExp pp (l + 1) alvl noParens body) count l (Lam fun') = let (n, body) = count l fun' in (1 + n, body) -- Pretty print an expression. -- -- * Apply the wrapping combinator (3rd argument) to any compound expressions. -- prettyExp :: Int -> Int -> (Doc -> Doc) -> OpenExp env aenv t -> Doc prettyExp = prettyPreExp prettyOpenAcc prettyPreExp :: forall acc t env aenv. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -- level of scalar variables -> Int -- level of array variables -> (Doc -> Doc) -- apply to compound expressions -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> Doc prettyPreExp prettyAcc lvl alvl wrap = pp where ppE, ppE' :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv e -> Doc ppE = prettyPreExp prettyAcc lvl alvl parens ppE' = prettyPreExp prettyAcc lvl alvl noParens ppF :: PreOpenFun acc env aenv f -> Doc ppF = parens . prettyPreOpenFun prettyAcc lvl alvl ppA :: acc aenv a -> Doc ppA = prettyAcc alvl parens -- pretty print a named array operation with its arguments name .$ docs = wrap $ text name <+> sep docs -- The main pretty-printer -- ----------------------- -- pp :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> Doc pp (Let e1 e2) | not (isLet e1) && isLet e2 = wrap $ vcat [ text "let" <+> x <+> equals <+> e1' <+> text "in", e2' ] | otherwise = wrap $ vcat [ hang (text "let" <+> x <+> equals) 2 e1', text "in" <+> e2' ] where isLet (Let _ _) = True isLet _ = False e1' = prettyPreExp prettyAcc lvl alvl noParens e1 e2' = prettyPreExp prettyAcc (lvl+1) alvl noParens e2 x = char 'x' <> int lvl pp (PrimApp p a) | infixOp, Tuple (NilTup `SnocTup` x `SnocTup` y) <- a = wrap $ ppE x <+> f <+> ppE y | otherwise = wrap $ f' <+> ppE a where -- sometimes the infix function arguments are obstructed. If so, add -- parentheses and print prefix. -- (infixOp, f) = prettyPrim p f' = if infixOp then parens f else f pp (PrimConst a) = prettyConst a pp (Tuple tup) = prettyTuple prettyAcc lvl alvl tup pp (Var idx) = text $ 'x' : show (lvl - idxToInt idx - 1) pp (Const v) = text $ show (toElt v :: t) pp (Prj idx e) = wrap $ char '#' <> prettyTupleIdx idx <+> ppE e pp (Cond c t e) = wrap $ sep [ ppE c, char '?' , tuple [ ppE' t, ppE' e ]] pp IndexNil = char 'Z' pp (IndexAny) = text "indexAny" pp (IndexCons t h) = wrap $ ppE' t <+> text ":." <+> ppE' h pp (IndexHead ix) = "indexHead" .$ [ ppE ix ] pp (IndexTail ix) = "indexTail" .$ [ ppE ix ] pp (IndexSlice _ slix sh) = "indexSlice" .$ [ ppE slix, ppE sh ] pp (IndexFull _ slix sl) = "indexFull" .$ [ ppE slix, ppE sl ] pp (ToIndex sh ix) = "toIndex" .$ [ ppE sh, ppE ix ] pp (FromIndex sh ix) = "fromIndex" .$ [ ppE sh, ppE ix ] pp (While p f x) = "while" .$ [ ppF p, ppF f, ppE x ] pp (Foreign ff _f e) = "foreign" .$ [ text (strForeign ff), {- ppF f, -} ppE e ] pp (Shape idx) = "shape" .$ [ ppA idx ] pp (ShapeSize idx) = "shapeSize" .$ [ parens (ppE idx) ] pp (Intersect sh1 sh2) = "intersect" .$ [ ppE sh1, ppE sh2 ] pp (Index idx i) = wrap $ cat [ ppA idx, char '!', ppE i ] pp (LinearIndex idx i) = wrap $ cat [ ppA idx, text "!!", ppE i ] -- Pretty print nested pairs as a proper tuple. -- prettyAtuple :: forall acc aenv t. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> Atuple (acc aenv) t -> Doc prettyAtuple pp alvl = tuple . collect where collect :: Atuple (acc aenv) t' -> [Doc] collect NilAtup = [] collect (SnocAtup tup a) = collect tup ++ [pp alvl noParens a] prettyTuple :: forall acc env aenv t. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> Int -> Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) t -> Doc prettyTuple pp lvl alvl = tuple . collect where collect :: Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) t' -> [Doc] collect NilTup = [] collect (SnocTup tup e) = collect tup ++ [prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl noParens e] -- Pretty print an index for a tuple projection -- prettyTupleIdx :: TupleIdx t e -> Doc prettyTupleIdx = int . toInt where toInt :: TupleIdx t e -> Int toInt ZeroTupIdx = 0 toInt (SuccTupIdx tup) = toInt tup + 1 -- Pretty print a primitive constant -- prettyConst :: PrimConst a -> Doc prettyConst (PrimMinBound _) = text "minBound" prettyConst (PrimMaxBound _) = text "maxBound" prettyConst (PrimPi _) = text "pi" -- Pretty print a primitive operation. The first parameter indicates whether the -- operator should be printed infix. -- prettyPrim :: PrimFun a -> (Bool, Doc) prettyPrim (PrimAdd _) = (True, char '+') prettyPrim (PrimSub _) = (True, char '-') prettyPrim (PrimMul _) = (True, char '*') prettyPrim (PrimNeg _) = (False, text "negate") prettyPrim (PrimAbs _) = (False, text "abs") prettyPrim (PrimSig _) = (False, text "signum") prettyPrim (PrimQuot _) = (False, text "quot") prettyPrim (PrimRem _) = (False, text "rem") prettyPrim (PrimIDiv _) = (False, text "div") prettyPrim (PrimMod _) = (False, text "mod") prettyPrim (PrimBAnd _) = (True, text ".&.") prettyPrim (PrimBOr _) = (True, text ".|.") prettyPrim (PrimBXor _) = (False, text "xor") prettyPrim (PrimBNot _) = (False, text "complement") prettyPrim (PrimBShiftL _) = (False, text "shiftL") prettyPrim (PrimBShiftR _) = (False, text "shiftR") prettyPrim (PrimBRotateL _) = (False, text "rotateL") prettyPrim (PrimBRotateR _) = (False, text "rotateR") prettyPrim (PrimFDiv _) = (True, char '/') prettyPrim (PrimRecip _) = (False, text "recip") prettyPrim (PrimSin _) = (False, text "sin") prettyPrim (PrimCos _) = (False, text "cos") prettyPrim (PrimTan _) = (False, text "tan") prettyPrim (PrimAsin _) = (False, text "asin") prettyPrim (PrimAcos _) = (False, text "acos") prettyPrim (PrimAtan _) = (False, text "atan") prettyPrim (PrimAsinh _) = (False, text "asinh") prettyPrim (PrimAcosh _) = (False, text "acosh") prettyPrim (PrimAtanh _) = (False, text "atanh") prettyPrim (PrimExpFloating _) = (False, text "exp") prettyPrim (PrimSqrt _) = (False, text "sqrt") prettyPrim (PrimLog _) = (False, text "log") prettyPrim (PrimFPow _) = (True, text "**") prettyPrim (PrimLogBase _) = (False, text "logBase") prettyPrim (PrimTruncate _ _) = (False, text "truncate") prettyPrim (PrimRound _ _) = (False, text "round") prettyPrim (PrimFloor _ _) = (False, text "floor") prettyPrim (PrimCeiling _ _) = (False, text "ceiling") prettyPrim (PrimAtan2 _) = (False, text "atan2") prettyPrim (PrimLt _) = (True, text "<*") prettyPrim (PrimGt _) = (True, text ">*") prettyPrim (PrimLtEq _) = (True, text "<=*") prettyPrim (PrimGtEq _) = (True, text ">=*") prettyPrim (PrimEq _) = (True, text "==*") prettyPrim (PrimNEq _) = (True, text "/=*") prettyPrim (PrimMax _) = (False, text "max") prettyPrim (PrimMin _) = (False, text "min") prettyPrim PrimLAnd = (True, text "&&*") prettyPrim PrimLOr = (True, text "||*") prettyPrim PrimLNot = (False, text "not") prettyPrim PrimOrd = (False, text "ord") prettyPrim PrimChr = (False, text "chr") prettyPrim PrimBoolToInt = (False, text "boolToInt") prettyPrim (PrimFromIntegral _ _) = (False, text "fromIntegral") {- -- Pretty print type -- prettyAnyType :: ScalarType a -> Doc prettyAnyType ty = text $ show ty -} -- TLM: seems to flatten the nesting structure -- prettyArrays :: ArraysR arrs -> arrs -> Doc prettyArrays arrs = tuple . collect arrs where collect :: ArraysR arrs -> arrs -> [Doc] collect ArraysRunit _ = [] collect ArraysRarray arr = [prettyArray arr] collect (ArraysRpair r1 r2) (a1, a2) = collect r1 a1 ++ collect r2 a2 prettyArray :: forall dim e. Array dim e -> Doc prettyArray arr@(Array sh _) = hang (text "Array") 2 $ sep [ parens . text $ showShape (toElt sh :: dim) , dataDoc] where showDoc :: forall a. Show a => a -> Doc showDoc = text . show l = toList arr dataDoc | length l <= 1000 = showDoc l | otherwise = showDoc (take 1000 l) <+> text "{truncated at 1000 elements}" -- Auxiliary pretty printing combinators -- noParens :: Doc -> Doc noParens = id tuple :: [Doc] -> Doc tuple = encloseSep lparen rparen comma encloseSep :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc encloseSep left right p ds = case ds of [] -> left <> right [d] -> left <> d <> right _ -> cat (zipWith (<>) (left : repeat p) ds) <> right -- Auxiliary ops -- -- Auxiliary dictionary operations -- {- -- Show scalar values -- runScalarShow :: ScalarType a -> (a -> String) runScalarShow (NumScalarType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = show runScalarShow (NumScalarType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = show runScalarShow (NonNumScalarType ty) | NonNumDict <- nonNumDict ty = show -}