Module      : Text.ABNF.Parser
Description : ABNF Parser
Copyright   : (c) Martin Zeller, 2016
License     : BSD2
Maintainer  : Martin Zeller <mz.bremerhaven@gmail.com>
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable

This module provides facilities to parse ABNF documents.
To parse documents using ABNF, see "Text.ABNF.Document.Parser"

The parser you will most likely be interested in is 'rulelist'
module Text.ABNF.Parser where

import Prelude hiding (repeat)

import Data.Char (ord, isHexDigit, digitToInt)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Numeric (readInt)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Text

import Text.ABNF.Parser.Types

identifier :: Parser Identifier
identifier = Text.pack <$> do
    firstChar <- letterChar
    otherChars <- many $ alphaNumChar <|> char '-'
    pure (firstChar:otherChars)

rulelist :: Parser [Rule]
rulelist = catMaybes <$> (some $ Just <$> rule <|> (many wsp *> c_nl *> pure Nothing))

rule :: Parser Rule
rule = Rule <$> identifier
            <*> defined_as
            <*> elements
            <* c_nl

defined_as :: Parser DefinedAs
defined_as = many c_wsp *> ((try (string "=/") *> pure Adds)
                         <|> try (string "=")  *> pure Equals) <* many c_wsp

elements :: Parser SumSpec
elements = alternation <* many wsp

c_wsp :: Parser String
c_wsp = sequence [wsp] <|> (try $ do
    newl <- c_nl
    white <- wsp
    pure $ newl ++ [white])

c_nl :: Parser String
c_nl = comment <|> crlf

comment :: Parser String
comment = char ';' *> many (wsp <|> vchar) <* crlf

alternation :: Parser SumSpec
alternation = (do
    first <- concatenation
    rest <- many (try (many c_wsp *> char '/') *> many c_wsp *> concatenation)
    pure . SumSpec $ first:rest) <?> "alternation"

concatenation :: Parser ProductSpec
concatenation = (do
    first <- repetition
    rest <- many (try $ some c_wsp *> repetition)
    pure . ProductSpec $ first:rest) <?> "concatenation"

repetition :: Parser Repetition
repetition = Repetition <$> repeat <*> element

repeat :: Parser Repeat
repeat = try asteriskNumbers <|> try singleNumber <|> pure (Repeat 1 (Just 1))
        singleNumber = Repeat 1 <$> (Just . read <$> some digitChar)
        asteriskNumbers = do
            firstNumber <- option 0 (read <$> some digitChar)
            char '*'
            secondNumber <- optional (read <$> some digitChar)
            pure $ Repeat firstNumber secondNumber

element :: Parser Element
element = RuleElement' <$> identifier
      <|> GroupElement <$> group
      <|> OptionElement <$> option_
      <|> LiteralElement <$> literal

group :: Parser Group
group = Group <$>
    (char '(' *> many c_wsp *> alternation <* many c_wsp <* char ')')

option_ :: Parser Group
option_ = Group <$>
    (char '[' *> many c_wsp *> alternation <* many c_wsp <* char ']')

literal :: Parser Literal
literal = CharLit <$> char_val <|> NumLit <$> num_val <|> CharLit <$> prose_val

char_val :: Parser Text.Text
char_val = Text.pack <$> (char '"' *> many schar <* char '"')
        schar = satisfy (\c -> ord c >= 0x20 && ord c <= 0x21
                            || ord c >= 0x23 && ord c <= 0x7E)

num_val :: Parser NumLit
num_val = char '%' *> (bin_val <|> dec_val <|> hex_val)

{-# WARNING bin_val "readBinInt is unsafe" #-}
bin_val :: Parser NumLit
bin_val = num_val' 'b' binInt
        readBinInt :: String -> Int
        readBinInt = fst . head . readInt 2
            (`elem` ['0', '1'])
        binInt = readBinInt <$> many (char '0' <|> char '1')

dec_val :: Parser NumLit
dec_val = num_val' 'd' readInt
        readInt :: Parser Int
        readInt = read <$> some digitChar

{-# WARNING hex_val "readHexInt is unsafe" #-}
hex_val :: Parser NumLit
hex_val = num_val' 'x' hexInt
        readHexInt :: String -> Int
        readHexInt = fst . head . readInt 16 isHexDigit digitToInt
        hexInt = readHexInt <$> many hexDigitChar

num_val' :: Char -> Parser Int -> Parser NumLit
num_val' c hexInt = do
    char c
    digits <- hexInt
    intLit digits <|> rangeLit digits <|> pure (IntLit [digits])
        intLit' :: Parser [Int]
        intLit' = some $ char '.' *> hexInt

        intLit first = do
            rest <- intLit'
            pure $ IntLit (first:rest)

        rangeLit :: Int -> Parser NumLit
        rangeLit startRange = do
            char '-'
            endRange <- hexInt
            pure $ RangeLit startRange endRange

        --readHexInt :: String -> Int
        --readHexInt = fst . head . readInt 16 isHexDigit digitToInt
        --hexInt = readHexInt <$> many hexDigitChar

prose_val :: Parser Text.Text
prose_val = Text.pack <$> (char '<' *> many pchar <* char '>')
        pchar = satisfy (\c -> ord c >= 0x20 && ord c <= 0x3D
                            || ord c >= 0x3F && ord c <= 0x7E)

vchar :: Parser Char
vchar = satisfy (\c -> ord c >= 0x21 && ord c <= 0x7E)

wsp :: Parser Char
wsp = char ' ' <|> char '\t'