# WeakSets This is a Haskell package which defines sets and maps in a more general way than Data.Set and Data.Map of the containers package. This package answers three problems : * how to make sets of types which do not implement the Ord typeclass (which is required by Data.Set), this problem is solved by `Data.WeakSet`; * how to make maps of types which do not implement the Ord typeclass, this problem is solved by `Data.WeakMap`. Data.WeakSet and Data.WeakMap are (almost) backward compatible with Data.Set and Data.Map. Therefore you can replace your imports of Data.Set to Data.WeakSet and Data.Map.Strict to Data.WeakMap safely. There a a few functions which require to add an Eq typeclass as a requirement. Some functions are not implemented as they really need the Ord typeclass, if you use them you should use Data.Set or Data.Map. ## General info A `WeakSet` is a list where duplicates elements and the order of elements are disregarded. Its stronger counterpart is Data.Set. Most of the functions related to `WeakSet` require the Eq typeclass. A `WeakMap` is an association list where duplicates entries and the order of pairs are disregarded. Its stronger counterpart is Data.Map. Most of the functions related to `WeakMap` require the Eq typeclass. ## Installation `cabal install WeakSets` ## Usage Example usage of weak sets : ```haskell ghci> import Data.WeakSet.Safe ghci> data Foo = Foo Int Char deriving (Eq, Show) -- an arbitrary type which is not required to implement Ord typeclass ghci> s1 = set [Foo 3 'a', Foo 2 'c', Foo 3 'a'] ghci> s2 = set [Foo 2 'c', Foo 3 'a'] ghci> s1 == s2 True ghci> s3 = set [Foo 2 'c', Foo 3 'a'] ghci> s4 = s1 ||| s3 ghci> s4 (set [Foo 3 'a',Foo 2 'c',Foo 3 'a',Foo 2 'c',Foo 3 'a']) ghci> cardinal s4 2 ``` Example usage of weak maps : ```haskell ghci> import Data.WeakMap.Safe ghci> data Foo = Foo Int Char deriving (Eq) -- an arbitrary type which is not required to implement Ord typeclass ghci> m1 = weakMap [(Foo 3 'a',1), (Foo 2 'c',5), (Foo 3 'a',3)] ghci> m1 |!| (Foo 2 'c') 5 ``` ## Contribution Any input is appreciated ! Send an email for any remark or question. The git repository : https://gitlab.utc.fr/gsabbagh/sets